Prince Species in The Grand Sphere | World Anvil


Though outwardly human, there's no denying that the Emperor's children are far removed from the typical citizen of the Empire. The biggest sign is the fact that they seem to share their father's apparent immortality, but there are other, more subtle, differences that are less well known. Though a number of them have been or are involved romantically, none of these unions have ever resulted in children, leading many to speculate that they're infertile. In addition, every single one of them is extraordinarily—compared to the general population—magically gifted, and as such even the youngest and least inclined of them are formidable mages.   These are the three traits that are general knowledge, but there are an unknown number of hidden qualities that few know of, and an even greater number of rumoured ones that are almost certainly complete nonsense. It has become an unspoken, ongoing game among the princes to inspire this latter group and see how far they can go before people draw the line. The current champion is Sixth Prince Daedarian who claims to have started the popular belief among peasants that they're all hermaphrodites.

Basic Information


As far as anyone can tell they're identical to regular humans in prime physical condition.

Genetics and Reproduction

They don't, apparently.

Growth Rate & Stages

They mature at the same rate as humans but seem to stop developing after the age of twenty-five or so.

Ecology and Habitats

Palaces, mostly.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While they can theoretically eat anything that a human can, they're known to have highly discerning palates.

Biological Cycle

The general consensus seems to be that they prefer summer over the other seasons.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There's a definite pecking order among the princes that's mostly based on age and achievement.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They're mostly used as leaders and symbols of the Empire, along with keeping the nobility in check.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They mostly stay on Sancterr but Third Prince Haebelian is currently in Caloterr.

Average Intelligence

Very high.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Depends on who you ask. They're at the very least equal to humans but it's believed they can see in the dark like a cat.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
No prince has as yet died, so it's impossible to say.
Conservation Status
Average Physique
It seems they're physically incapable of being unfit.


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