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Coliver's Fortress

About a mile inside the boundary of the Knatha (kah-nah-tha) Wilds is a cave. While some Wandering Wilds have been known to transform into cave terrains, this cave is unique because it never changes. The wilds around it continue to shift, but for some unknown reason, this cave never does. (Though it is subject to the effects of the surrounding terrain, so it often floods when the Knatha Wilds as a whole shift to watery terrains, or may gather sand, dirt, or other detritus.)   This cave was only recently discovered when a researcher who had gotten lost during a shifting period (from forest to swamp) followed a rabbit there. Several animals were waiting in the unchanging area as the ground swelled and sank.   Preliminary tests of the cave have shown that it is shielded from magic, though why is still unclear. No runes can be written inside the cave (the ink, which is concentrated magic, doesn’t even appear) nor does existing magic continue. A Tutum, for example, reacts nearly nonstop throughout the wandering wild, but as soon as the threshold of the cave is crossed, it grows inert. Magical plants too lose their abilities, but only while inside. The cave does not undo or destroy any magic (all items though inert inside the cave, regain their qualities as soon as they are taken out again), only neutralizes.   This cave was named after a fabled anti-magician of the Open Realm Period (the era when all roamed the Upper Realm freely, before it was sealed away) and the mythic founder of the city of Haven. He was one of the first half-mortals born in the Upper Realm, and he was quick to choose a life of non-magic despite his propensity for it. (Haveners love him because he signifies the choice to avoid magic.)

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