Chantry Notice: Post ILS 23

Historical Details

Public Reaction

This one page document was rolled out of the College of Welkford in the wake of the mass migration of the MIstwalkers out of the Valley of Mists by The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule to the Goblin Settlement at the behest of Ilgor of the Skullbrood Clan during the second Great War with the Caliphate.
The, to say mixed reaction, from the general public of the accounts of the Mistwalkers actual religious beliefs had caused an inflammatory reaction of the faithful Sorority of Azu. The Mistwalkers were led from their ancestral homeland to a new one, and were given a once in a lifetime opportunity to converse with humanity on an unprecedented level. Their entire protection being given by the Goblins in a joint passage led by the Rhojic at the command of both Gjorn Fourth king of Dwarves and the The Elsewhere.
The reasoning behind such an upheaval is largely unknown to the general population of Huron, beyond the fact that the Mistwalkers leaving the valley now made it a proverbial wall. The Kingdom of Huron now effectively being split in two, left nerves raw and touchy. So the news that the Mistwalkers truly believed Azu was an entirely different deity altogether, and that Syn is the true source of her power, left many speechless.
When the Walkers were able to demonstrate many of their words vs the words of the Sorority, it had broken the faith in the seat of its power. An entire branch of the Eight DIvines falling from Canon in its aftermath, riots and demolitions of many of the temples to any of the gods were the initial outcome of this document. Being seen as nothing more than a corrupt church trying desperately to cling to any sense of authority.


The ultimate result of this document was manifold. The first being that the document had largely unintentionally discredited the College of Welkford as a religious institution, being seen more as a state funded puppet and mouth piece. The second being that it had destabilized public relations between the Chantry and the population, leaving the spark of rebellion to smoke and eventually catch fire. However, the most pressing and lasting issue is this; This document is credited with being the catalyst for the fall of the State of Huron to the Zybtine Caliphate for all the reasons credited above.
Decree, Religious
Signatories (Organizations)


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