Goblins of the Skullbrood Clan

As seen in
The Village

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Women of the family typically have names that end in an "I", "y" or a vowel. Examples being: Kari, Cori, Misry. Though more unisex names given to women are sometimes given a treatment to align more with this naming convention. Ilgor being the prime example, where her nickname in the clan is "Illy".

Masculine names

Men of the family typically have names that have harsh staccato variations of consonants. Usually ending in anything except a vowel, their names have a weightier vocalization in their language, rather than a lilting tone used by women. Examples being: Yorm, Ghet, Yvet, Hob, Til, Knoll.

Other names


The family recognises three titles they hold in the highest regard. Those being for the Chief and the High Priestess. The Chief is seen as a symbolic Father to the Clan, as his duty to the clan is to protect and aid them in everything in matters of mortal planes. Whether this is teaching the clan to fight and hunt, to matters or more personal detail. The Father is the Guiding hand to the family to follow. Thus the titles of Chief and Father are used interchangeably, though Chief is much more common.
The High Priestess is seen as the symbolic Mother to the Clan, as her duties to guide and nurture everyone in matters of Faith, spirit and magic. She is the light in which the clan follows to learn and grow from. Incidentally, this has led to the Mother being a much more respected position in the Clan than the Chief is as Chiefs can change many times over during the life of the Mother. The Mother is a lifelong position until a new priestess is chosen. While her title is High Priestess, she is invariably called Mother.
The Final Title recognised by the Family, is The Great Father. This title being reserves exclusively for their god, Bhal. As in their faith, he is the original protector of the family, the one to give them their rules, their traditions, and their power to continue on endlessly.


Major language groups and dialects

The Clan speaks a variant of Elder Fae, similar to the Mistwalkers. Though their variant is rooted in a much more accurate depiction as their speech dips in and out of audible hearing range as discussed in Medical Text: Goblin ear structures lecture given by the College of Welkford. Their language borders along the traditional, though their higher pitched voice while speaking, the common folk often mistake the language for nothing more than bird song.
Their dialect is heavily influenced by the holy books written from a time before the Dawn of Truths. Where a certain Arabic and French influence can be heard. In the sense that words often string together and change in meaning as words are spoken, though still heavily leaning on gendered words. This being the prime difference to the Mistwalkers, as their variant of the language is no longer following this rule.

Shared customary codes and values

The goblins view the entire clan as their family, regardless of actual blood relations. Anyone who is a goblin or accepted into the clan is referred to as Brother or Sister or family if referring to many individuals. While, this is seen as odd by the Kingdom Of Galus for what precious little is known to them about the goblins of the Ancient Forest. Though that feeling of belonging and connection is strong for all in the Clan, this does not interfere with partnerships made by members of the family.
The entirety of the clan also follows the doctrines set by their faith unanimously without question. Valuing those who are proficient in combat, tactics and resource effectiveness. They seek to see the Glory of their god realized as they hold glory above all. Though, this sentiment has begun to break down under the Leadership of the current Chief Yorm.
Under his Reign, the clan has stagnated. Leading to different values to appear in the clan, those being ones with visions of brighter futures. They have placed less value on combat, and glory as the needs of the family have turned from their faith to their survival. Under the current era of the new blood in the clan, they have begun to hold wisdom, forethought and tactics to be the quintessential virtues to be followed.

The Raiders

As each Raider strives to fight like a leaf on the wind, the Braided hair tradition is reinforced further. Going along the idea that their braids hold them to the earth. The raiders being the group of goblins that typically have both the longest briads as well as the wildest hair. The Raid Leaders constantly push their raiders to be faster, fleet of foot, and agile both on the ground and through the trees. Cori, Illy and Ghet being prime examples of this mentality. Each of the three being seen as elite fighters among their people, nearly peerless in their speed.
Raiders who have proven an affinity to combat, are sometimes given the right to lead as Raid Leader. Often this will be obtained by a Raider challenging the standing Leader to a duel. The victor is awarded the title and the status, this fight is to be observed by the Chief. Who will declare the victor, and allow the victor the title and status. While these are brutal fights, they are rarely fatal. The High Priestess being in close proximity should the need to heal them arise. The bested will not be thought of less for the defeat, though they will lose their status as such in the clan.
The other much less common way to earn the title is a very circumstantial event. A raiding party must have recently lost their leader in death, or stepped down due to various reasons. Health, age, being the primary reasons for such an act. Though, embarrasment has been observed should a raid go particularly poorly. The other aspect to this path is that no one else has stepped up to take the title themselves. In this event, the Chief will choose a raider who has earned the respect of the others, and award them the status and title. This happens to be the method Ilgor became a Raid Leader.
The title is passed fairly often due to the cultural demand of their Faith. As each member of the family seeks to earn glory for Bhal, they typically challenge each other frequently. Now, long standing Raid leaders who have managed to hold the title eventually become challengers for the Chief. However, one aspect that seems to go overlooked by even the clan, that the respect held by the Raid Leaders is transcendent across roles. Meaning someone who was taken out of the role and placed into another, may still be observed as the true authority of a raid crew even if they have a new raid leader. There is no tradition saying that the raiders need follow the orders of the current raid leader, only that the fighters acknowledge the feat.

Common Etiquette rules

It is common for the clan to invite others to share a drink or to gossip as a pseudo-expectation. To not be offered a place at the seat of another's proverbial table is seen to them as a dismissal. Though the one exception being that from the Chief and the High Priestess, they are not expected to ask, as they move from place to place without regard.
It is also expected by the goblins who have differences among them, predominantly men who are vying for power and position, to engage in a greeting. This greeting entails two of the family walking up to each other and disarming the other, dropping their weapons to the ground. To which the two will speak their initial thoughts of the other. Thought to be a way to equalize the opposition, to keep the peace.
The family is fond of sharing drink with each other as well. Knoll having made one of the most frequented places in the entire clan, the tavern being the repository where all of the family stores their drink for later ablutions of spirits. This has become more of a token gesture over the last few years in the clan as more and more bottles are "procured", though it is seen by them as a strengthening of long standing friendships and the beginnings of new ones.
The Clan is also expected to treat anyone who shows them respect, the same respect they'd give to the Chief or the High Priestess. Any member of the family found not doing so, is harshly punished by the Chief. Though while the goblins are raiders by tradition, they are much more lenient with those that cooperate with them rather than outright attack them in retaliation.

Common Dress code

While men and women typically wear the same clothes, with the only truly gendered article of clothing belonging to the High Priestess and/or her Acolyte. Which is a ceremonial dress. Richly stitched with rune structures along the collar and along the inside hem of the false necklace down the chest. The garment is split high along the sides, exposing their legs for a much larger range of mobility. This garment is worn exclusively by women of the clan during a Marriage Ceremony or simply everyday wear by the Priestess'.
The real difference here lies in how men and women wear their hair. Men typically have shorter, though short meaning it doesn't go all the way to the floor when it isn't in a braid, hair and shorter braids. Men favor a swept back look for their hair, and the braids typically only reach their shoulder blades or the small of their back.
Women have a very windswept look about them, with a single pleated braid running all the way down to their thighs or nearly touching the ground. When they don't have it up in a braid their hair quite literally pools around them. As of late due to Ilgor wearing the Harpy Brood Mother's feathers in her hair, many of the women began copying the motif. Though the meaning behind it isn't well known, Cori and Kari are aware of it, it has recently become fashionable.
Both men and women of the Family are fond of ornamentation. Many have various piercings and patterned scaring somewhere on their bodies. They will typically favor their ears near the bases having banded brass or copper earrings that wrap around the ear, some taking the extra effort to etch various patterns into the metal surfaces. Exemplified by Cori who has the vast array of piercings in her ears, though the large iron ring she wears never comes off. They will swap out the piercings with each other in a ritualistic manner, bathing the metal in flame to cleanse them before handing them over.
Aesthetic of the Forest
Generic article | May 15, 2024

Brief rundown of typical Goblin Fashion, and sensibilities

Body art
As for the patterned scaring, this is typically only seen in the Raiders who are not shy about pain. While this is not seen as a painful artistic pursuit, it does involve almost as much pain as a tattoo. Where the member of the family will lightly cut at their skin in whatever pattern they choose over the course of a few weeks. After the process, they leave a faint visible scar to adorn their bodies. They are fond of swirling patterns reminiscent of branches of trees or waves on the water. This practice is overseen by the Priestess of the clan, as in times past this would cause infections that were difficult to cure. Over time this has taken on a pseudo-religious connotation for those who choose to do so.   Those who suffer from an injury in a fight or battle, wear these scars with a pride only known to the goblins. However, the Priestess will cleanse the instruments for the process to begin. This being an obsidian blade procured long ago, that is blessed with runes of purity to dispel infection. This being done the skin is also cleaned with strong spirits for the same effect. Seen as a way of proving they can withstand any trial of flesh given to them by their god Bhal, many have at least one of these patterns on their bodies. Regardless of whether the member of the family has passed their Trail into adulthood or not, this practice is open to all.

Foods & Cuisine

The outsiders will talk, those not of the family will say what they will. The goblins are not without their eccentricities, as one of the foods the family particularly enjoys is sweet meats. Whether it is candied bacon, time spent in much ado as the family huddles over the treat. Or honeyed hams and syrup doused sausages. The family cannot get enough of the stuff.
While food is being brought back, supplies are run from raided sites, one of the first things asked for is meat and sugar. The Clan having been the creators of a particular style of candied meats, their treat has made a certain amount of notoriety in Willow Brook and Glaion. While the citizens do not know the origin of the process, they all enjoy it to a large degree

Basic Recipe

  1. Choose any side of meat, preferable to have been aged or salted to offset the felicitous grace of sugar.
  2. Cut the chosen meat into thin slices lengthwise and fry the pieces in any oil or lard available. Preferably matching oils and lards to the animal used.
  3. Allow the fried meat to cool as in a large vessel melt an amount of sugar, raw or molasses.
  4. Heat until fluid but not burned, place the fried meat in the bottom of the vessel in a thin layer.
  5. Allow the sugar to crystalize on the surface of the meat and remove after the desired amount has been attained.
  6. Scrape away the excess, and put it back in the vessel. Do not waste your precious sugar, decanting away any fat from the mixture.
  7. Make several dozen pounds of the treat, as the family will never be happy with the amount you have made.
The clan is also very fond of finding new ways to cook with the abundant seafood that thrives just off the reefs situated only a few hundred feet from the shoreline of the bluffs they call home. The tidal pools being particular interest to them as they are able to find octopus, clams, oysters, urchins and many other delicacies not seen in the Kingdom Of Galus
Recipe for Sweet Trout
Document | Apr 18, 2024

Popular dish during the early summer for the Goblins

During the Season of Life where their forested hills are drenched in rain and snowmelt, dry wood and usable coal deposits are a rarity until they dry out later in the spring. These sea life commodities are typically eaten raw, in the style of sushi and sashimi, the sea food is left in a fermenting grain to preserve them. In the case of the goblins, it happens to be whatever grain is at hand, the low amounts of alcohol produced staves off infectious food borne illness. Allowing the goblins to eat their catch in relative safety, though things like soy sauce and hoisin are highly coveted by the clan.
Though, I should add. From before the hostilities with the Clan, they were not aware of the same practices used in the southern shores of the Bhthic Desert region. Unaware of these terms, Sushi and Sashimi, nor the practices used to do so. It was amazing to see them use something so foreign on our shores, under their own intuition. -Palatial Chef of Galus, Formerly a Ranger for Fort De Namoux
These particular items being one of the few things the family has been known to directly trade for, as damaging the commodity is avoided at all cost. Salt being plentiful, having known how to distill seawater to acquire it has been known for many generations, thus salting the catch is used extensively. Though when able, they prefer not to, as it degrades flavor and palatability considerably. Preferring the fresher taste and the above mentioned sauces to enhance the subtlety of the food in general.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals


Mother will often spend the majority of her morning helping the boys and girls redo their braids as they come apart in their sleep. The High Priestess does this to strengthen the connection with the children to her and the Father each day, using the time to get closer to the newer members of the family. While this also reinforces the religious teachings the Mother preaches, the braid each family member wears in homage to their ancient heroes found in their holy books.
The Mother will sometimes tell them stories of these heroes, braids so long as to be tails. The braid itself is symbolic to their Faith in the oldest parts of the Holy book, where the goblins with the strongest magical abilities would be bound by nothing but their hair to maintain a connection to the ground. As these heroes would have the abilities to move like a leaf on the wind, levitate and be unbound by the laws of gravity. This braid is seen as the tether to the earth, lest they lose themselves in their magic and float off away forever.

Song and Voice

The family holds song and oral tradition to be paramount in every ceremony. As exemplified in their chanting of prayers and recitals, they view their voices as divine conduits for power. Strengthened only by their Faith in Bhal. The family will routinely hum to themselves without conscious thought of their actions, humming familiar songs that double as prayers. Leading the caves to be filled with what outsiders describe as a “glorious cacophony of bird song”. It is remarkably rare to enter the village without hearing some form of music at all times.
Lively and boisterous, their caves are filled with their voices, soft and warbling. Echoed off each other in overlapping symphonies of song, conversation and gossip. The religious edged sermons of the Priestess cut through the din, while the barked orders of the Raiders and the Chief back lit the enclave. It can be much for non-goblins. Their attention being pulled in a dozen directions, as their inborn abilities take hold of the mind, is overwhelming for all those who have never encountered it, or do not have the necessary mental training.
"In stark contrast to human, gnomish, and dwarven settlements, the sound of a crowd can be considered a backdrop to the soundscape around them. However, as goblins speak, this becomes the forefront of the attention. Impossible to ignore. Focus on your hands, focus. Feel the blood pump through them. Shift that attention up your arms, to your neck, finally to your ears. Focus, feel your blood through your ears. Focus, nothing else matters, when all you can hear is your own body working to support itself, only then listen to the noise around you. That is how you overcome their voices, do not break your focus, else you will have to do it again." - Gjorn Fourth king of Dwarves speaking to his Clan before they entered the goblin village for the first time.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

New Life

The birth of a child is a celebration held across the entire clan. All work and raiding coming to a standstill to see the new child and to congratulate the couple. Upon birth the child is nested in a fuzzy blanket and swaddled to sleep until the next night, where they will begin their induction into the family proper.
Three things are needed by the family to bless the child with the embrace of the family. First: the parents must wait until their child is nearly ready to open their eyes for the first time. Sometimes many attempts are needed before the event takes place. Second: the child must be brought under a cloudless night sky where all the fires in the village are extinguished in homage to their home in the stars, being bound by nothing more than the skies above them, as Bhal the Great Father created the stars and heavens for them to view in all their splendor. The Third and final: The parents must be able to sing their child awake to see the night sky for the very first time.
For the child to view their new home with voices full of love and joy. For the child to feel the welcoming embrace of the Great Father and the tenderness of the clan, is paramount. To see the joy on the child's face as their eyes fill with the image of night sky, the stars themselves dance in their gaze. Seen as a perfect reflection of the cosmos in their eyes. Parents will sometimes under the direction of Mother (The High Priestess) time their child's first look to be under a certain phase of the moon, or under a particular constellation.
For any reason these requirements not be met, and the child not view the stars as their first look into the world. They are seen as having a broken connection to Bhal, never being able to embrace their Great Father as they should. Thus, this failure to do so is extremely rare. Those children who are unable to be bathed in the light of the stars are raised by the High Priestess herself. Given such a preferential treatment as to never have a want in their life again. Under such cirsumstance, the rare Priest or second High Priestess is made for the clan to learn from. Though this second holy teacher is always seen as naught but a pupil and never a master.
This Religious ceremony is sacred to the Clan. The practice is an intensive multi-day affair where Mother indoctrinates a new acolyte to be granted the Blessing of Bhal. This blessing is a tangible interaction of a god directly associating with a mortal. While this isn't a unique occurrence as this type of blessing is practiced in all pantheons of The Great Tree, all gods do to some degree interact with their mortal subjects.
This blessing itself is made manifest by the Priestess being able to pray directly to the god and having a useful reaction occur. For instance a prayer for silence would, in fact, silence an area. While this does not mean that the god is beholden to the mortal, the Priestess does have their prayers answered quite frequently. What makes this blessing unique in the Glaion region, is that their god, Bhal, has no accepted place in the pantheon.
Bhal is an ostracized deity within the region, and hence the clan is the only one in which there is direct interaction with. However, Bhal is widely accepted in Zybtine and the Northern Wastes. He is known as The Destroyer, The Conqueror, The Endless Ambition, The Master, in many other parts of the continent.
The Ceremony itself is a seemingly simple one, though it has quite a few nuances to it. The ceremony begins with the Priestess and the chosen acolyte joining together in a prayer from "Mother to Daughter". The acolyte is then given a highly hallucinogenic mushroom found in the old forests in the foothills of the Vilathric Mountain range to the West, that is meant to induce a deep trance like sleep in the acolyte.
The acolyte is then surrounded by a number of small candles in a supposed rebirth in the fires of Bhal, While a long drawn out prayer to Bhal is then recited repeatedly for days. The Prayer is meant to allow Bhal to pass his blessing from the current priestess to the new one and thus a new priestess to the clan is made.
"You can only see the stars on the darkest of nights now. If I must be surrounded by darkness to see the lights, grant me the ability to see clearly. Grant me the wish of a cloudless night. Grant me yet another day..."     "To leave behind the fallen"     "I awoke with a haggard gasp. My voice was raw, thirsty, as if someone filled my mouth with sand. I saw Mother, head arched back, chanting. "For all those we leave behind, for those we make anew." Her eyes rolled back into her head. Then she vanished, in a gust of smoke, snuffing the circle of candles out around her." Ilgors Ceremony in Chapter 9, Dreams Unending in The Great Tree: Soft and Subtle Wind
The trance-like state in the acolyte is also meant to allow them to take a dream journey where they interact with Bhal in a number of ways. For example, many past priestesses dream of fighting by his side in a battle for the heavens. Or having Bhal come and defeat a great challenge and be inspired by this. It should be noted that many priestesses never having been battle hardened warriors find many of these dreams traumatic, and thus suffer from a brief spell of paranoia and PTSD, and nightmares.
Some also find the dream journey so difficult that it awakens latent magic abilities as a defense mechanism for the happenings in the dreams. It is unknown as to why some do this and others don't, some speculate that those with already powerful abilities are more susceptible to this as it is easier to tap into them when under duress.
The ceremony also allows the clan to participate as their new "Mother" is being created. Where the priestess will invite those around to paint the clan symbols for whatever the clan member wishes the new "Mother" to be, on the acolyte's body in warm wax.
The ceremony is meant to a relatively calm affair where leadership is passed from one to another.

Coming of Age Rites

Every member of the family is taken on one of two journeys. The first being the Prime Hunt, where the youngling is given nothing except a knife or spear. The young goblin is then forced to remember everything the Father and Mother have taught them: the layout of the Ancient wood, the animals inside, the plants to note. They are left for days, until a few outcomes are met. If the youngling has not returned to the village with a kill within a week, the entire clan is dispatched to find them. If the child is still alive, they will not be allowed to leave the village again. While this is seen as a punishment, in practice this allows the child to never have to worry about their future. They are taken care of, kept happy and hale, taught different skills still helpful to the clan. Though some would say this a gilded cage, many see it as a changing of roles.
If the child is able to bring back a kill of any kind, they are accepted into the Raiders. Where they will be taught how to fight, military tactics, decision making, and in the penultimate outcome; become the Chief of the clan. If the fledgling raider is seen as excelling in any particular area, they will be elevated to a Raid Leader. Where they will be given command of one of the three raid groups of the clan to acquire resources and glory. Though an item is given to each and every child to complete their challenge. The Chief will give them a knife or dagger to honor their feat, each member of the family typically carrying around the tool the rest of their lives. Used endlessly to remind themselves of the things they were able to accomplish in the past.

Funerary and Memorial customs

A death in the clan is a tragedy. As the clan is as emotionally attached to the next as if they are a literal Family. In the case of the goblins, this may as well be the reality. Each member of the family being very close to all, having spent so much time together, it is never an easy loss. When raids go poorly, when illness strikes, when the elders pass, it is a blow to all. Funerals being a particularly emotional event, where their life is celebrated, their loss not being spoken of.
Mother and Father will build a Cairn for the fallen. While their bodies are cast off to sea in an open faced raft. As their faith also shares the concept of The Shores Beyond, they wish to send them off to the Shores with an unobstructed view of the stars. This is in stark contrast to how they view their own afterlife, as Bhal tells all they will join him by his side in his eternal battles with the Darkness.
Seen as allowing the dead to see beauty and grace one final time before passing on to join their Father forevermore. Much to how one would place a coin over the eyes of the dead to pay the ferryman, to allow the family one last time to feel the freedom and comfort of the stars is a ritual that is never refused.
The cairns keystones are kept in the back wall of the cave in the main cavern. Where they have piled up in the thousands over time, they are sometimes etched with the names of the fallen. Brought out to be set under the stars, and the Priestess will speak with the stones. Telling them of the lives and journeys the clan had lived through since they passed. This being seen as an act of kindness and compassion, to allow the dead to see their skies once more. To be spoken to like a like a living being once more, to make them feel part of the family even after all this time.

Common Taboos

There are two profane things a goblin can do in their lifetimes. As the tight knit family grows and survives together, to speak down to another one of the family is an insult not easily forgiven. Hob had insulted Illy with such force that he had committed this act. In Chapter 2, Discipline and Remorse in The Great Tree: Soft and Subtle Wind he was later forgiven by Illy in Chapter 13 Sweet Smoke in The Great Tree: Soft and Subtle Wind . Hob was ostracized during this time as he was forced to reconcile with Ilgor.
To speak down to another is to degrade what the family has built. To sink low and belittle another is to insult the gods that made this world. An insult that trancends what was intended, but to implicate oneself in the idea that one is not part of the family. An anathema that burns down to the soul, even if the party insulted forgives the other, that scar will forever exist in their heart. In Hob's case, that anger, that fury, is forever represented in the scar that now adorns his face.
The second profane act is to disallow a member of the family a proper burial. To not allow the fallen the last opportunity to see the skies before departing to the side of The Great Father, is a horrifying prospect to the clan. To be tasked with an eternity of fighting by your master's side, never having seen the final delight left to your mortal form, is said to curse their souls with unrest until time fades away. Such an act is not forgotten.
A refusal of their death rights is a sin unforgivable. No matter the reputation, no matter the crimes committed, no matter the circumstances at hand, the family is to give the fallen their due. To not be given this right is a usurping of their honor. To know that the family had such a low view of them, is viewed in the same vien as speaking down to another in a manner of speaking. Though, in this case, the one being spoken down to is not the person, but to Bhal and his child's soul.

Common Myths and Legends

We walked forth from the darkness, the skies ripped asunder. Stars falling from the heavens as they crashed to the scorched earth below. Rivers far flung in lands unknown ran with our blood, shambling monstrosities echoing forth from the darkness beyond. The spear held the hand of our father, piecing the encroaching shadows to light our way. Led us toward the clearing he cleaved from the shattered world for us to live. "To become strong, to take what is yours to own."   We looked to his countenance to view his splendor. Brought light to the darkness he did, a brilliant inferno to our dwindling candles. The skies held in his fist, the falling stars obeyed his will. Crashing to the ground no more, the heavens grew bright in his grasp once more. Our Great Father's first moves to make this world our home.   -Excerpt from the first few pages from the Holy Book.


Beauty Ideals

The Family ubiquitously wears long braids down their back or hung over their shoulders. Ornamentation is also commonly seen on women in particular, though men also practice this as well. Yorm in particular wears a brass ornamental tube that is heavily inlaid with gnomish art deco designing. Though women typically apply this concept to a much larger degree. The family feels that the longer the braid, the more attractive the individual is.
Though typically only practiced by the women, heavily stylized hair is a rather normal daily affair. Ilgor being one of the more prominent examples, having both one of the longest braids as well as an odd affinity for a vaguely star shaped hair style.
Not necessarily required, but many do wear much ornamentation in their braids. Much more recently with the introduction of a friendly Harpy named Sh'ril, a few of the goblins have taken to wearing feathers in their hair as well. While the goblins are finding this fashionable at this time, the feathers hold more meaning than many realize. They are used as a mark of protection from the Harpy Brood in the Ancient forest. However, only Ilgor has the Harpy Mothers feathers, granting her and her alone their protection. All others are viewed as false, and the Harpies know which are which.

Relationship Ideals

Parents and their Children

The children of the clan are held sacred in the hearts of all. The family subsisting primarily off raiding, despite their prowess and carefully planned ambushes, casualties are inevitable. Because the parents of each child can both be raiders, it is not uncommon for a child to be an orphan or to only have a single parent still alive. These children are protected at all costs, they want for nothing as every need is met.
Because of the relatively high mortality of their livelihoods, each child is held as the true treasures they are. Seen as the literal hope for the future, endless possibility given fragile form. The children are taught everything they need, being passed from instructor to instructor, from wise survivors to battle hardened raider. A few notable examples being that Ghet and Knoll, having survived an unfathomable amount of hardship during their long tenure as raiders, are exceedingly gentle when it comes to the kids.
This had led, somewhat inadvertently, that all goblins are innately curious about anything they come across. This however, is also a personality trait all goblins have, so this more of an aspect of their species more than it is culture. Though, it is heavily leaned into as the sponge like minds of the kids are filled.
However, the clan does collectively raise them. The parents being left out of the picture due to unfortunate circumstances, is a tragedy. But, it does not hinder the family structure that everyone feels. Each member being family to one another in their hearts. Children are never abandoned, never made to feel unwanted, never made light of.


The family does observe many of the actual familial bloodlines, and do not try to commit any acts of incest. Though, should distant bloodlines cross, this isn't common despite the small community, it isn't a real problem for the clan should it happen. As many do have an aversion to the act, they are meticulous in questioning of lineage. Beyond this partnership in the clan is a highly celebrated union.
Couples tend to spend quite an effort with both participating in equal measure. Though men will typically make a first move in the beginning of the relationship, women are known to do so as well. However, it is expected from both parties to be direct about the wishes of each. Born out of a necessity due to the closeness the entire family feels for each other, passive hints and advances often go unnoticed by the goblins.
The two will typically begin spending much of their time doing tasks together, seeking each other out in particular. Going out of their ways to make any excuse to do so, any task will do, whether it be preparing a meal for the family, crafting nets and spears for the hunters, going on raids together. They simply wish to spend their time in each other's company.
As time progresses, the two will begin bringing gifts and setting up rather secluded spots to delve into each other's hopes and dreams. Both parties also gain the support of the family as they push each other toward each other more. Couples are expected to stay monogamous to their chosen partners, as in goblins' lives, this is a lifelong partnership. When the couple feels ready, they will seek out the Mother and Father of the clan and ask for a wedding ceremony to be held.
The soon to be Wife being given a ceremonial dress worn by the High Priestess, a plain white thing, tailored to draw the eyes up to the goblin's eyes. Each angle of the dress pitched upward, symbolic in their reference to their reverence of the sky. This is also to remind the soon to be Husband that they are marrying the mind of the Wife, to become one entity.
The soon to be Husband is given a heavy brass ring to tie their braids together, and is kept and worn by the husband from thereafter. He is also given a fresh set of sturdily stitched clothing, dyed a deep blue. Another reference to their affinity for the skies, the ring being their tether to one another as cloud and sky become one. To behold the the two together on their wedding day is to witness a serenity found only on a calm summer day, the slow movement of cloud across the starry skies.

Major organizations

The Clan is loosely affilated with the Foxes of Port De Renard. Where Yvet has fostered a connection with them to help assist with Ilgor's future planning for the family. They remain in good standing with the Foxes, strickly off their friendship they held with Yvet. Though they have taken an immense liking to Ilgor and Cori as well.
The Dwarven kingdom has taken an interest in the clan after the events of the lead up to the New Calphiti war. In particular, Gjorn and Halgier have a vested interest in the family.
From Nightmares and Dreams
"To see the lies behind the obvious. A Shadow over their minds"
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations
Unique abilities
The Family holds a few interesting innate abilities not found in Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes. All goblins are born with access to Tonal magic. This being a set of magic only accessible to those born with Domains of Air. This being said, it is not well known to anyone up until the events of Caleb Shzym, Formerly: Javad Bin-Al Kodat moving into the Skullbrood territory. Where Caleb had correctly identified that aspect of them.
Their voice holds a certain effect on those who are not born of the Clan. When they speak while not controlling the magic in their voice, those they speak to are forced to pay attention to them. While this is not a malicious effect, causing no harm to the listener, it is disconcerting to have one's attention focused soleing on a single entity while everything else fades to the background. This effect is compounded as the listener hearing many goblin voices has their attention snapped from goblin to goblin.
This has also lead to the theory in The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule opinion that all goblins have access to Domains of air. The only question is why do many of them seem to only have this ability hidden from them. The speaking skill is quick to learn, as the goblin only needs to be made aware of the power. They can consciously control the ability should they be aware of its effect, a second nature built into their minds.
Speculation exists that this power comes from something else before the Dawn of Truths, as Bhal is not a god of wind or sound. All goblins have a penchant for being under open skies, windswept plains and mountains. They relish the feeling of clear night skies.

Sightless Investigation Report, Per King Halgier of the Dwarven Wandering States:

  By all accounts there isn't something right here. From the Hunter stalking the clan for the last few months, he has observed a great many things. Gathering a few pertinent pieces of information for The King Warlord and his clan, we have discovered that their language is a very close variant of Elder Fae tied to The Namoux. Following up on a few historical documents "procured" by our Hunter, those being the Temple of the Fallen, Skjalich, Notes by the Empire of Mhuzelt, and a few others. We have identified that their language isn't just similar. It's the same. A dead dialect, thought to have been extinct until now.   We also note that their faith, after having retaught ourselves how to speak the Elder runic language, seems wrong. They worship a diety of fire, and one of Domination. Despite their species having an affinity to the Domain of Air, they all have an ability that implies this connection due to the tonal nature of their magic. A highly specialized subset of that Domain, only accessible by a select few individuals. Namely that of Gjorn Fourth king of Dwarves and The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule.   We also have noted that they seem to be a warped species, similar to the Mistwalkers. This was detected after we got into contact with a few of the God's Eye's, not a cheap prospect tracking down those interplanar casters. They share an extinct dialect, they seem to be far older cultures than any of the others on The Great Tree, they also have inborn abilities that seem to clash with their chosen deities.   It is our speculation that the Goblins as you call them were originally something else. Changed during Dawn of Truths, the fact that they follow a God of Ambition and Domination, speaks a fair amount to what may have happened. In this humble Guild Master's opinion Majestet Halgier, there is something much larger going on here that warrants a much more in depth investigation. It may take years, we may never find out. Though these Goblins Intrigue me, we have already spotted one of the God's Eye's Odeza watching that Priestess.   We also speculate this for the simple matter that they are a tight family oriented culture. Which is in direct opposition to Bhal’s teachings to his followers, demanding that single individuals earn their own glory as he had. He wouldn’t ask for them to continue to work together as a unit like this. Their worship of him seems forced or tacked on.   They were spying on the Chancellor of Glaion, Michéle. Our hunter spotted her arcane layout passing some kind of information along to an unknown party. Something is about to happen with these Goblins, for the better or worse. Majestet, I advise you of one of two things. Stay out of it, or go all in on their protection.

Articles under Goblins of the Skullbrood Clan


Author's Notes

"and even though we always try to hide our instincts from our pride, we're only bullet proof until we bleed out"

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May 27, 2024 23:34 by Jacqueline Yang

Whew! That was long, but I think definitely worth the read. It makes me really excited to start diving deeper into your world!

May 28, 2024 01:19

This one has been in the works for a very long time, it's a bit of a brick of lore. But, honestly, if I didn't stop myself when I did, it would be about 6x longer and not be out for another year. But, I'm happy it piqued your interest! The goblins are key culture as the story progresses. Ilgor being the MC and all, I really needed to flesh out her culture.

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...