Final Charge

As seen in


A song that was created after the Battle of Huron. Many of the survivors did not endure the trials of the mind as well as the previous conflicts. While the was brought to the gates of the Capital City of the Kingdom of Huron, many of the soldiers were not accustomed to the fight being on their soil. The horror of this world wide conflict was most evident in this country, as Huron predominantly fought a defensive, losing war.  
Slowly, battle after battle, they lost ground. The Caliphate withstanding the onslaught of the Federation from both the Ilse of Mhuzelt and the Kingdom Of Galus. This ultimately would not stop the war from reaching it's apex at the war weary gates Huron. The military was out of options, the people were desperate and took arms themselves against the invading armies of the East. No man, woman, or child was spared from the scars that etched deep into the minds of the citizens from this conflict.  
Every available resource was called upon by the king, excluding no one. Fore if Huron fell, the Federation would be cut in two, fighting a war on multiple fronts as their ally would be absorbed into the Calipti war machine. The end of the conflict was a desperate move made by the king and the two Sages left in the city. As seen in. Becoming One of the Few in The Great Tree: Soft and Subtle Wind
I lost count of the good steeds   With all but the best deeds   My lords we were out gunned   Without what we knew       Here they sit at our gate   Fury of our peace as we tempted fate   I wanted to be in the cavalry if they sent me off to war   I wanna be in the cavalry, but I won't ride home no more       Well war found us first   To slick the tongues of who's blood we thirst   Countless the loss of good steeds under me   Here at the gates, all but overrun       For gods and king we fought, our home to keep safe   We tried and the blood filled our rivers, maneuvers to strafe   The force we saw, though we pray to only make it home   The vast fields, golden in light, not here we roam     Hopeless in our cause, still we gunned on   Magic unknown, our Sage's aided us upon   A crown fallen, the stars of our city yet burned away   Broken walls, morale in doubt, yet we fought on anyway       I wanted to be in the cavalry if they sent me off to war   I wanna be in the cavalry, but I won't ride home no more   The dark skies on our walls, burning away the enemy   Courage we took, though I sit with envy       By the gods, I lost my last worthy steed   With my final breath, and my final deed   We rushed to buy our good lady time, know our doom driven mission   Cavalery be damned, this is where I lay, our desperate plan sought to fruition       With the parades and songs, with a pat on the back   Our boys came home, the boys we now lack   I won't ride home no more   Icy spear at my core.

I took a lot of inspiration from a song called I wanna be in the Cavalry: By Colm McGuinness. Truly felt this was a perfect thing to add a homage in this aspect of the world.


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Mar 31, 2024 16:30 by CoolG


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