Summer Camp Prep 2024

Well, I suppose another marathon of prompts like the Cabinet of Curiosities might be in order as I try and finish a few projects! Taking an idea/advice from a certain member of the community, maybe working on
Valley of Mists
Geographic Location | Jun 7, 2024
Ethnicity | Jul 19, 2024
. Expand on the conflicts that surround the area, or even it's other issues. Like the Spiders that call the mountain range home in Zybtine Silk.   I haven't really focused on the Kingdom of Huron as much as I should. They being a central landmass for a *cough* coming conflict, maybe I should begin to flesh out more of the region and they areas surrounding it like I have with the Kingdom Of Galus, granted the mistwalkers aren't the main focus race like the Goblins of the Skullbrood Clan are. But, they share a similar point.   So that being said, I think I'm going to just belting out ideas to flesh out for the region for the guantlet of challenges that are coming. I just I hope I have the time for it as work is trying to kill me ever so slowly. Heck, even just building a few dozen short articles that would be nice places to build off of would be nice! Also, random note, but I do really need to finish The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule and publish that. She has a particular bit of importance to the entire region.   Either way!
Week one Homework:
Hmm, a season of change... Well I have been talking about the battle that happened to The Huronian capitol that nearly collapsed their kingdom during that war.
  • Maybe I can delve deeper into that?
  • Maybe I can talk more about the Military conflict with the Mistwalkers and why the Military fared so poorly, but left the Walkers so shy of Humanity?
  • Maybe I can delve deep into the Sages work surrounding the Archon Stones?
  • Maybe I can give the king a name!
  • Maybe I can expand on the politcal situation that is causing the events in the Great Tree?
I'm not so sure about changing the meta though. I still want to keep the stark contrast between the major cities and their technological superiority to their surrounding settlements and vassals. Though one thing that is never going to change is this, the only rule of thumb. Actions have consequences. Everything is deliberate, whether by obscurity, vagueness, or being blunt about it. I suppose I can stop being so esoteric about the lore though... I want the world to have more cohesion, so maybe that can be a meta change. Be more direct about non-plot relevant lore.
Week Two Homework: Refuge
Well now, that hits a bit of a nerve. This world and my artwork is my own personal refuge, I write all my characters to have their own flaws and vices. For god's sake most of the Goblins have some form of PTSD or trauma related issue and a majority of them find comfort in drink and Family. So yeah, this one kind of hurts a bit for me at least, not in a bad way, but in a way that has FAAAR too many ideas for myself.
So, that being said, most of the refuges one can find in the real world, exist in The Great Tree. So I suppose I'll list out a few of my ideas like I did for last week.
  • I have this idea that the Mistwalkers have an issue with rain. They are fire themed, insect winged "fairies". I like the idea that during the few rain storms the clan faces every few years, they all seek refuge away from the rain at all costs. I'm thinking it's a cultural fear of the rain so to speak.
  • I also like the idea of having a few specific spots for them to go and think when they are having a hard time. I'm not really hiding how important religion is in the world either, so I'm imagining that a few of them would take solace in spending time at a few of their holy sites (TBD).
  • Like the Goblins of the Skullbrood Clan, after all they come from a similar place thematically, they take refuge in each other. Comfort in the community or family or a lover. Just the presence of another they would take comfort in.
  • I also like the idea that in Huron they take refuge in combat. The Capital City sits on the border with the Caliphate. The ever looming threat of war and skirmishes from the Kingdom Of Galus, Ilse of Mhuzelt, or the Zybtine Caliphate has a certain weight in the culture. A person would take comfort knowing they can survive if war ever broke out. So I'm thinking that the people of Huron would be very into physical or martial activities for comfort.
Well after having found another Discord server full of other writers as well as making friends with a few of them, I'm looking at you Smithy and Kranjax. I think I'm good for accountability buddies.
As for styling, I think this round I'll be keeping art assets to a minimum or just having placeholders for them. I think I will also be following the same format I had for the Items for the Cabinet. A main body, broken into sections, and utilizing the sidebars for art/additional description.
But, all that being said. I might be dipping my toes into CCS. I'm not proficient at coding at all, it took some time just to get used to the BBcode for me. But, maybe I'll be looking at adding decorative borders for quotes and images.


Belief. Belief, honestly this is the penultimate theme I can really work with. There is nothing if not belief in what one can do. What one can conceive as real, what one can watch unfold before their eyes. The main story of the Great Tree follows Ilgor of the Skullbrood Clan and her faltering belief in her god. She reaches out to "new" ones. Belief, religion, faith, these are themes I Feel, not just write about, but experience. I believe in my project. I believe my vision will be seen through till the end. I have faith that my creative endeavors will be realized in time. I have Faith.

Assignment 1:

That being said, belief in The Great Tree takes many forms. Whether it is with The Forgemaster, You Khamere and their many creations to better the wider world. Or it is The Elsewhere and their stalwart belief that their world will be given form once more without the threat of annihilation. Or even Baron of Glaion Lucas Berthelot and his constant war with Port De Renard over the idea that his wine is better than theirs. Or else it is the Song's that the endless amount of musicians and arcane disciples toil away at. They all worship an idea/concept/god, for what is life without a vision to follow?
Though, since I want to focus on the Huronian region, many see belief in the idea that their country will survive any hardship. That their walls will always hold a bastion in the proverbial desert of reality. They all believe that no matter what the trial, they will endure. For they have always endured the endless wars and skirmishes that their central nature of the continent has foisted upon them.
In contrast, the Mistwalkers see themselves as ephemeral. A ghost on the shore of the Ilori sea, fit only to conjure the Veil of mist to occlude their culture from scrutiny. To say they believe themselves to be temporary, is an understatement. And they do not ever let themselves see otherwise.

Assignment 2

Should it be a surprise that music is a main inspiration to the Great Tree?

Assignment 3

only a few visual artists really influence my work in any significant way.
an artist on Insta named Moon_mxtr has a truly unique style that I cannot for the life of me describe but his and his alone. I love his artwork, and the dreamy and in your face design really resonates with me. I love all the little details he puts into his pieces, the longer you look at each piece the more you notice. I love this artist and I highly recommend looking up his work if not outright supporting him. I'll add a link if you're interested, he is based out of France, so warning given! I have supported his kickstarter for his third artbook, and I fully recommend supporting his work in general. This is a shameless plug, I love him, I am not being paid to do this.
her artist is Kansame9. I love their work, very sketch and initial idea oriented. Truly competent in their ability to put ideas to paper in a way that is evocative and mesmerizing!

Assignment 4

my ideas and concepts revolve around an ever changing catalog of music and visual arts. With an extremely heavy dose of religious studies to see how the many peoples of the world perceive the world around them. I'd say my old ideas, and inspirations really stand on their own.

Week 4!

Decay. Now now now, this is certainly something I am playing with to the ends of the earth. Decay as an extent form, multifaceted, ambiguous. Decay in the World of the Great Tree is a theme that is driving the main story all things considered. The Current Pantheon unbeknownst to the Denizens of the Tree, are faltering in their duty. Old things stir from times forgotten, original primordial forces showing their faces once more. Decay in power and ability, decay in belief and the hold the gods have over mortal souls. Decay in trust of those we should trust the most.

Assignment 1

But! In the SC I'm focusing more on the Mistwalkers and the Huron in general. So the forms of decay that are(might) be talked about are many.
  • Should we talk about the mistwalkers and their failing hold on the mists and the reasons why that is?
  • Should we talk about the many crumbling ruins that surround the City State, and the inability for the Government to actually upkeep its defenses without being supported by the Federation?
  • How about the constant decay of political stability in the region, mainly how the City State is constantly at odds with the Zybyine Caliphate. How no matter how many times peace is made, it never lasts long?
  • Maybe we will dive into the Military and its long standing traditions that more or less supersede the King
    • and his own orders? Have the people put too much faith in this aspect of their culture?
    But, maybe we can focus more on actually completing a few key character articles to revolve around finding out why the Heartland of the Continent is constantly at odds.
  • Maybe we can dive deeper into this when I finish The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule, and her endless search for the truth about the Archon Stones, and why she thinks these objects are tied to the decreasing stability of the world itself?
  That all said, decay is a vector of change. So to speak it breathes new life into situations and scenarios where stagnation only leads to suffering. Decay is not something to be fearful of, it should be embraced. As in all things, there is no life without death. There is no renewal without the dying and rotting aspects of the world being eaten away and reformed as new things.

Assignment 2

This one will be somewhat difficult for me, keeping things organized and ready to go if fine. All I need is the time to write when I get home from work. Problem is, I work alot. So, in this case, it is less about preparing a space for myself, but more about setting aside time each day to actually work on the prompts.

Assignment 3

I have gone through and updated the world page, added a few new categories and reorganized quite a bit to find easier for each category. I did put front and center the Region of Huron on the Page, as well as characters and the Pantheon. Also, they each now have some artwork to look at now! So, I revamped the Huron Region category to more easily place articles being created. More so I can find them, but it is also now easier to find for anyone who just wants to look something up that catches their interest.

Assignment 4

My authors page I think has all the info I want at the moment. I might change its layout however so that it doesn't just read like a list. Might make the Manuscript front and center, might make my Insta and Ko-fi more visible. Though to be honest, I am terrible at posting to those two with much regularity. I think I'll be trying to be more active on both during all this.


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Jun 4, 2024 05:35 by Jacqueline Yang

I wish you the best of luck this Summer Camp! Can't wait to see the articles you come up with!

Jun 5, 2024 02:29

I always love your positivity!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Jun 5, 2024 11:29 by Kerry

....the last time you posted something like this... it was the iceberg...which is the reason i finally decided to post the iceberg.... and here we are at SC.... will i regreat this... probably not. Will i suffer a bit with stress... almost certainly... i think i'll give it a shot. I'm also making a badge individuals who partake and are associated with "The Nexus". LETS GOOOOO! I look forward to seeing more from your world ^^ This alone is enough hype for me to be invested in SC ^^

Jun 6, 2024 01:14

LETS GO! I'm super happy to hear that this got you exited for it! I'm really just hoping to get some newer ideas to paper, I feel like I've been lingering on a few plot topics a bit long as I'm finishing up arc 1, and a "short book". So that's why I'm excited for it, I'm looking forward to see what you come up with!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Jun 5, 2024 15:11

I look forward to your contributions and hope you enjoy your SC. May the challenges turn out in your favor and good luck in reaching your golden goal.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jun 6, 2024 01:16

I'm hoping I won't fall short of the golden goal, I had a little more free time for the Cabinet challenge, just hoping I haven't bit off a bit more than I can chew... I appreciate the support though, it's always a joy to see when you come through and enjoy what I make :)

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Jun 5, 2024 22:37 by DM SIr Swank99

Good luck in this summer camp. What was the cabinet of curiosities?

Jun 6, 2024 01:18

The Cabinet was a gauntlet of prompts with one word where you had to write an article about an item for that word. If I remember right there were 20 items for the whole challenge? I did them all, and oh boy was it a fair amount of work, but did it really help to expand the world a bit! I hope you continue to enjoy what I make!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Jun 7, 2024 03:54 by Ephraïm Boateng

Good luck on getting that gold badge!

Jun 8, 2024 02:05

Thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing you get that diamond one!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Jun 17, 2024 07:56 by Kerry

...i feel like i need a spotify playlist here lol

Jun 19, 2024 03:12

I whole heartedly recommend it!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Jun 24, 2024 12:19

Go get that gold! Looks like you prepped plenty, hope the prompts fall in your favour - have an awesome summercamp and I look forward to reading your articles.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Jun 25, 2024 02:17

Why thank you! So many loose ends that lead to more loose ends. Ah, but it's the curse of worldbuilding from the ground up! I saw you get a shoutout not too long ago, I'm going to have to check out your world too! I hope you like what I come up with ^^

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Jun 25, 2024 01:39 by Ivory Garcia

Well done! Good luck on summer camp!

Jun 25, 2024 02:18

Thank you! You as well, Friend!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...