The Journal of the Quartet Document in The Great Tree | World Anvil

The Journal of the Quartet

If you don't want spoilers for the main story, You have been warned


The document would appear to be a collection of recountings of the life before the Dawn of Truths. A highly condensed version is available for the general public to view, this will be the version presented here in this recounting, however, the actual document is highly secured in the hands of an unknown location known only to Ilgor of the Skullbrood Clan, The Sage of Huron: Emily Von Eule, and Naevys of The Clan of the Wide Eyes.
This was to record an account of the fall of the gods before the Shadows felled them. A morose and melancholic realization of what was taken from us. The reason this information was publicized was to garner favor of the populace to reject the Eight Divines and their False Divinity. As plagues and famine, war and a second breaking of the skies rocked the continent, The Elsewhere needed the support of the Shadow Touched Children to retake and rebuild back what was always theirs to own.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The widespread use of the Journal has nearly made the story unilaterally available to any and all. Free copies given to all, a large portion of the population have physical copies of the Journal in their possession at all times.

Historical Details


These collections of Stories were written by various Members of the Familial Progeny of the Quartet. Ranging from Original Chieftains and Holy persons of the Great Mother, to soldiers and common folk. Depicting the life before the fall, before the Dawn of Truths. Though now commonly accepted as the Great Lie, the document has shed quite a bit of light on the nature of the world.
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Though the actual contents describe the rise of Vilorlith's Children and a few pieces of their society as it existed. Going into some detail about their cultural motifs and the challenges engaged with them. However, the stories written in a somewhat archaic style during the translation, have been commented on as being similar to religious texts.
It speaks about the War between the Quartet and the Shadows.
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One story speaking about the Sons of Kyln and their hunting of a Shadow in the region before the Isle of Mhuzelt became the rocky and hospital domain it has become in the modern era. Though this would appear to be after Vilorlith fell to Bhal, the sense of despair is evident in the way this Soldier speaks.
This is one of the few written accounts beyond the murals found in Skjalich or in the ruins of the same name. A recounting of a civilization no longer found on the Branches of the Great Tree.

Public Reaction

To say that when this document was made public to the Denizens of the Great Tree was ill received would be a watered down understatement. In truth, when the information was made public to the citizens of Huron, a massive riot broke out that resulted in the various temples in the cities being reduced to naught more than smoldering piles of slag.
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That is to say, the public received the news that their gods were false, but existed on the suffering of the original creators, was a call to arms that had been unheard of in any history. As the public now had the source of their suffering made known to them, they had their eyes set on destroying the Shadows as much as The Elsewhere does. To know that these immortal beings were in fact not, gave hope that brighter days would be had once again.
A proverbial mixing of waters. The burning hatred and wish to join a fight, to the hope that a victory is possible spread across the Continent like a wildfire licking at the drought ridden plain.
Journal, Personal

Cover image: From Beginning to End to Evermore by Thereasonwhy


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