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Mercury Ignis

Mercury Ignis

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mercury Ignis hails from a long line of pipeweed farmers in Greenleaf Grove. His family has been deeply rooted in the art of cultivating and harvesting pipeweed for generations. Born to a talented painter father who added a touch of artistic flair to their modest home, Mercury grew up surrounded by the vibrant colors of both nature and his father's canvases.

During his coming-of-age rite, Mercury organized the first-ever Pipeweed Festival in Greenleaf Grove. The event not only celebrated the local pipeweed harvest but also showcased his growing skills in alchemy. The festival became a beloved tradition, drawing in fellow pipeweed enthusiasts from neighboring areas.

As a young man, Mercury's insatiable curiosity led him to study alchemy, blending the art of potion-making with his family's agricultural legacy. His father's murals adorned the town, and Mercury, inspired by the vibrant community spirit, became a connector, bringing people together through shared experiences.


Mercury is asexual but biromantic.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Pipeweed Festival Pioneer

Mercury initiated and successfully organized the annual Pipeweed Festival in Greenleaf Grove, turning it into a cherished event that draws visitors from nearby regions. The festival celebrates the town's pipeweed harvest and showcases Mercury's alchemical expertise.

Alchemy Innovations

Mercury's experiments with alchemy led to the development of unique and beneficial potions for the community. From healing tonics to natural pesticides, his alchemical creations have contributed to the well-being of both the residents and the environment.

Pipeweed Ambassador

Mercury became a vocal advocate for the benefits of pipeweed, promoting responsible consumption and dispelling misconceptions about the plant. His efforts helped improve the reputation of pipeweed and its role in the community.

Failures & Embarrassments

Botanical Blunder

Mercury's experimentation with a new strain of pipeweed resulted in an unintended side effect, causing some plants to mutate and become unusable. The mishap led to financial losses for his family and a temporary setback in the local pipeweed market.

Potion Mix-Up

Mercury once mislabeled a batch of potions, leading to a comical yet embarrassing incident where a villager mistakenly used a hair-growth potion as a facial toner. The incident, though harmless, became the subject of town gossip for a while.

Intellectual Characteristics

Creative Problem Solver

Mercury's mind thrives on creativity, allowing him to concoct unique alchemical solutions and devise inventive approaches to challenges.

Naturalistic Intelligence

Mercury has an innate understanding of the natural world, particularly plants and their properties. This naturalistic intelligence aids him in his alchemical pursuits and pipeweed cultivation.

Intuitive Alchemical Insight

Mercury's intuition plays a significant role in his alchemical experiments. He often follows his gut feelings, leading to unexpected but successful outcomes in potion-making.

Exceptional Memory for Pipeweed Strains

Despite his occasional scatterbrained moments, Mercury possesses an exceptional memory when it comes to pipeweed strains, recalling their unique properties and characteristics with ease.

Morality & Philosophy

Joyful Living Through Celebration

Mercury values the joy and positivity that celebrations bring to the community. He believes in creating and participating in events that uplift spirits, like the annual Pipeweed Festival, as a way of fostering unity and happiness.

Openness to Unconventional Wisdom

Mercury embraces unconventional wisdom and alternative approaches to problem-solving. He believes that inspiration can be found in unexpected places, encouraging openness to new ideas and perspectives.

Generosity and Community Support

Mercury is a firm believer in giving back to the community. He actively supports local initiatives, shares his alchemical knowledge, and contributes to charitable causes, fostering a sense of generosity and mutual support.


Commercialization of Sacred Pipeweed Traditions

Mercury considers the sacred traditions surrounding the cultivation of pipeweed to be untouchable. He believes in preserving the cultural and spiritual aspects of pipeweed farming, avoiding any attempts to exploit or commercialize these traditions.

Harmful Additives

Mercury maintains a strict policy against adding harmful additives or chemicals to his alchemical concoctions. He believes in using only natural and safe ingredients, steering clear of anything that might compromise the health or well-being of consumers.

Personality Characteristics


Preserving Pipeweed Traditions

Mercury is driven by a deep passion for preserving the sacred traditions surrounding pipeweed cultivation in Greenleaf Grove. He is motivated to ensure that the cultural and spiritual aspects of pipeweed farming remain intact for future generations, resisting any attempts to commercialize or dilute these traditions.

Community Well-Being

Mercury is dedicated to the well-being of the Greenleaf Grove community. His motivation lies in creating alchemical concoctions that contribute positively to the health and happiness of the residents. He sees his work as a means of fostering a sense of community and interconnectedness.

Cultivating Unique Pipeweed Varieties

Mercury is driven by a fascination with botanical diversity. He seeks to discover and cultivate unique varieties of pipeweed that might have untapped potential. This motivation pushes him to experiment with crossbreeding and innovative cultivation techniques.

Sharing Joy Through Festivals

Mercury finds joy in organizing and participating in pipeweed festivals. His motivation lies in creating moments of celebration and communal happiness. The festivals not only showcase the hamlet's pipeweed but also serve as a source of unity and shared joy among the residents.

Building a Pipeweed Legacy

Mercury is motivated to leave a lasting legacy in the pipeweed industry. He envisions a future where Greenleaf Grove is renowned for its unique and high-quality pipeweed varieties. This aspiration fuels his dedication to innovating and perfecting the art of pipeweed cultivation.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Pipeweed Cultivation Mastery

Mercury has an innate talent for cultivating pipeweed. His deep understanding of soil, climate, and plant biology allows him to produce exceptional pipeweed varieties with unique flavors and qualities.

Alchemy Expertise

Mercury has honed his skills in alchemy, creating potions and concoctions that enhance pipeweed growth, improve crop resistance, and contribute to the overall well-being of the community.



Navigational Challenges

Mercury often finds himself disoriented when venturing beyond the familiar surroundings of Greenleaf Grove. His sense of direction is not as keen, leading to occasional navigational mishaps.

Financial Acumen

Despite his enthusiasm for pipeweed and community events, Mercury struggles with financial matters. Budgeting and financial planning are not his strong suits, sometimes resulting in resource challenges for his projects.

Limited Combat Skills

Mercury has little experience or skill in combat. If faced with a threatening situation, he is more likely to seek non-violent resolutions or rely on the protection of others rather than engaging in physical confrontations.

Likes & Dislikes


Community Gatherings

Mercury thrives on the joyous atmosphere of community events and celebrations. He enjoys organizing and participating in festivals that bring people together.



Conflict and Violence

Mercury has a deep aversion to conflict and violence. He prefers peaceful resolutions and strives to maintain a harmonious and non-confrontational atmosphere within the hamlet.

Excessive Urbanization

Mercury dislikes the idea of excessive urban development encroaching upon the natural beauty of Greenleaf Grove. He advocates for preserving the rural charm and tranquility of the hamlet.

Virtues & Personality perks

Community Harmony

Mercury excels in fostering a sense of unity and harmony within the community. His ability to bring people together strengthens the bonds among residents of Greenleaf Grove, creating a supportive and close-knit environment.

Botanical Wisdom

Due to his fascination with plants, Mercury possesses extensive knowledge of various flora in the jungle. This botanical wisdom proves beneficial for identifying medicinal herbs, creating alchemical solutions, and enhancing the overall well-being of the community.

Festival Enthusiast

Mercury's passion for organizing and participating in festivals makes him a driving force behind joyful community events. His festive spirit contributes to the cultural richness of Greenleaf Grove, boosting morale and fostering a sense of shared celebration.

Vices & Personality flaws

Naive Optimism

Mercury's unwavering optimism can sometimes lead him to underestimate the severity of challenges or conflicts. His hopeful outlook might blind him to potential threats, causing oversight in critical situations.

Idealistic Trust

Mercury's trusting nature makes him vulnerable to manipulation or deceit. His idealistic belief in the goodness of others may expose him to unforeseen risks, as he may not always recognize when someone is taking advantage of his kindness.

Personality Quirks

Potion Preview

Before taking a sip of any beverage, Mercury instinctively swirls it in his cup with an alchemist's precision, examining the colors and patterns as if it were a potion. He believes it enhances the drinking experience.


Hobbies & Pets

Botanical Blend Crafting

Besides pipeweed farming, Mercury enjoys creating unique herbal blends for relaxation and meditation. He experiments with different plant combinations to discover new aromatic experiences.

Festival Enthusiast

Mercury's love for festivals goes beyond the joy of celebration - it's a heartfelt expression of his passion for community and cultural vibrancy. As a festival enthusiast, he eagerly participates in planning and organizing local events, infusing them with his creative touch. From coordinating pipeweed-themed parades to designing festive banners adorned with alchemical symbols, Mercury's influence ensures that every festival in Greenleaf Grove is a memorable and visually captivating experience. His whimsical ideas for games, performances, and communal feasts bring people together, fostering a sense of unity and shared joy. Mercury's commitment to making each celebration unique has earned him the admiration of his fellow villagers, turning the festivals into cherished moments that reflect the spirit of Greenleaf Grove.


Gaia Ignis


Towards Mercury Ignis


Mercury Ignis


Towards Gaia Ignis


Current Location
Date of Birth
Kitunus, 2948
Year of Birth
2948 52 Years old
Gaia Ignis (Sister)
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages

Common, Perlisian

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Mercury Ignis

1 Level (0/300 XP for level-up) Perlisian Background Human Race / Species / Heritage Alignment
Level 1
Hit Dice: 1/1
1d4+2 Class 1

Hit Points
Initiative (DEX)
Armor Class (AC)
Prof. Bonus
Speed (walk/run/fly)
+4 Expertise Bonus
+2 Proficiency Bonus
+1 Jack of all Trades
-1 Strength
+1 Dexterity
+4 Constitution
+2 Intelligence
+0 Wisdom
+2 Charisma
saving throws
+1 Acrobatics DEX
+0 Animal Handling WIS
+2 Arcana INT
-1 Athletics STR
+2 Deception CHA
+2 History INT
+0 Insight WIS
+2 Intimidation CHA
+2 Investigation INT
+0 Medicine WIS
+4 Nature INT
+0 Perception WIS
+2 Performance CHA
+2 Persuasion CHA
+2 Religion INT
+1 Sleight of Hand DEX
+1 Stealth DEX
+0 Survival WIS
  Weapon / Attack AB Abi Dmg Dmg Type



You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.




Choose one ability score. You gain the following benefits:

  • Increase the chosen ability score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in saving throws using the chosen ability.

Features & Traits

Equipment Copper: 0, Silver: 0, Electrum: 0, Gold: 0, Platinum: 0 Money


Common, Perlisian

Tool Proficiencies

Alchemist's Supplies, Herbalism Kit, Dragonchess Set

Languages & Proficiencies
Enthusiastically Optimistic

Mercury approaches life with unbridled optimism, always seeing the silver lining even in challenging situations. His positive outlook is contagious and can uplift those around him.

Curious Alchemist

Fueled by a relentless curiosity, Mercury is always eager to explore the mysteries of alchemy. His interest in concocting new potions and experimenting with unusual ingredients is boundless.

Amiable Scatterbrain

Despite occasional forgetfulness and scattered thoughts, Mercury's amiable nature makes him endearing. He might misplace items or lose track of conversations, but his friends and family forgive these quirks.

Green Thumb with Pipeweed

Mercury has a natural knack for cultivating pipeweed. His green thumb extends beyond alchemy to the care of plants, particularly the special varieties used in pipeweed production.

Party Enthusiast

Mercury loves organizing and attending social gatherings. His passion for bringing people together shines through in his role as a festival organizer, ensuring that every event is lively and enjoyable.

Community Spirited

Dedicated to the well-being of Greenleaf Grove, Mercury actively engages with the community. He fosters a sense of togetherness and encourages others to contribute to the town's prosperity.

Personality Traits
Harmony in Diversity

Mercury values the unique contributions of each member in Greenleaf Grove. He believes that the diverse talents and perspectives of the community enrich the overall tapestry of life in the hamlet.

Joyful Celebration

Mercury believes in the power of celebration to bring people together. He sees festivities and communal events as essential for lifting spirits and creating lasting memories within the community.

Knowledge Sharing

Mercury values the exchange of knowledge among community members. He believes that sharing information, whether about alchemy, art, or other skills, strengthens the bonds within Greenleaf Grove and helps everyone grow together.

Courageous Curiosity

Mercury encourages a spirit of curiosity and exploration. He believes that individuals should be brave in pursuing their interests and trying new things, contributing to the overall vibrancy of the hamlet.

Family Ties

Mercury is deeply connected to his family, especially his younger sibling with the fascination for insects. He values the support and love they provide, and their bonds are the foundation of his enthusiasm for community activities.

Fellow Pipeweed Enthusiasts

Mercury is bonded with a group of residents who share his love for pipeweed. They often gather to discuss new strains, cultivation techniques, and organize the annual Pipeweed Festival that Mercury takes great pride in.

Forgetful Nature

Mercury's scatterbrained and enthusiastic demeanor sometimes leads to forgetfulness. He may overlook important details, appointments, or even promises, causing occasional frustration for those relying on him.

Impulsive Alchemical Experiments

Driven by his love for alchemy, Mercury tends to conduct spontaneous experiments without thoroughly considering potential consequences. These alchemical mishaps occasionally create disruptions or unintended side effects in the community.

Alchemy Obsession

Mercury's fascination with alchemy occasionally borders on obsession. This may lead him to prioritize his experiments over more immediate responsibilities, causing tension with those who rely on him for practical matters.

Social Obliviousness

Mercury's friendly and scatterbrained nature might make him oblivious to subtle social cues. This flaw could result in unintentional misunderstandings, as he may not pick up on others' discomfort or signals.


™ & © Wizards of the Coast - D & D 5e Character Sheet v2.07, made by Tillerz - Updated: 2023-05-29
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