Naess Organization in The Ground | World Anvil
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Naess is ruled by a monarch, traditionally a king or queen, who holds the highest authority in the country. The monarch's power may vary depending on historical context and individual rulers, but they generally play a central role in governance and decision-making.

The Church of Naess

The Church of Naess wields significant power and influence alongside the monarchy. It serves as both a religious institution and a governing body, with religious leaders holding key positions in the government. The Church's doctrines and teachings often shape laws and societal norms, particularly regarding morality and social order.


The Berthan Empire
As part of the negotiations to persuade Naess to join the Berthan Empire, Berthe made a strategic decision to embrace the religious beliefs and practices of Naess, particularly the faith of Paladinity, which held a prominent place in the cultural and spiritual identity of the country. Recognizing the deep religious devotion and cultural significance of Paladinity to the people of Naess, Berthe extended an unprecedented gesture of acceptance and respect by officially recognizing Paladinity as a legitimate and respected faith within its borders.

In a historic agreement between Berthe and Naess, known as the Pact of Faith, Berthe pledged to uphold the principles of religious freedom, tolerance, and coexistence, guaranteeing the rights of Paladins and followers of Paladinity to practice their faith without fear of persecution or discrimination. Moreover, Berthe agreed to support the establishment of the Church of Berthe, a branch of Paladinity, within its territories, providing resources, protection, and official recognition to its clergy and adherents.

The acceptance of Paladinity by Berthe not only served as a powerful incentive to persuade Naess to join the Berthan Empire but also reflected Berthe's commitment to fostering unity, diversity, and inclusion within its imperial domain. By embracing the religious beliefs and cultural heritage of Naess, Berthe demonstrated its willingness to accommodate and integrate the traditions and values of its new subjects, paving the way for a harmonious and prosperous future within the Berthan Empire.

As Naess joined the Berthan Empire, the Pact of Faith symbolized a landmark moment of cooperation and mutual respect between nations, where religious differences were transcended by a shared vision of unity, peace, and prosperity under the benevolent rule of the empire. Through their partnership, Berthe and Naess forged a bond that transcended political boundaries, uniting them in a common destiny within the grand tapestry of the Berthan Empire.


Private Tutoring for the Rich

Wealthy families in Naess often provide their children with private tutors who offer high-quality education tailored to the individual needs and interests of the students. These tutors may cover a wide range of subjects, including academic studies, arts, and etiquette.

Informal Education for the Poor and Middle Class

Families from the poor and middle classes typically rely on informal education provided by parents or through apprenticeships. Children learn practical skills and knowledge relevant to their family's trade or occupation, passing down traditional crafts and wisdom through generations.

Free Boarding School by The Church of Naess

The Church of Naess offers free boarding schools where children from less privileged backgrounds can receive a more formal and comprehensive education. Education in Naess is heavily influenced by religious teachings and values propagated by The Church of Naess. Students in boarding schools are likely to receive instruction on religious doctrine, morality, and the importance of obedience to authority.

Gender-Specific Education

Traditional gender roles are reinforced in the education system, with distinct expectations and opportunities for boys and girls. Girls may receive education focused on domestic skills, etiquette, and religious teachings, while boys may be trained in academic subjects, combat, and leadership.

Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Major Exports
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
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