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Whilst many form relationships within their own race, matching lifespans and cultures, it occasionally happens that children are born with parents of different races. All races can form half-races with each other - though obviously those found geographically near each other tend to be the ones who mix most commonly.   The DM has the full ruleset and rather than write it out here in full, we can discuss if you'd like to play a half-race.  



Half-Dwarf, Half-Thanoi

Though physical in stature and build in their younger years, Thanoi and Dwarves begin to deviate in appearance in their 30s, as Thanoi begin to develop walrus-like features whilst the Dwarves grow into long hair. Found close geographically, it is not an unusual pairing for Dwarves form Georite and Thanoi from Fostian to pair, though the children are often doomed to outlive their Thanoi parent.
ability score increase: +2 Con, +2 Str
age: Living much longer than a Thanoi but somewhat shorter than a Dwarf, Half-Dwarf Half-Thanoi mature around 30 (considered late bloomers for Thanoi) and live into their mid-200s
alignment: Half-Dwarf Half-Thanoi tend towards the alignments of their parent races.
Size: Medium
speed: 25ft. Your speed is not reduced whilst wearing heavy armour.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Dwarvish.
race features:
Dwarven Resilience

You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.  
Struggle Through

When you fail a strength check you can choose to add your constitution modifier to the roll, potentially changing the result. You can do this a number of times per day equal to your constitution modifier.  
Powerful Build

You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Lacking many of the walrus-like features of the Thanoi, it is very easy to mistake these folk for Georite Dwarves. The keen eyed individual will notice the extended canines that could have been tusks, wider feet, and long whiskers (though these can often be lost in a beard) when compared to dwarves, but even these changes to do not become prominent until middle-age.


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