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A freezing land, which would be beautiful if not for it being locked in a civil war between the Dragonborn in the south, and the Thanoi in the north. For much of the year the ice sheets between the two extremes of the island freeze over, meaning this battlefield is ever shifting. Both colonies are active traders with the outside world, one of the most sought-after exports being Fost-ice. This densely packed ice and snow is cut out of the permafrost on the mainland, and is highly prized because its unique structure means it can be transported by ship; if the ship is properly outfitted, most of the Fost-ice will remain frozen for a voyage if a sufficiently large amount is taken. This is highly prized in Taranthia and Orahn, where such a luxury is used in drinks and for food preservation.


Fostian actually has very little landmass, with much of the island being made of shifting ice-sheets and snowbanks, which make navigation away from the towns and roads extremely difficult. Fortunately, there is little beyond these towns, as Fostian is a frozen, not to mention war-torn, desert.


Little grows in Fostian, meaning most plant-life are small, hardy shrubs, and most animal life relies on the water. The Thanoi have survived for generations on a diet of berries, fish, seal and whale meat, which they will travel for many miles and days to obtain.

Ecosystem Cycles

Summer in Fostian doesn't mean much beyond a shifting of the ice, but the opening of new channels through the ice sheets means new fishing and hunting grounds. Meltwaters reveal plants that have been dormant, and many of these are treasured for their medicinal and nutritional properties, kept safe and preserved for year-round consumption.

Natural Resources

Fost-Ice is by far the most prized export from Fostian, which is surprising as it is largely the most abundant. Carved from the natural ice deposits and transported by ship in specially insulated cargo holds, the natural Fost-Ice deposits are replenished each winter by falling snow. Fost-Ice comes in several grades, ranging from little more than cloudy, densely packed snow (the cheapest) to crystal clear ice carved from specific deposits made when melt-water re-freezes. The ice sculptures which adorn grand events in The Citadel are carved from this most prized Fost-Ice.

Another, albeit less popular export is fat and oil obtained from whales and other large mammals, which the Thanoi have learned over generations to extract and utilise for nourishment and, more recently, for energy.


... 817 AS

The events leading to the civil war.

Civil War

817 AS and beyond

  • 817 AS

    The Uprising in Icewall

    After years of struggling to coexist, The Fostian Civil War begins in earnest.

    Additional timelines
  • 818 AS

    14 Morningfrost

    The Loss of Bigport
    Disaster / Destruction

    Naval attacks by dragonborn on the former thanoi capital of Bigport caused it's utter destruction, and a large chunk of ice drifting into the ocean, never to be seen again.

  • 826 AS

    5 Beginningthaw
    826 AS

    13 Beginningthaw

    The Week of Red Streets
    Military action

    Seen as the darkest point in the civil war, the Thanoi Purplehand Clan launched a large-scale assault on the Dragonborn town of Accord, slaughtering mostly civilians.

  • 831 AS

    The Fostian Divide
    Disaster / Destruction

    The thanoi clans used vast amounts of gunpowder in an attempt to divide the ice sheets of northern and southern Fostian. Their failure scarred the land, leaving deep fissures and crags which became the site of guerrilla warfare which has become characteristic of the civil war today.


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