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The Koza Isles

The Koza Isles are a large archipelago to the east of the high seas. They are home primarily to Caprini with a significant number of Ysoki on the northern isle. The Caprini of The Koza Isles rarely see eye to eye with the Ysoki, but their geographical isolation from the other nations to their west mean they lack other friends - in fact the Kozan Caprini vary from mistrusted to downright vilified in the western nations for their practice of old magic - also called 'Black Magic ' in the west.


The northern isles are covered in dense forests and jungles, interspersed with steep cliffs covered in alpine conifers and crowned with snow. It is an unforgiving environment, though the presence of magical creatures, plants, and other phenomena (see below) mean that it can be bountiful for those who know how to exploit it. Many of the isles also hide deep tunnel networks of unknown origin - some even being connected underneath the waves.
The southern, and largest, isle is the most populated, and as such is dominated heavily by farmland and pasture. Its central mountain range is home to several small settlements, connected by winding clifftop passes, and the southern reaches of the island are covered in lush forest.

Localized Phenomena

The forests on the northern isles are planted on a seam of some sort of magical power - it is unclear what the origin of this magic is, but its presence and effects on the local ecosystem and populations are undeniable. Many of the trees grow twisted and enormous, and fog spreads through the jungle no matter the time of day. Many magical creatures call these islands home, and the presence of this old magic is no doubt what has drawn Caprini to the use of magic.
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