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Way of the Steel Typhoon

Adapted from this homebrew.
In the mountains of Georite, isolated from the other Humans and Dwarves, the monks of the Steel Typhoon monastery prepare for the oncoming storm promised by Andus, The Lord of Steel, The Anvil, The Shield.   Monks of the Way of the Steel Typhoon shun the elegance of smaller weapons and instead take up the challenge of wielding great weapons with the grace and power of a mighty storm.  

Great Weapon with Great Precision

At 3rd level when you choose this tradition, choose a melee weapon that has the heavy property. You gain proficiency with this weapon if you don't already have it. This weapon counts as a monk weapon for you. Many features of this class work only with your heavy weapons. You may change this proficiency each time you gain a level in the monk class. You also gain the following features for use with your heavy weapon:
  • Steel Bladed Wind: If your heavy weapon does not have the reach property, you may add your martial arts die to the damage of your first attack with this weapon when you have used your Step of the Wind feature.
  • Steel Fanged Viper: If your heavy weapon has the reach property, you may spend a ki point to treat it as if you had a reach of 15ft for the purposes of opportunity attacks.
  • Steel Handed Shield: If you are wielding a heavy weapon when you use your Patient Defense feature, you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Heavy Ki Technique

At 6th level you extend your ki into your heavy weapons, granting the following benefits:
  • Hardened Steel: Your attacks with heavy weapons count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.
  • Impact Strike: Whenever you hit a target with an attack with your heavy weapon, you may spend up to 3 ki points to force the target to make a strength saving throw or be pushed back 10ft for each ki point spent.

Devastating Momentum

At 11th level, whenever you attack a target with your heavy weapon you can spend 3 ki points to mark the target for one minute. The next time you hit the marked creature with your heavy weapon, you add your martial arts die to the weapon damage roll. Each time you hit the target with an attack, add an additional martial arts die, to a maximum of 3. If you miss an attack, end your turn without making an attack, or attack a different target, you reset to one martial arts die.  

Unstoppable Strikes

At 17th level, whenever you make an attack with your heavy weapon and miss, you can still roll for damage and deal half of that damage to your target. The attack still counts as having missed for the purposes of "on hit" effects. You can use this feature up to three times before you must finish a short rest.
Religious, Monastic Order


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