Kurnugia Geographic Location in The History and Future of Golarion | World Anvil


As it flows through the Abyss, the River Styx first meanders through the massive realm that is Kurnugia. Kurnugia's vast size allows for all manner of terrain, from enormous seas to parched deserts, all surrounding the single immense city-mesa of Yanaron. This is the realm of the god Lamashtu, and it's appropriately populated by hosts of beasts and demonic creatures. Some are loosely structured into warring principalities, such as the thirteen fiendish gnoll kingdoms known as the Bloodgash Nations. Other denizens have formed into nomadic armies that clash eternally with one another, with allegiances changing from moment to moment. All residents serve the cruel, mercurial will of the Mother of Monsters in one way or another, and nothing occurs in this massive realm without her insidious awareness.
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