Blood Clefts Geographic Location in The History and Future of Golarion | World Anvil

Blood Clefts

Areshkagal's Divine realm after being banished from the Sea of Whispering Sands

Realm - Blood Clefts

Areshkagal’s realm in the Abyss is a barren region of stony, crimson hills and gulches through which rivers of blood seep. Plants grow here, but they comprise slithering grasses, thorny shrubs, and twisted trees that depend on blood to survive, rather than water—and many of these malevolent plants prefer blood sipped from living flesh rather than from the “groundblood” that suffuses the land.   Known as the Blood Clefts, this region abuts Aldinach’s Abyssal realm of the Sea of Whispering Sands, a realm that Areshkagal once called her own. The displaced Demon Lord often sends her armies into the desert to torment those of her half-sister Aldinach in hopes of someday regaining control over her former realm, but to date her forces have been unable to match the power of Aldinach’s troops.  
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