Calgaerus Geographic Location in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil


Home of the Alliance

Along the Western front of Typhon stands a large landmass of valleys, mountains, and forests known as Calgaerus. Comprised of the beautifully green grasslands of the Shining Fields, the verdant forests of the Everwood, and the high hills and mountains of the Mithril Peaks. These lands are inhabited by kingdoms of great cultural renown, unrivaled magical ability, and prestigious military history who have formed a treaty of kingdoms known as The Alliance. From Humans to Halflings to Elves these lands are inhabited by a wide array of races and species, each setting out to make a name for themselves within these lands.   The Western and Central expanses of Calgaerus are home to the Shining Fields, a wide expanse of plains and valleys spanning from the Aphelion Strait's shores to the Starspire Mountain, a large peak West of Center to the region. Inhabited by the Free Havens, these are beautiful fields of verdant green and yellow grain, with sweeping hills and lush forests. The Free Havens are a trio of city-states located along the coastline that are the trade citadels of the Alliance, as well as cultural bastions of the West and take up a majority of soldiers on the frontline of the war against Ashus. While inhabited by mostly Humans, other races thrive here too such as Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, and even more exotic ones. The three havens are King's Call, Gladewater Gate, and Stormhaven, the three beacons of prosperity on Calgaerus. King's Call stands as the capital of Calgaerus, seat of power for the High King Anduin Celestrius. It is here that the Sentinel's of Light operate, a powerful organization of elite soldiers tasked with preventing world ending threats. King's Call prides itself on it's beautiful architecture, impressive military, and cultural importance. The city of Gladewater Gate serves as the out for the Gladewater River, the longest river in the West spanning from the Celestant Sea to Starspire Mountain. This sprawling trade city serves as not only the most technologically advanced city on Calgaerus, as it is one of the few cities that ___ trades with, but also a hub of prosperity for it's citizens. Large stone walls defend the citizens inside and artillery atop its perches keep invaders at bay, as a mix of technological strength and thriving trade keep the gate to prosperity alive. Finally, the city that never sleeps, the jewel of the West, Stormhaven. The largest city of the three, a cosmopolitan citadel of free trade and wealth, Stormhaven serves as the free market capital of not only Calgaerus, but the world. Thousands upon thousands can be found along the city streets at any time of the day, and hundreds of tons of gold are exchanged on a weekly basis alone. It is in this free haven where the Alliance's Stormguard are trained and sent to protect the free lands, and it is here that leads by example as the rest of Riven follows.   To the South of the Fields lies the Everwood, a dense forest inhabited by races of Fey and forest nature who've made a home out of these beautiful woods. The Cythranoc Kingdom, a Wood Elven dynasty that watches over the Everwood and the Oak of Ancients, a great oak that is said to have been planted by the Wildmother herself. While one of the more recluse Kingdoms of the Alliance, the Cythranoc wargroves are more then ready to join the rest of their allies on the front lines in times of need, even despite their passive nature. If anything bares a threat to the Everwood or it's adjacent wildlife, such as the Ashguard Dominion or the floating city of ___, the kingdom of the Everwood will smite them down with nature's wrath. The Southern   The Eastern half of Calgaerus recedes upwards in a large gulf-esque manner, surrounded by forests and mountains along the coasts and in the center lies a large vortex of magic as high as the heavens surrounding a lone island. The High Elven kingdom of Asur guards this bay of the Veridian Ocean from trespassers in their lands, as none other then good-aligned Elves or those marked by the nation of Asur can enter their lands. The Asur Vortex was created to siphon the magic out of an ancient being locked away deep beneath the waters of the island, it's aura of magic being so strong that the vortex acts more like a deterrent for it returning than a siphon of it's power. Around the lone island lies beautiful mountains and forests in the surrounding bays, home to many Elven cities and settlements in the area. The most notable of which is the High Elven capital of Asurann, located at the mouth of the gulf it is the port city and central trade / military hub of the Elves, as well as the seat of power of their king, Tyrias Asur.   The Northwest are comprised of wide plains and plateaus with very little brush or mountains, and those that are there are sparse in density. These lands are known as the Dalelands, home to a portion of Calgaerus' human population and more prominently it's halfling population closer to the lands' Western corner. Since the halfling population prefers to live in remote, rural towns instead of larger cities, the ruling kingdoms of this land are the Human Kingdoms of the Dornland and Carrostone. Dornland inhabits the Southern and Central locations of the land neighboring the Halfling villages to their West and the Elven Kingdom of Asur to the South. While steadfast in their beliefs of protecting those weaker then them, the Dornland Kingdom believes that they would do better for Typhon outside of their wavering allegiance to the Alliance. To the North imbedded within the Mithril Peaks Eastern mountains lies Carrostone, the oldest Human kingdom on Calgaerus, they're inclusion in the Alliance has always been questioned as they keep to themselves and seek to gain ownership over the Dalelands as a whole. Yet their involvement in the Alliance is a mutually beneficial one as they supply the rare mineral Carrocide to the Alliance military, a white-stone that dampens the effectiveness of Necromancy spells.   Finally, the Northern crags and mountains, spanning from the Shining Fields to the Dalelands, are the Mithril Peaks. The near entirety of Calgaerus' Dwarf population is comprised within these peaks, forming multiple strongholds that separate these green lands from the harsher colds of Norsca. Ruled over by Clan
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