Veridian Coast Geographic Location in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil

Veridian Coast

The Burning Tides

Spanning the Southwest Coastline of Typhon, the Veridian Coast is a lush, rain-swept, tropical region that encompasses both the Veridian Ocean and it's coastline. Scattered jungles and islands, rocky seaside cliffs, bustling trade routes and plentiful flora and fauna, these perilous seas are home to privateers, pirates, and anyone in-between. The coast is ruled by a nation comprised of five city-states whose leaders have united into a single government known as the Chroma Concordat to protect the populace from Calgaerus or Ashus expansion. From coast to coast this land is known far and wide as a lively place for trade, vibrant art and performance, and excellent food-as well as the other side of the coin in vice, piracy, and illicit business. Along the waters however, those darker carnal desires only grow tenfold.    As the waters, despite the Concordat's best efforts, are run by various pirate groups, most notably the reaver city of Undertow. This port island is home to serpent hunters, dock gangs, and smugglers from across Riven. Here, fortunes are made and ambitions shattered in a wave's crash. Both a place of new beginnings and a watery grave for the careless, these streets a both ripe with opportunity due to the freedom of governmental shackles and a dangerous land of cutthroats and murderers. With a recent usurpal of leadership Undertow and it's various pirate gangs are now in a period of transition as well as a battle for power. Whether it becomes a functioning government of it's best captains and crews or another age of ruthless "kings" ruling the ports is yet to be seen, but despite this powder keg waiting to blow Undertow is still far from the most dangerous spot along the coasts or the ocean.   From the Veridian Coast to it's islands abroad, all is connected by the sea. This ocean, more then any others on Riven, is home to vast dangers and treasures for every wave you travel over. For the islands and archipelagos can lay claim to old treasure temples, stowed riches, and indescribable artifacts of power. Yet for every gemstone and magical tome along these islands lies a host of threats to protect them. Dangerous wildlife, risen undead, and monstrous foes that wander the isles. But out of all the dangers along these waters, from pirates to island wildlife to the undead that wander, the most dangerous threats lie below. The sea monsters of the deep and their ancient patrons that lurk in the hadal depths of the Veridian. Some worship the deep, others seek to hunt it, but all acknowledge it and their inhabitants as the true rulers of the waters.
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