Port Rosahan Settlement in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil

Port Rosahan

A beautiful city with lush plantlife lining the street's decor and vibrant rooftops of red, pink and purple, Port Rosahan is the paragon of beauty within the walls of the Chroma Concordat's ports. Nicknamed the "Rose of the Veridian Coast", Port Rosahan is the third largest port along the Veridian Coast behind Port Myrali and Port Lustis. It's known for its beautiful architecture, flora, and historical art districts but in recent years its mostly regal appearance has been threatened by smugglers and pirates operating in the port from the pirate nation of Undertow.


Port Rosahan holds four major districts within it's borders with those being the bloomed archways (or the pink district), the innerstead sprawl, the outersteads, and the quay. The bloomed archways is the political and historical district most known for housing various gardens and conservatories in addition to courthouses and noble chateaus. The innerstead sprawl is the largest district and is the primary residential and commercial district in the city for the upper and middle class, built around the Road of Roses that traverses the cities incline from the North edge of town to the South. The outersteads is found in the Northeastern quarter of the port and is home to most of the working and lower class citizens within the city. Once a cozy part of the city, it has recently seen a growth in crime within its borders. Finally, the quay is the open expanse of docks and piers found in the Southern half of the city. It is a place of beautiful piers for both seafaring vessels to dock and for citizens of the Port to enjoy its expansive commercial and historical buildings.
Large city
31,900 (41% elves and half-elves, 29% humans, 9% halflings, 21% other races)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location