
The Might of the Black Crusade , Dagon is a terrifying whelp of a fomorian who previously served under the Blades of Bhaal. Gifted with the ability to enter an endless rage that siphons the soul of the nearby dead, Dagon left his tribe of bloodreavers to follow a new calling: a crusade dedicated to the liberation of his people from the Betrayed Wastes. In cold blood he slaughtered his blood-brothers for a new master, a cunning paladin of Raum who founded this crusade and planned for it to march South to the deserts of Naset. This leader, the Slave to Darkness Nihlan, planned to liberate a follower of the long dead god Arkhan in exchange for the revival of his deceased family and followers. With a ruling place amongst this tribe of broken, desperate individuals, Dagon seeks to destroy those who would oppose his master or his cause with merciless disposition.
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Might of the Black Crusade
Aligned Organization

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