Black Crusade Organization in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil

Black Crusade

The dead lands of the Betrayed Wastes is an unforgiving nightmare for the denizens of it. Not only must they contend with harsh environments and deadly fiends that wander across its wastes, but the people of the land have been made mad and turned to worshipping the Betrayer Gods in an effort to both survive and indulge in their darkest desires. Escape is almost impossible, survival outside of these cults is unguaranteed, and for those who live half heartedly within these legions their culling is inevitable if they are found out. One slave of these dark gods however, whispered to by a muse from beyond the grave, thought of a way out of this. A way to escape all of these dark gods and find a new path in life, for his people still with him and those he lost along the way. The Oathbreaker Slave and follower of the Prince of Darkness, Nihlan, began to gather men, women and children of these cults in secret from across the primary four legions. From every walk of life he was able to pull he whispered that of a better life to them, and when the time was right for liberation the strongest he had gathered cleared a way for the weak through the barren wastes of their land South, towards a new horizon they could claim as their own away from the dark powers.   Heading towards the distant land of Naset, the flock of individuals known as the Black Crusade has travelled across Riven gathering other followers to their cause in an effort to reach the tomb of their new god, the Black Reliquary, and follow his grand plan. Carrying their dead on their backs their is hope within the crusade that they may be brought back to life through the use of the Hand of Arkhan, a powerful artifact capable of raising the dead and resurrecting the fallen. However this march wouldn't be made unimpeded, as for worshippers of a Betrayer God life outside of the wastes can be just as dangerous as life at home. Nihlan and his army of the damned has yet to waver however, and alongside two other followers of the Whispered One, a new revival of his followers is at hand... and nobody will stop them.


Now that they have escaped the hells of the Betrayed Wastes, the Black Crusade seeks to gather all of the fingers of the hand and claim its power for themselves. Using this artifact, they hope to revive the dead members of the crusade they've lost along the way, as well as any loved ones they've kept since the start of their journey. To accomplish this they need to secure these dangerous items while contending with the Empire of Naset and Levantine Dynasty, two geopolitical nations who also have eyes for them. Despite this the crusade is not deterred, and the three leaders of it relish the challenge that this conflict will bring. They wait in the wings for the oncoming war between the two, waiting for a moment to capitalize in their blinding battle.   Nihlan also seeks to release a powerful follower of the Whispered One from his eternal prison. The Emperor of Naset's long imprisoned brother and figurative right hand to their god, Malgus, sits trapped beneath the Citadel of Naset waiting to be freed from his slumber. If the crusade can find a way to free him, he would make a great ally and patron for their forces and thus the Guile of the crusade Lucius has been tasked with finding a way to release him from under the Emperor's nose.


The Black Crusade makes no allies except those within their ranks, or promising recruits they can utilize. As of now, the Empire of Naset and Levantine Dynasty are both out to destroy the smaller force of the crusade, but the crusade's most elite warriors and cunning tricks have managed to keep them at bay for the most part. However the time they've bided is running low, and in order to prevent an all out conflict with one of the two nations, the crusade is banking on the conflict between the two larger factions in order to slip away unoticed.
Crest of the Black Crusade

Basic Information

Religious, Cult
Notable Members

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