Chroma Concordat Organization in The Hollow Realms | World Anvil

Chroma Concordat

Nearly four hundred years ago, an alliance of the outcasts and unwanted races of Riven founded a new nation on the tropical Veridian Coast. The Chroma Concordat is a democratic nation that enforces law, order, and equality, and regulates commerce along the length of the coast. The nation is composed of six independent city-states, each ruled by its own marquet, which operate as one union under the banner of the Chroma Concordat. This arrangement ensures uniform laws, regulation of trade, and mutual protection between the city-states. These six cities are Port Sartosa, Thaladonas, Port Lustis, Leshoa, Port Rosahan, and Port Myrali.   Open shipping lanes and inviting tropical scenery have made the domain of the Chroma Concordat a cultural melting pot and a popular place to live or visit. Many of Riven's exotic races can be found within it's docks to the point where the amount of non-human races is equal-to and sometimes greater-than the human amount. Knowing this, the respective marquises uphold a long tradition of welcoming all weary travelers and providing an atmosphere of color and delight. If there is gold to be spent, the concordat is eager for you to spend it within their cities. Between the venues for entertainment and vice, and the ample business opportunities, the concord hopes to convince those with wealth to spend it here, outside the gates of the Calgaerus Alliance.   Internally, each marquet of the Chroma Concordat keeps a tight grip on the shipping and trade that comes though their cities, overseeing all guilds that organize imports and exports and managing a handful of guildmasters that form the backbone of local commerce. When a marquet dies or is impeached by the other members of the concordat, the remaining members choose a successor.   While the cities do work together for the good of the concordat, they are also each in silent competition with each other, flaunting their affluence and clientele at every opportunity. When a prominent figure from the far reaches of Naset or their neighbors from Calgaerus finds their way to the Veridian Coast, it’s not uncommon for them to be courted by multiple marquets in an attempt to convince the personage to stay as a guest of their city.   In recent times, the Myriad has subtly infiltrated the Chroma Concordat, often with the unwitting aid of greedy local politicians. Rumors of criminal collusion have raised suspicion amid members of the concord. Sooner or later, the tension will have to break — and the fallout won’t be pretty.   Despite the concordat’s cordial relationship with the Calgaerus Alliance, their proximity to the alliance's power is a lingering source of unease for those in political standing. Not because of any threat of war against the alliance, but instead the more subtle threat of the alliance forcing the conordat to become adopted into its many nations, reducing the freedom of their power and culture. Currently, the concordat maintains a standing military of 11,800 Tide Warden soldiers across the coast, a nautical fleet of 370 ships. Most of the Tide Wardens are posted at sea, scattered around the nearby Veridian Ocean waters, where they maintain island forts and fleet blockades against the pirate nation of Undertow.


The Chroma Concordat is concerned with maintaining the trade and commerce that ensures their continued influence, both in Calgaerus and the rest of Riven. Anything that might jeopardize business is viewed as a major threat to the sanctity of life along the Veridian Coast. Faced with the hazards of dangerous creatures that lurk in the nearby jungles and beneath the waves, as well as piracy on the open waters, the concordat is employing substantial numbers of adventurers and mercenaries.   Eighty years ago, when the concordat worked to enforce rising taxation on independent merchant companies operating within the Veridian Coast, the outrage led a small union of angry enterprises to turn to piracy. Retreating towards the pirate nation of Undertow they have terrorized the shipping lanes for four decades, all while deftly avoiding pursuit and naval retribution. The concordat is eager to destroy the corsairs in their entirety, and have put massive bounties on the heads of the so-called scourges of the ocean.


The Calgaerus Alliance and Chroma Concordat hold a close relationship as allies and trade partners. This alliance has been mutually beneficial for many generations, and the concordat city of Port Sartosa acts as a common ground for people of both nations. Both alliance knights and local Tide Wardens keep the peace in Sartosa, and both alliance and concordat laws hold sway within the city. While this arrangement occasionally causes strain between the two governments, the marquets of the concordat are happy to have the buffer of the alliance between them and the spies and inquisitors from Kelsarius. As the war between the alliance and the Ashguard Dominion continues to grow, the concordat is determined to stay neutral. This has caused some tension with the alliance, but nothing the concordat worries will overshadow their long-standing treaty.   The Empire of Naset and floating bastion of Providence are also two great nations of trade for the Concordat along the Veridian's waters. These lands provide rare silks from the dunes and powerful technological advancements from the land of progress.


Laws of the Chroma Concordat

All who are found by the esteemed Tide Wardens to have broken the fair laws of the Chroma Concordat are judged and sentenced by the local magistrate and are subject to punishments befitting the crime. All fines and punishments for crimes against a Tide Wardens official or a noble are doubled. All fines and punishments for crimes against a Chroma Concordat official are tripled. Permits must be purchased and owned to do business for more than 15 days in Veridian Coast cities. Permits are approved and purchased from the Compass Lodge installations. All religions are legal to practice in private, but public worship of Betrayer Gods is considered dangerous to public discourse and is strictly forbidden.  
  • Theft: 3–10 days incarceration and/or a fine of twice the worth stolen.
  • Public worship of Betrayer Gods: 10 days incarceration and/or a fine of 300 gp.
  • Ownership of another intelligent humanoid creature: 6–12 months incarceration and/or a fine of 1,000 gp.
  • Trespassing: 7 days incarceration, and/or a fine of 100 gp.
  • Failure to pay taxes to the Clovis Concord: 3–15 days incarceration and a repossession of property equal to the amount owed.
  • Damage to private property: 5–15 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.
  • Damage to concord property: 30–60 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.
  • Kidnapping: 30 days incarceration and/or a fine of 500 gp.
  • Assault with intent to injure: 15 days incarceration and/or a fine of 250 gp.
  • Assault with intent to kill: 170 days incarceration and/or a fine of 1,000 gp.
  • Murder: 5–10 years incarceration and/or a fine of 5,000 gp.

Basic Information

Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Chroma Concord
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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