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Sensorters are individuals trained and certified to create new sensory experiences within The Hollow. This takes notable magical skill and experience, and the Sensortium tightly controls the tools of the trade, as poorly- or maliciously-designed sensory experiences can be unpleasant, painful, and/or traumatic to the dragons that experience them.   While Sensorting is often considered an art, Sensorters are not artists in the Outside way. They do not produce paintings or songs but produce new paints and instruments, binding the visual experience of "yellow" or the audible experience of "trumpet playing C flat" into a form that the average Hollowite can use at their own leisure. Thus, they allow artists in the Hollow to both continue the arts they practiced in life and expand and explore new artistic horizons.   That said, Sensorters also practice their craft in artistic ways, often designing total sensory experiences to evoke certain feelings in the individual who uses them. These may vary from a realistic simulation -- almost a mini version of the Hollow itself -- to an abstract combination of effects. The more artistically inclined Sensorters like to ask questions like "What does the concept of motherhood smell and sound like?" and "What taste best matches the color blue?"   In some ways, particularly visual and somatic, a Sensorter's work overlaps with an Architect's, and the two professions often collaborate. The distinction drawn by the Sensortium and Architects' Guild is that Architects create the structure of the world while Sensorters interpret that structure into an individual's subjective experience. In practice, however, most Architects do at least a little sensory work, while many Sensorters know the very basics of Architecture.


Provided Services

The use of Sensorting to induce true pain is outlawed; thus, of course, the Hot Irons may be found in Ravenbarrow, willing to dole out pain to one's enemies -- or friends, or oneself; they're not picky -- for the right price.
Famous in the Field
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