Skulduggery (Cunning)
Most roleplaying games have a long and storied tradition
of characters disarming traps, picking locks, and
(if those tasks fail) breaking out of prison. In our game,
characters perform those activities with the Skulduggery
skill. Skulduggery covers a combination of skills
your character would use to engage in covert or criminal
activity. If you’re building a character you’d consider
a “thief ” or “rogue,” this is one skill you should pick up.
Your character should use this skill if…
• Your character attempts to pick someone’s pocket
or lift their wallet.
• Your character tries to pick a lock or disable a trap.
Your character would also use Skulduggery to set a
trap in the first place.
• Your character wants to study a security system.
• Your character attempts to distract an opponent
through guile or a feint, such as by throwing a
handful of dirt in their eyes during a fight.
• Your character
tries to surreptitiously
slip a poison
into someone’s
food or drink.
Your character should
not use this skill if…
• Your character
attempts to sneak
into a location
unnoticed. Your
character needs
to make a Stealth
check instead.
• Your character attempts to pick
someone’s pocket when that person
is helpless or incapacitated. This
doesn’t require a check at all.
• Your character tries to make a poison. Your character
needs Medicine to make poisons or toxins,
but they do need Skulduggery to use them.
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