Jeriome Fell Character in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Jeriome Fell

Jeriome Fell is a fallen Dabus. He used to be an obedient Dabus working as all do for the Lady of Pain in Sigil - The City of Doors -- The Bird Cage . However, Jeriome was seduced by the thought of showing faith to an actual god. Upon seeing Aoskar rise in power in Sigil, Jeriome started preaching of him as the god of portals. During this time the new faction and religion was homed in the Palace of the Jester . As Jeriome preached in the streets, the Lady of Pain started to get annoyed. It is said that with a simple thought she killed the new god outright. Jeriome was punished by being ostricized by the Dabus. He "Fell" by losing all his powers, influence, and protectionary status of being a Dabus.   Since he was felled, Jeroime Fell has spent a significant portion of this time in the Clown's Respite associating with the proprietor there, a fat fairy named Sugarplum.   Jeriome Fell sent the Kateesh on a quest, which they accepted, to find his helmet in the Palace of the Jester.  The Kateesh found that helm and have a meeting with Fell at 5 after peak on the second day of Regula.  At that meeting Fell agreed to answer any questions that Kateesh has for a solid hour as long as it did not relate to Sugarplum.
Jeriome Fell, The Fallen Dabus


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