Session Report 12: An Egg and Lothar Report in The Infinity Wheel | World Anvil

Session Report 12: An Egg and Lothar

General Summary

Earth Date: 30 Aug 2022
Sigil Date: First Guild of Regula, HA138
Sigil Time at the Start of the Session: 2 hours after peak
Sigil Time at the End of the Session: 12 seconds past antipeak on the First Clerk of Regula.
  Note: Caine was played by Amanda in this session as it is the first session that Erik is not able to be present for this fall semester.   The session began with the Kateesh standing outside of Oslo's Deli in the Clerk's Ward knowing that they now need to head toward the Lower Ward to find the collectors. These collectors (sometimes called the Dustmen or Dusties) come out about 4 hours past peak and gather the dead bodies of the day. The bodies are taken to either Lothar the Old -- Master of Bones, or to Zakk the butcher in accordance to whoever they feel will give them the most money for the bodies. The mission of the Kateesh is to find one or more dustmen and either convince them to take them to Lothar or discreetly follow them to Lothar. Glavin has told them that Lothar is probably their only way out of Sigil while the doors are slammed shut. Lothar supposedly has a way to get dead bodies out of Sigil without using any portals.   As the Kateesh crossed from the Clerk's Ward to the Lower Ward, they met a glove salesmen. Upon interacting with him they found he was infested by a long worm traveling under his skin to his brain. Ett questions him and learns that his old cell neighbor, Darb, the wormy decay magic caster from the Prison is out of prison and looking for the Kateesh.   The Kateesh continue on their way to soon hear the shouts of combat. They investigate to find a dead man's corpse being guarded by a blue guard drake near an overturned cart. The drake was being surrounded and attacked by three wererats in hybrid form. The characters decided to assist the drake. During the course of the battle, it became clear that there was a large egg buried in the straw of the cart. Ett heard some form of unnatural affinity in his head toward the egg. Ett spent most of the fight protecting the egg.   The Kateesh killed two of the three wererats while the third surrendered. The guard drake was knocked unconcious. After questioning the wererat it became clear that these wererats were dusties that were doing their job of collecting the dead bodies in Sigil. The dead man was apparently taking three guard drake eggs to Alterro's father's pet shop, The Tiger's Eye. In that delivery he was probably jumped. Two of the three guard drake eggs were smashed. The human male perished in the attack. The blue guard drake defended his body from the collectors. The wererat survivor, Allowicious, led the Kateesh to the Ditch -- a horribly poluted foul-smelling, murky river leading from the Foundry splitting the Lower Ward from The Hive.   Allowicious continued to lead the characters down a stone stair next to The Ditch. The characters passed through a bunch of water-tight doors that were currently opened but could be lowered and sealed.   The Kateesh then meets Lothar as Allowicious makes introductions. Lothar appears differently to each character. To some she has the face of a beautiful young woman. To others the face of a handsome young man. To others still Lothar's face appears as an attractive older person. But Lothar's body is always creepy to all. It is tall, spindly, and with elongated fingers. Lothar moves unnaturally quickly as Lothar approaches you similar to The Ring genre of horror movies.   Upon receiving the skull of the ogre, Lothar immediately casts speak with dead to find out what the skull knew in life. The skull communicated its mission to kill Fiona Hylon, but Lothar did not figure out who Fiona was even as she stood in front of Lothar.   As the characters told Lothar that they heard they could escape Sigil without a portal, Lothar explained that the river called The Ditch was actually an extension of the river Styx that flows through the lower planes. But once every 3 months, always at antipeak exactly, The Lady of Pain purges the river of all of the dead bodies, pollution, and other decay of The Ditch by back flushing using the river Oceanus which runs through the upper planes. When this occurs the waters of Oceanus as not permitted into the lower planes, so they fall out of Sigil along the infinite spire to a lake at the foot of the spire in The Center Plane of The Outlands. Lothar suggests that if the characters were to be in the river Styxx as it gets flushed, they would be flushed out of Sigil along with the clean rivers of Oceanus and find themselves at the bottom of the spire in the Outlands -- if they could survive. In an attempt to help, Lothar offers 5 gold feathersthat would cast feather fall on any character that uses one. The price for the feathers is that they owe 1 head for each feather and each head must come from a different plane of existence and that this must be done with a 3-month period of time or the souls would be damned to the 77th lawyer of hell. The characters considered the contract, but they refused because Leo Corrigan had feather fall prepared. They left just as the water-tight doors were lowered in preparation for the cleanse. They achieved a short rest waiting for a couple hours for the water to begin its cleanse.   As the waters of The Ditch reversed directions and cleansed, the characters jumped into the river and were summarily swept out of the inverted torus of Sigil with the river Oceanus as it begins to fall down the spire as they are hit, for the first time in their lives, with sunlight. Leo casted feather fall on all but Caine and Alterro. Caine began to fly with Alterro tied in his arms. Giant birds of prey begin to dive and attack the Kateesh as they fall. The next session will begin with a unique falling combat and will start with --- Roll for Initiative.  

Previous session report: Session Report 11: A Fire Elf and a Shadow Demon
Next session report:
Report Date
12 Dec 2022


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