
The largest and only fertile island in the archipelago, Pandira contains one excellent seaport called Highport in a bay guarded by natural breakers and free from dangerous shoals. At first it was used by inhabitants of Pandira for honest trade. However, after being raided by pirates and marauding Northlanders too many times, the residents finally decided that the only way to stay safe was to cater to the villains rather than fight them.   With that, Highport had become a small city that welcomed all: pirates, raiders, honest traders, soldiers, and everyone in between. One rule guides life on Pandira: no violence is tolerated while on the island. Everyone knows that if one individual or party attacks another, the aggressor is to be attacked by everyone watching.   Since reunification with Alaron, this no-violence rule has served both High King and Highport well. Allowing for a more discrete existence within the UMI "what happens within Highport to remain in Highport" as they say.    Today businesses thrive, and it has become a place where black market goods and information trade are always available to the highest bidder. Every civilized power group in the Moonshaes, as well as all the nations of the Sword Coast, keeps a spy in Highport
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