Korinn Archipelago

tretching northward from the main islands of the Moonshaes is the Korinn Archipelago. The area consists of hundreds of smaller islands sprinkled throughout the Trackless Sea. Although these islands exist in an area filled with pirates and susceptible to raids by Northlanders, many of the islands’ settlements (and their residents) escape notice for one simple reason – they have very little of value to steal. Most of the islands of the Korinn Archipelago lack suitable land to support large-scale farming. Residents of the islands make their living through fishing, timbering, and herding animals on the meager grasses. This limits the size of settlements in most areas, although islands with suitable harbors may spawn large towns where ships dock to trade goods. The islands are a perfect refuge for the many pirate bands that prey on shipping within the Moonshaes and along the Sword Coast. Although still a problem, piracy is not as rampant in the waters within the Moonshae Isles, because of the Northlander presence. However, reavers based in the Korinn Archipelago often target the ships traveling between Snowdown and Amn, targeting raw materials heading toward Amn, and goods and wealth to pay mercenaries heading back to Snowdown. Many of the reavers also prey on the shipping lanes along the Sword Coast, especially trade vessels traveling between Waterdeep and Baldur’s Gate.


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