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Elementalist Society

The Elementalist Society is the pinnacle of Daeroan culture, some would say; a non-guild organization (or NGO) which teaches the history and culture of Daero to all who join; it is essentially the closest thing to a state religion. The Elementalist Society teaches of the elements and their links to modern life and morality.


There are simply two official ranks in the Elementalist Society: an Elementalist, and an Apprentice Elementalist. Apprentices serve under Elementalists until they pass an oral examination by the Elementalists in their community.   Many unofficial roles are created on a monastery-by-monastery basis: heading specific events, maintenance roles, et cetera. These are not intended to form a hierarchy.

Public Agenda

The Elementalist Society wants to spread the teachings of ancient Daero; the history, morality, and culture, to be preserved in living memory.


The Elementalist Society began in 300 AMN as an educational group devoted to spreading the legends of ancient Daero. The group quickly grew in power and influence as a way of uniting the various communities under a single identity, without compromising their autonomy.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology of the Elementalists is essentially a romanticized version of Daeroan history. Daeroans are said to be one of the first people, under the patronage of the element of fire. Their tropical island was a paradise balanced under the five elements. Eventually, the Children of the Aether conquered the island and enslaved the people.   This disruption of the balance led to the birth of the genasi; those tainted by the elements from birth, than just natural inclination towards one. The first four Genasi of eache element joined together; the first Elementalist Society.   The four Genasi spoke with the people of Daero; the slaves, the servants and the freed alike. They spoke of the first Daeroans, those who worked together to balance the elements. Their teachings sparked the fire of revolution, and a bloody revolt was fought as the sky was torn apart in the chaos.   The island of Daero, exploited beyond its limits, fighting for its freedom was purified by fire into glass and sand. The elves were fought back, and sealed behind the storm. The four genasi that had taught the people left each for another island, refusing to lead the people who had proven their right to independence.

Divine Origins

The Elementalist Society developed in the years after the communities of Daero stabilized; a band of concerned elders were afraid of the history being forgotten over time. The teachings and beliefs are based upon the writings of these elders, describing the folklore and legends of ancient Daeroans. Over time, the cultural institution developed into a sort of religion, with rituals and rites to bring balance to the elements.

Cosmological Views

The Elemental Chaos formed all of the material plane; all creatures, objects and beings are formed of mixtures of the five base elements: water, air, fire, earth, and the void. The world was created by the elemental chaos mixing together, creating the world. There is no god, and the world can be explained solely through the elemental philosophies.

Tenets of Faith

The Daeroan people value independence above all else. Hierarchies are viewed as a sign of forcing precedence and dominion over someone else, and over the elements. Elementalists are, ideally, to help balance out the elements in their own lives, and serve as advisors to others, rather than authorities.   Elementalists are to:
  • Ease the emotional pain of others, helping them to achieve inner peace and balance.
  • Help bring balance to nature.
  • Serve as a repository of Daeroan culture and history.
  • Achieve inner balance and wisdom.
  Many groups and sects within the Elementalist Society focus upon different priorities of these primary tenets.


Elementalists are not worshipful, but rites for the dead and the creation of elemental zodiacs are under their responsibilities. The majority of rituals an Elementalist will do are intended to balance the flow of elements in themselves or others, being likened to forms of meditation and stretching exercises.


Elementalists are volunteers who study the writings of great Daeroan authors, perform meditation, and organize religious events for the community. To become an Elementalist, rather than an apprentice, one is required to pass an oral examination by peers. Elementalists often are tattooed with their elemental zodiac.

Granted Divine Powers

It is said that the best Elementalists are capable of channeling the elements within them and manipulating the world's base elements directly, resulting in the summoning of creatures made of pure elements. Some practices are said to increase your physical aptitude similarly to magic.

"The elemental principles of culture."

Founding Date
300 AMN
Religious, Monastic Order
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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