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Daero used to be a fertile island with great mineral wealth, but the fall of the empire disrupted it. The slave-mines' minerals and run-off being blown into the air, across the land; the rain being cut off from most of the isle; and the elementals corrupting the land; these have turned it into a desert.   And yet, Daero persists.


Daero is a mixture of grassland and desert, its rain having been cut off and stolen by the Cloudsea Hyperborea, which destroyed most of its biosphere. Inhabited areas are irrigated and consist mostly of crop monocultures and the few surviving bits of old-Daeroan wildlife and flora.

Fauna & Flora

Daeroan wildlife is rather rare after the Cloudsea formed. Wild horses, foxes, spiders, hawks, hares and mice are some typical samples. In the irrigated sections of land, some animals from the old days still live; it is said that even deer can be found at times, in the sparse, weak forests.   Flora is much simpler; grasses and the occasional tree, tumbleweeds, and small shrubs. These are famous for their perfectly triangular leaves. In the cool season, it is said that flowers will bloom across the entire desert, transforming the entire landscape overnight, before the flowers explode into pollen dust once the hot season begins.   Elemental influences and corruption are able to be seen in many of the wildlife; quasi-elemental creatures left over from the elemental wars exist, such as firewisps, strange variants on will-o'-wisps that form naturally, rather from the dead.

Natural Resources

Daero has many sources of raw elemental essence and metals alike, exploited heavily by the population. The slave-mines, having shut down 500 years ago, leave many partially tapped sources behind, having been corrupted by elementals.
Owning Organization
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