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Communities of Daero

Daeroan government? That's an oxymoron in and of itself. The Daeroan Model states that all workers are free to self-determine their working goals and associate freely, but that all associates must share profit and perform their own governance.   Daeroan Model communities often are a single "guild" in their own right, with their own self-enforcing rules. Many of these guilds will appoint specific extra responsibilities onto their members, and that is where policing and diplomacy comes in.

Public Agenda

Daeroan Model communities claim to put the workers' rights above all; defending the freedom and liberty of all associates. The system is designed from the ground up to reward self-determined laborers, and provide stable economics.


Most Daeroan model communities have a massive amount of minerals, to which they are incredibly undervalued. Elementals are another primary resource of Daero, many roaming throughout their deserts, easy to capture.


After the Empire fell, the slave-mines of Daero collapsed as well. With storms that turned the fertile ground to sand, and then abandoned it to dry out, the island quickly changed from a standard temperate one to a desert paradise. Elementals were freed from chains deep below, and the isle fell to chaos.   The towns of Daero, staunchly defending their freedom, slowly began to create workers' protection groups, which quickly grew to government status. Only 200 years after the fall, however, were they stable enough to form a tenuous alliance. The Daeroan model was solidified, and the rights of the people were prioritized.   For the last 300 years, Daero has survived on a system of involving themselves with trade, making it difficult to war with them; embargoes would quickly destabilize metal-working industries. The communities band together to fight off any invaders from overseas, and the biggest threat to them are internal politics.

Demography and Population

Cultural Demographics
  • 90% Daeroan
  • 5% Chevalian
  • 5% Meladan
Racial Demographics
  • 50% Human
  • 30% Half-Elvish
  • 15% Genasi
  • 5% Other


The Daeroan Model communities hold the land of Daero; a bitter, sandy land, full of rare metals. The lands are ancestral to the people; previously slaves under the empire.


The Daeroan military does not exist, formally; each community heads its own mercenary groups, which band together in times of crisis. It is said that if any invasion of the island is formally held, by any substantial army, that all the communities will band together and release their elementals upon the foe.

Technological Level

Daero has mastered the art of elementalism, and has many strange machinery and utilities that rely upon it. Elemental essences, harvested from the Elemental Chaos, can be used as essentially "raw" magic.


While Daero has no formal government able to designate a true state religion, the closest is the Elementalist Society, which holds that all the world is a combination of the five primary elements. The Elementalist Society operates many guilds, as an unofficial, theological alliance, holding a decent amount of power within the lands.

Foreign Relations

The Daeroan Model communities have never been at war with any others thanks to a fierce spirit of independence. The few skirmishes and raids by independent lords seeking to conquer the smaller border communities have been driven back by a unified militia.   Therefore, the Daeroan communities are rather peaceful with others; they provide great mineral wealth to those who trade with them, in exchange for "rare" goods.

Agriculture & Industry

Daeroan agriculture relies upon the canals; smaller canals branch off the major ones, increasing the arability of surrounding land. Corn, peppers, and beans are the primary staples that can be grown. Rarer crops include radishes and carrots. The majority of agriculture is animal husbandry focused, utilizing the massive grassland to herd cattle.   Daeroan industry is focused on the production of raw materials, for the most part. Steel and glass are heavily valued by Chevalian metalsmiths, and the trade agreement is beneficial to both. The majority of specialized goods are produced for interior usage; clothing and instruments.

Trade & Transport

The majority of Daeroan trade relies upon the grand canals, built to be able to yoke barges along by horse. The "grand" canals are grand in length and material, made from solid concrete over many miles. The canals are used to irrigate land and transport goods inwards to and from the Liberty River.   Daeroan trade is heavily international, transferring from camel-driven barges to larger ships; the best in the region.


Education in Daero is based solely upon apprenticeships and on-the-job training. Many villages have inadequate teachers, but well-funded syndicates will provide varied educations to workers, to allow for proper self-determination of work, and each person to work their passion.


The Daeroan communities have alliances to maintain the following essential infrastructure elements, to sustain their work force and protect the people:  
  • Transit Canals
  • Irrigation Watertunnels
  • Communication Towers
  The transit canals and watertunnels are a single system; in which the transit canals feed the watertunnels with water to irrigate from. The transit canals consist of canals wide enough for two barges to pass by each other at a time; side-by-side, pulled by horses.   Communication towers consist of small, metal skeleton towers. The towers hold a small office which contains valves that can release elemental essences; a code being formed by combinations of elemental essences being released out of the top. These are used as a sort of semaphore tower, only with a much longer range; the towers do not have to see each other, simply the bursts that fly upwards into the sky.

"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself."

Founding Date
200 AMN
Civil Services
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Daeroan currency is typically in the form of tapestries that signify different levels of debt by pattern.
  • Fire Tapestry: cp
  • Earth Tapestry: sp
  • Air Tapestry: ep
  • Water Tapestry: gp
  • Aether Tapestry: pp
Major Exports
  • Metal
  • Glass
  • Elemental Essences
Major Imports
  • Wood
  • Cloth
  • Metal goods
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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