Akis Tides Character in The Kingdom Era | World Anvil

Akis Tides

Sea Angel

Also known as Sea Angel, Akis is the eldest of Lord Symond Nagara's younger brothers, he is the only bastard of the lot.   For a large amount of his life, Akis has been under heavy criticism for killing his brother Norjen Nagara, at a young age whilst sparing, Akis decided to use a real sword instead of a sparing sword and cut his brother down. He has also been known to have spent a large amount of time with the mystics of North Market.   When Akis talks about his time with the mystics, he claims to have learnt the art of Shadow Binding and regularly experience great visions.
"I have seen the furthest reaches of the world, I have talked with devils of hell and broke bread with The Drenched Lord in his watery halls. I have killed my brother and the most innocent of children, and the Gods say nothing, perhaps I am a God myself. These visions talk to me, show me the way, my path is clear, for I am divine and men must worship me. I see a storm coming, a canopy that will conceal the light, the fairy's will blow leaf horns to announce it's arrival, the tides will rise and the legends of old will creep under the bed in our thoughts."
In recent years, Akis has gained the reputation as the worst of the royals. Over his adventures he has become highly knowledgeable, cruel and dangerous in more ways than one. An extremely cunning man by nature, a fierce warrior and one of the best sailors to set foot on ship. He has claimed to have seen the whole known world, to have sailed from The Isles of Isaiath to the mysterious city, Oppidum Exspiravit in The Reelonain Constellation. He travels in his unique ship, the Sea Queen, boasts to have his own Reelonain Lotus and to have a vile of Seraphim Zayne's urine that if poured into the sea, supposedly has the power to reawaken Daoloth.   The Sea Angel is very rarely seen, his last known appearance was at Iyanna Gaulden's 17th Birthday.


Quinn Nelson


Towards Akis Tides


Akis Tides


Towards Quinn Nelson


Teela Rialóir


Towards Akis Tides


Akis Tides


Towards Teela Rialóir


Parents (Adopting)
Owned Vehicles


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