Giving of Mirefield

The Event (6225 AE)

Mirefield was originally a small town and held little relevance on The Isles of Isaiath as a whole. However once the town slowly grew and even constructed a keep, Lord Royce Adve decided that the new minor city would require a noble family to manage and take care of it.   The Lord of Tis'Envar announced he would hold a great jousting tournament, one in which the winner would be gifted Mirefield. In the coming months Lord Royce decided to hold multiple celebrations along with the jousting, including a feast, ball and melee tournament. In a short period of time, word had spread to every corner of the Isles and with this it was expected to be one of the biggest events in the history of the land.   When the event finally commenced noble houses from all over the land were in attendance. House Titus, House Porter, House Carson, House Gaulden, House Front along with many more, including minor and foreign houses such as House Rahaleos and House Nagara.   When many of the nobles gathered and shared stories of their travels, various topics littered the halls. Symond of House Nagara and lord of North Market spoke with Royce Adve about the potential appearance of his half brother Akis Tides and how he feared it could taint the whole event, Lord Royce simply laughed at the Maronjan's paranoia. In the meanwhile, the jousting tournament was being prepared. The 12 men who competed consisted of:     All of the men competing were considered skilled riders and jousted well, the tone was set from the favourites as Ullus Front dehorsed both Haidar Adve and Ser Worgus. A surprising turn of events occurred when Daemon Rahaleos dehorsed Peraxos Front, Daemon was the least known rider at the tournament. He hailed from the minor House Rahaleos and wished to finally win his ancient bloodline a large plot of land in the Isles. The jousting continued with Rion Gaulden dehorsing both Praem Hildergrass II and Joea Marnei, however shockingly Daemon dehorsed Ullus Front and met Gaulden in the final joust. After each breaking a lance Daemon emerged the victor and his family celebrated, Vidor Rahaleos was then named Lord of Mirefield by his son.   The jousting concluded, the winners drank wine and the other nobles applauded Daemon for his skill on horse back along with the kindness of awarding his father with the land. The event continued and the jousting arena was converted into a fighting pit, few man stepped up as the danger of melee tournaments was well known, Laemon Rahaleos inspired by his brother decided that it would be a great triumph for his family to win both events and decided to compete. The line up concluded with:   In the first round Tyson fought Donte and beat the Redpool house member convincingly. Taurus Vanguard stood opposite an unknown knight, this individual never showed their face nor spoke, how he entered the tournament is unknown. His skill with a sword however was too much for the undisputed favourite in Taurus, how was beaten in a back and fourth fight. Lord Royce Adve watched from the stands in disbelieve.
"Who is that man, how did he enter! After the fight is done grab him and bring him to me, I want to see the face of the man who beat The Black Bull!"
After his victory the mystery knight disappeared without leaving behind any clues or trail. Mason Adve IV squared up against the proud Laemon Rahaleos and they battled violently, until Laemon fell from a strike to the side of the helmet. Daemon's brother never stood back up from his fall and was pronounced paralyzed by the advisors of Tis'Envar, who were at the tournament in case of injury. After this two brothers cautiously fought each other and Tyson came out on top after using the unhonourable method of tripping Mason, this started a feud between the two brothers that still is present.   The tournaments of Mirefield had wrapped up and it was time for celebration. The feast took place and new lord Vidor Rahaleos took to the high table with the likes of Royce Adve, Messedi Marnei, King Julian Titus and other powerful figures. All attendees seemed to be happy except Saenella Rahaleos, who feared for her uncles health, he had been taken to the healing chambers to rest after he fell in the melee tournament. She sat by herself after her sister Haelys went to introduce herself to Jon Dane. During her absence, Mason Adve IV sat next to her and engaged in conversation, after the thought of what the prince had done to her uncle she had no real interest in speaking with him. Saenella's fear of offending a high lords son lead to her kindly giving him brief responses hoping he would leave her, Mason continued to talk with her and eventually moved closer and placed a hand on her leg. She was shocked and uncomfortably made eye contact with Rion Gaulden, who walked over and told Mason to leave her and that she seemed to be upset about her uncle. Mason told Rion to piss off which lead to Gaulden threatening him physically, the prince left and Rion stayed by Saenella's side and the two formed a friendship.   At the ball Saenella Rahaleos danced with newly made friend Rion Gaulden, this was a shock to all the younger lords who had been eyeing a dance with the princess, as Rion was much older. Saenella spent most of the ball with her friend but towards the end shared a dance with the young Boromir Vanguard, She distinctly could notice Boromir having visible marks on his skin and he was dirty, the two did not speak after their dance. Her sister Haelys Rahaleos danced with a number of men including Jon Dane, Tyson Adve and Markus Porter. Jayne Carson also danced with Markus Porter along with David Marnei. An altercation occurred when Advina Titus and Chase Redpool engaged in a heated conversation about the trial which could have possibly led to the death of the Crimson Prince, but they were split up by Robb Dane and Arthur Adve. Heidi Adve was in a foul mood after seeing that her husband Arthur briefly danced with Akira Dane, yet it is speculated that they simply shared a dance to discuss Arthur's relationship with the late Asshara Dane. Iyanna Gaulden attended the event and spent a large amount of sitting with her brother Rion and his new found friend Saenella, when she did leave the table men flocked to her requesting a dance. She denied all but Ullus Front, who she truly had no interest in romantically but enjoyed listening to his stories about The Forest region as they danced.

Articles under Giving of Mirefield


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