Sagrys Willow

The One & Only

Sagrixelsyrs Xyrsys Xyrfyra-Zenxis (a.k.a. Sagrys, Willow, The Eladrin, Dragon's Ache, White Wraith of the Skyless Caverns, The Immortal Sorceress)

A World of Darkness

After the splitting of the four continents, the world descended into chaos. Misery and despair swept across the lands as the common folk turned violent, and blood-streaked rain fell from the blackened skies. Fiery winds melted once proud structures, and the vast landscapes were overrun by grotesque mutant abominations—twisted versions of former friends and family. It seemed the entire realm had succumbed to the dark, suffocating nightmare unleashed by the first Shadow Binder. All but the Sacred Five—though, at that time, they numbered only four. Leon Mandarrin, the holy paladin of Astaphamor; Isrevel Yoa, monk of the Tanaborn Tribes; Solomon Olophan, ranger to King Ghidora; and their leader, Tero Darvola, knight of Croak Bridge.   Before the splitting of the continents, these four were prominent figures, wielding influence both politically and on the battlefield. Yet, they were locked in a brutal struggle of scheming and intrigue, each driven by a vicious thrill at the thought of destroying the others. Their mutual hatred blinded them to the true danger brewing in the far east—Assarak Bloodstone, a dark sorcerer who had spent his life tampering with forbidden magic. Assurak had mastered a new, terrifying art known as Shadow Binding, which he used to unravel the fabric of reality itself, plunging the world into chaos. His motivations were unknown, perhaps irrelevant, as his first act of destruction split the once-great continent into four distinct lands.   Leon, Isrevel, Solomon, and Tero found themselves stranded on the same fractured landmass, now known as The Reelonain Constellation. Their once grand, self-proclaimed crusades against each other became petty, insignificant games in the face of the horrors Assurak unleashed. Hordes of grotesque creatures, born from dark magic, swept across the world like a plague, their numbers growing uncontrollably. The mighty armies once commanded by these four men were reduced to mindless beasts, all enslaved to Bloodstone’s dark will.   Years passed, and the once-great four were reduced to living like rats in a barn, constantly
evading a relentless farmer with a pitchfork. In their case, however, the farmer was an unceasing, undying horde of nightmares. Though powerful enough to survive, their spirits were broken, crushed beneath the unbearable weight of the world's suffering. With each passing day, the stench of hopelessness thickened, as if their very souls were being eroded.   But their fates were not sealed. Assurak Bloodstone, now free from outside interference, continued his twisted experiments with Shadow Binding. His hunger for power led him to delve too deep, tampering with forces even he could not fully comprehend. Unknowingly, he had set in motion events that would alter the course of their destiny.   Through his experiments with Shadow Binding, Assarak discovered that by concentrating potent dark magic into a tiny, ant-sized point, he could tear the magical fabric of reality, creating a rift. This revelation unveiled a startling truth: the world he resided in was but one of many, and the potential for harnessing otherworldly powers was limitless—if he could pass through the gate he had torn open.   Driven by ambition, Assarak practiced relentlessly, gradually mastering the art of manipulating these rifts, even expanding their size. But his impatience got the better of him. Eager to step into another realm, he attempted to open a gate large enough for entry before he was fully prepared. The gate destabilized, wildly unleashing dangerous magical energy that ravaged his laboratory. Fearing further destruction and sensing the rift’s growing volatility, Assarak hastily used displacement magic to transport the unstable gate to the far side of the continent, hoping to save his stronghold from ruin.   Confident the gate would dissolve after a few days, Assarak dismissed the incident as a minor failure. He lacked the capability to transport himself to check on it and assumed it would harmlessly destroy a small patch of land before fading away. Thinking little more of the matter, he returned to his research, unaware of the unforeseen consequences this gate would unleash.
The First Shadow Binder
Shadow Binding was a magic unlike anything the world had ever known—a dark art forged solely to inspire fear. It was an abyss of terror, a force so primal it consumed the very light around it. In the hands of Assarak Bloodstone, the world’s first wielder of dark magic, it became unstoppable. His fingers danced with shadows of power that twisted reality itself. Not a single soul could resist its grip; hope was a distant memory, swallowed by the darkness that bent to his will. There was no escape, only the suffocating dread of inevitable doom.

The Estel Forest Comet

  Bloodstone’s unstable gate was displaced to Estel Forest, located at the southernmost point of the Constellation. Once a stunning haven of lush greenery and crystal-clear rivers, the forest had since become a haunting wasteland, its beauty marred by magical flames that burned endlessly. These flames, crafted to never fully consume their fuel, flickered eternally—both a symbol of life and an omen of destruction.   As the gate materialized high above the forest, it descended slowly, almost gracefully, like a massive green comet streaking through the sky. Its brilliant glow illuminated everything beneath it and was visible from astonishing distances. For the four men—Leon, Isrevel, Solomon, and Tero—who had spent years surviving on the knife’s edge, battle-hardened and accustomed to the brutality of their world, the sight of the gate was impossible to miss.   Each man made the conscious choice to head toward the glowing comet, uncertain whether it was another of Bloodstone's sinister creations, leading them to certain death, or a cruel blessing from distant gods in this shattered world. To their shock, they all converged at the comet’s crash site, seeing one another for the first time in years. But the circumstances had changed.   The years spent battling for survival against the endless darkness had transformed them. No words were exchanged—only the silent understanding in their eyes. Fighting each other now seemed pointless, a waste of precious energy in a world where survival itself was the true enemy. In that unspoken moment, a decade of warfare between them came to an end, and without hesitation, a new unity was forged as they ventured together toward the crash site, bound by a shared fate.   As they drew closer, Leon confirmed that the comet held no trace of divine energy. It had no connection to the gods, for he declared that they had truly been forsaken by those they once worshipped. The men remained on high alert, with Tero and Solomon leading the way, prepared for any danger that might arise. Even the dullest of senses could feel the strange, unsettling magic radiating ahead—a power unlike anything they had ever encountered.   It was nothing like Bloodstone’s dark magic, nor did it resemble the arcane forces wielded by their former mages or priests. This magic had a purity to it, refined and so weightless that, despite its intensity, it didn’t suffocate or crush its surroundings. Bloodstone’s aura was heavy and destructive, leaving devastation in its wake, but this energy seemed to weave itself seamlessly into the air, becoming one with the earth itself. Its otherworldliness sent shivers through the men, despite its calm and unthreatening presence. It was both alien and beautiful—an unsettling paradox that left them even more wary as they ventured forward.  
Hope From Dimensions Away
In his relentless pursuit of power, Assarak tore open a gateway, a rift pulsing with the promise of unimaginable forces and ancient, eldritch mysteries. Tendrils of the unknown coiled and writhed beyond the veil, shimmering with both possibility and peril. The air crackled with an otherworldly tension, as if reality itself held its breath. Yet, in his arrogance, Assarak faltered. The gateway remained—a gaping maw between worlds—and now, the question lingered in the air like a storm on the horizon: what horrors would emerge from his failure?


  Upon reaching the crash site, the men were met with a sight both mesmerizing and enigmatic. A human-sized sphere of green magical energy lay embedded in the earth, having created a small crater upon impact. Slowly, the sphere began to lose its shape, gradually molding itself into a humanoid form.   The men stood in awe, witnessing a form of magic unlike anything they had ever encountered. No known art from their realm could replicate the transformation unfolding before their eyes. They exchanged hurried, anxious glances, checking to ensure they weren’t victims of some elaborate illusion manipulating their senses.   As they began to relax, they kept a cautious distance, their hands never straying far from their weapons. They watched intently as the green energy coalesced into what appeared to be a person, cloaked in an otherworldly, green casing. Despite their growing curiosity, they remained vigilant, prepared for whatever might emerge from this unprecedented phenomenon.   Suddenly, the green casing transformed into a liquid, spilling across the ground and dissolving rapidly into a gooey substance. As the men shifted their gaze back to the scene before them, they were taken aback by the astonishing figure now standing in front of them. The sight was nothing short of breathtaking, leaving them momentarily stunned and unable to conceal their shock.  
First Contact
As the green substance streamed away, spilling across the floor like an artist's errant paint, the men stood in stunned silence. They could scarcely fathom what secrets it had concealed in its depths over the past few hours, each drop unraveling a mystery kept hidden.

More than an Elf

  Before them stood what they could only assume to be an elven woman, her silver hair gleaming in contrast to the tattered brown cloak she wore. As she stirred and her striking green eyes swept across her surroundings, something extraordinary happened—the eternal fires that had plagued Estel Forest for years suddenly extinguished.   Though the men instinctively drew their swords, they felt no hostility from the figure. For what felt like an eternity, they remained locked in silent awe, unsure of what to make of the mysterious being before them. Finally, after a long pause, Tero broke the silence and asked, "Who are you elf?"   The elf turned to them and responded:  
I am Sagrixelsyrs Xyrsys Xyrfyra-Zenxis and I am no elf.
  As the tension eased, the group turned to conversation. The men unanimously agreed that "Sagrixelsyrs" was nearly impossible to pronounce, and asked if they could call the mysterious figure "Sagrys" instead. After a moment of hesitation, she agreed. Sagrys then explained that she was an Eladrin, a being from an ancient plane known as the Feywild—a realm older than all but heaven and hell, where creatures were born from the pure, dense magic that filled the air. In this mystical world, beings lived so long that their lifespans were measured in millennia.   She further revealed that she belonged to the Leshay bloodline, Eladrin who were immune to death by natural causes. Concepts like aging and dying of old age were irrelevant to her, a reality that left the men both awestruck and unsettled.   Sagrys continued, explaining that in the Feywild, she was a researcher investigating a strange series of magical tears appearing throughout her realm. One of these tears became unstable, and before she could react, it pulled her in, transporting her to this world—the Material Plane. Now, she was determined to find the one responsible for these disruptions and work with them to find a way back home. Her biggest concern, however, was that her noble house and others in her land would assume her disappearance meant death. If she didn't return soon, she feared being replaced, losing the thousands of years she had spent climbing the ranks in her occupation.   The four men then explained the dire state of their world and the havoc caused by Bloodstone. As they spoke, they noticed Sagrys becoming visibly displeased with each revelation, which reassured them that she must have a good heart. They forged a pact: if Sagrys would help them defeat Bloodstone and restore their world, they would spend the rest of their lives helping her track down the one responsible for the magical tears in her realm. Thus, the Sacred Four became the Sacred Five.   As they conversed and got to know one another, Solomon noticed that they were standing beneath a great willow tree. He then explained that in their world, every individual had a family name passed down through generations, ensuring their lineage would never be forgotten. Sagrys, initially indifferent, explained that she had no plans to stay in this world long enough to need such a name. However, Solomon insisted, and soon the others chimed in, urging her to adopt one.   To commemorate their meeting, Solomon suggested she take the name "Willow," as the tree symbolized good luck and protection. Sagrys, touched by the gesture, smiled and accepted the name. And so, the legend of Sagrys Willow, the Eladrin Sorcerer, truly began.  
The Journey Begins
Though history has failed to capture the moment the Sacred Five first stood together, it remains etched in the hearts of its members—a moment that would forever change the world. It was the genesis of a story that would ripple through time, a tale of five unlikely heroes destined to face a threat beyond imagination. Their future heroics would lay the foundation for the legends that followed, shaping the very fabric of existence. They were not just a party of saviors; they were the architects of the present, the reason the world could still stand in the face of oblivion.

Saviors of the Survivors

The group of five ventured out of Estel Forest, working together to restore what they could. Sagrys used her magic to heal injured wildlife, refill evaporated lakes, and rejuvenate the land, while the others offered their strength and resources. Whenever they encountered other humanoid beings—whether orcs, goblins, humans, elves, or dwarves—they would share their supplies and lend aid. By the time they finally exited the forest, a full year had passed. It was only a small part of their journey, but the four men felt proud of what they had accomplished. Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine they could restore so much, but with Sagrys by their side, driving them forward with her relentless ambition, they felt unstoppable—a party of light destined to dispel the shadow.   As they moved toward more populated areas, it became clear that Sagrys lacked social skills and had little understanding of the customs of their world. She often came across as hostile or cold toward strangers, her monotone voice never shifting with the mood. Whether in moments of sadness, joy, or even the mundane, Sagrys remained the same—emotionally flat. Over time, Tero began to understand her subtle changes in mood, even when they weren't outwardly expressed. The others, too, learned to recognize her quirks and found themselves appreciating her unique personality.
Sagrys showed a childlike curiosity toward everyday things that the men took for granted, which endeared her to them even more.   Every night, as they made camp, Tero would take it upon himself to teach Sagrys proper etiquette. As a former knight, he was well-versed in the manners of nobles and sought to help her better navigate social situations. Still, Sagrys’ aura was often perceived as hostile, so Tero taught her a simple hand gesture to signify peace. The group called it the "peace sign," and Sagrys took to it eagerly. However, despite their attempts to explain that it only needed to be used at the start of a meeting, Sagrys would hold up the peace sign for entire conversations, much to the amusement of the others. It became a running joke among the four men, but they accepted it as progress nonetheless.   Moments like these brought the realization that, for the first time in years, they were laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Their bond deepened, and they began to cherish the time spent together. For years, they journeyed north toward Bloodstone’s rumored stronghold, continuing to do good wherever they could, helping those in need. Along the way, their reputation grew, and they became known as the Sacred Five—a beacon of hope in a world overrun by darkness.
The Symbol of Eternity
The simple hand gesture Tero had taught Sagrys became far more than a symbol of peace—it became a bond, a shared memory that would tie her to her four comrades for all eternity. The act of raising two fingers toward the sky, once a lesson in goodwill, would transformed into something deeply personal. A reminder of their laughter, their trust, and the quiet joy they found in each other’s company. For millennia to come, that small gesture would bring a smile to Sagrys' lips, a fleeting moment of light in the endless march of time, forever linking her to the friends she would grow to love.

Rebirth of Civilisation

  Just before reaching the midpoint of the Constellation, the Sacred Five came across the largest group of survivors they had encountered so far—about five hundred people, protected by a band of warriors who called themselves the Heart Noble Riders. These warriors, battle-hardened and experienced in fighting on horseback, had successfully defended the group from smaller hordes of Bloodstone's monstrous creations. After conversing with the Riders, the Sacred Five learned of their plans to build a stronghold, a safe haven for any survivors who might find their way to it.   Despite the appeal of this noble cause, Leon protested. He feared the group was losing sight of their ultimate mission—to defeat Bloodstone. In his eyes, failing to eliminate the source of the evil would eventually doom the stronghold to destruction, no matter how fortified it was. However, the others disagreed, arguing that as a party of good, their duty was to help those in need whenever possible. Sagrys, remaining neutral, simply remarked that she had all the time in the world, so the brief detour didn’t concern her.   With that, the decision was made—the Sacred Five would join the Noble Heart Riders and aid in the construction of the stronghold, even if it delayed their larger mission.   Five years passed, each one more prosperous than the last, as the Sacred Five and the survivors grew closer, sharing stories of survival and learning from one another. Together, they forged a community, exchanging ideas and strategies to fend off the horrors they faced. After long discussions, the new civilization was named Tarhurth, with the Noble Heart Riders taking on the role of the governing force, responsible for making executive decisions.   To mark the founding of Tarhurth, a grand ceremony was held. Spirits were high as one of the survivors, who had spent the last year crafting his own alcoholic beverages, passed them around in celebration. A newly constructed building, reminiscent of a large mess hall, became the heart of the festivities, serving as a makeshift tavern where the people gathered to share in their newfound joy.   That night was unforgettable for many. Laughter echoed through the halls, tears of joy were shed, and a palpable sense of accomplishment filled the air. It was a moment of unity and triumph, a bright spot in a world still overshadowed by darkness.   Despite the deep appreciation she received, Sagrys struggled to connect with the townsfolk. Her unique conversational style often hindered her ability to build relationships as strong as those her comrades had formed. As she sat alone, observing the joyous celebrations around her, she felt a smile spread across her face. It was the first time she had experienced such a collective sense of happiness since arriving in this world.   Just then, a familiar face joined her at the table—Leon, who had seemed less spirited over the past five years. Their eyes met with solemn expressions, but quickly softened into smiles. They clinked their drinks together and began to talk. With Leon's company, Sagrys felt a deeper connection to the celebration and the collective joy of the crowd.   Leon admitted he had been wrong and that their party could indeed both save the world and assist those in need along the way. He recalled Sagrys’ words about having a lifetime to achieve their goals. Sagrys listened and smiled, feeling her resolve strengthen as she looked around the room. She wondered if this kind of unity and happiness could be found everywhere once they defeated Assarak Bloodstone. The thought excited her, and she found herself enjoying the celebration, not just for the camaraderie but also for the delightful alcohol.  
When Sagrys first arrived, the world felt harsh and unforgiving, with only her companions to cast slivers of light into the overwhelming darkness. But with the founding of Tarhurth, she glimpsed the world’s potential for brilliance—a beauty born from unity and shared purpose. In that moment, she made a vow: no matter the cost, she would free the world from its shadows and spread joy across the realm, believing in the power of people to create a brighter tomorrow.

Hordes of the North

In the weeks after the founding ceremony of Tarhurth, the Sacred Five resumed their journey northward, refocusing on their primary mission. As they ventured further, the land grew colder, cloaked in an ominous blend of darkness and fire. Fewer survivors crossed their path, but those they met were directed towards the safety of Tarhurth. As they traveled, Leon grew increasingly restless, sensing a deepening unholy presence in the land, lamenting the absence of divine grace.   Sagrys, typically reserved, took an interest in Leon's beliefs about gods, which were foreign concepts to her. In the Feywild, her realm, there were no entities known as gods. Instead, they revered celestials—beings who had acquired immense power and risen to rule over their domain. These celestials did not demand faith or belief; they were once ordinary beings like her, and their presence was a familiar sight.   The notion of Leon's gods, beings existing solely to support and bless the lives of those on the material plane without demanding anything in return, puzzled Sagrys. If these gods were real, why would they not require some form of reciprocity? Her skepticism grew as she delved deeper into these theological discussions, trying to understand the very different spiritual landscape of this world.   If ever there was a time for divine intervention, it would be in the hours ahead. The group approached the entrance to a vast valley, aware that circumventing it would add over six months to their journey. Tero and Isrevel, weighing their options, made the decisive call to go through. Known in better times as the Lord's Path, this toll road was once meticulously maintained and heavily fortified with numerous strongholds.   However, rumors now painted a grim picture: it had become a breeding ground for Bloodstone’s most grotesque creations—zombies, skeletons, and nightmarish mutations birthed from the corpses of fallen warriors. As they prepared to enter the valley, the tension within the group was palpable. They understood that combat was inevitable. Despite nearly seven years of camaraderie, their experience facing high-stakes battles together was surprisingly limited, heightening the sense of uncertainty as they stepped onto the foreboding path.   As they descended into the valley, Isrevel noticed a look of fear etched on the faces of his comrades, their movements tinged with apprehension. Yet, Sagrys appeared entirely unaffected, her demeanor as calm as ever. Isrevel, a monk from a large tribe who had spent most of his life mastering his emotions and understanding his body, felt the gravity of their situation—a burden no amount of training could fully prepare one for. Curious, he asked Sagrys how she managed to remain so composed. Her response was simple: she had never been in combat before and had no experience with pain, so she didn't know what to fear.   Isrevel realized then that Sagrys did not fear the unknown or uncertainties; she approached life as it came, reacting to each new situation without preconceptions. Sagrys reassured him when he expressed concern for her safety, mentioning that she had spent seven thousand years studying combat magic but eventually grew bored since she never had the opportunity to apply it in practice. This revelation amused the
entire party. Seven thousand years seemed like an eternity, yet Sagrys spoke of it as if it were a brief interlude. Her nonchalant attitude towards what could be a deadly battle was both baffling and endearing to them. Sagrys was truly unlike anyone they had ever met, marching into potentially lethal conflict without a hint of fear.   As the enemy forces appeared on the horizon, the men braced for what seemed like certain death. The valley teemed with hordes of horrors, thousands of malevolent creatures intent on wreaking havoc. The glimmer of hope that once brightened their eyes dimmed under the shadow of the approaching menace. Yet, Tero, gripping his sword with resolute confidence, declared that if they were to die, their deaths would be legendary, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies for generations. With a thunderous roar, they charged, their steel clashing against the flesh of nightmarish beings, while the chilling cries of the creatures echoed through the valley.   Within minutes, the group was nearly overwhelmed—until Sagrys unleashed her first spell. A bolt of green energy surged towards the enemy, revealing their critical weakness: a total lack of defense against magic. Sagrys, who had been advised to pinpoint enemy mages before acting to prevent counterattacks, had let impatience guide her hand. Yet, the enemy offered no magical response. Her spell tore through the ranks, annihilating at least a hundred foes with its immense power, breathing new vigor into her comrades.   Emboldened, Sagrys stepped into the fray, contrary to every piece of advice she had received about keeping to the rear as a magical caster. In that moment, none of it mattered to her; the thrill of battle consumed her, and she felt more alive than ever. Her presence on the front lines, wielding combat magic with unprecedented ferocity, inspired her companions even further. The battle raged for an hour, but when it ended, Sagrys and her party emerged victorious, covered in blood—none of it their own. They left behind thousands of fallen enemies as they continued their march through the valley, their spirits lifted by the undeniable strength they possessed together.   As they left the valley behind, buoyed by their victorious first combat together, the party's conversation repeatedly circled back to Sagrys' display of magic. Solomon was the first to voice his awe, quickly joined by the others. They admitted that in all their lives, they had never witnessed magic like hers—nor had they seen such destructive power. There were lighthearted jokes that perhaps Sagrys was more formidable than Bloodstone himself, and they expressed relief that it was not she who had unleashed the darkness upon their world.   Sagrys walked quietly among the men, a modest smile playing across her lips as she listened to their discussions. Internally, she was somewhat taken aback by the effectiveness of her magic; after all, she had only deployed spells from the first five hundred years of her training—spells considered elementary in the Feywild. This revelation filled her with optimism for the challenges ahead, yet she chose to keep the true extent of her magical potential to herself. She feared that revealing too much might lead her companions to overconfidence.
A Taste of Horror
After triumphing in their first battle, the Sacred Five surged with newfound confidence, bolstered immeasurably by Sagrys at their side. Her magic, a spectacle of both purity and destruction, danced across the battlefield with devastating grace, leaving awe and ruin in its wake. As her spells carved through the enemy ranks, it became clear to all: Sagrys was not merely a mage; she was a force of nature, perhaps the most powerful magic wielder ever to grace the material plane. The air crackled with her power, and the earth trembled at her command, affirming her place among the legends.

Cosmic Messaging

  Years of travel unfolded, each day presenting a new challenge—scaling mountains, wading through swamps, braving snowstorms, navigating forests, and occasionally clashing with hordes of darkness. The environments and biomes that the Sacred Five encountered were as varied as they were demanding, and with each new adversity, the forces of darkness seemed to grow stronger. Despite this, the party's confidence soared; they had become seasoned adventurers, arguably the most capable in history. They breathed life back into the lands they passed, and their deeds of liberation spread far and wide, earning them the love and support of many. People were eager to assist them in whatever ways they could, yet the Sacred Five remained unchanged by their newfound fame. They continued to spend their nights under the open sky, occasionally catching glimpses of the stars through breaks in the smoke.   On one particularly clear night, as Sagrys kept watch over her companions, the sky opened up to reveal a breathtaking vista of stars, constellations, and undulating auroras. Captivated by the celestial beauty, she felt her body lighten as visions danced across the heavens. Silhouettes of warriors, great yet forgotten heroes of the past, seemed to surround her. Without words, these spectral figures conveyed a profound message: Sagrys was chosen to save the world, and one day, another with green eyes—a girl with black hair—would continue this legacy, guiding a hero to his destiny in a distant future. It was Sagrys' duty to safeguard and eventually pass on this sacred knowledge. The night sky, filled with the echoes of past saviors, entrusted her with a legacy that spanned beyond her own time in the light.   Sagrys shared her celestial revelation with her party, and to her surprise, they accepted her story without question. Tero even remarked that her very existence made him inclined to believe nearly anything she said. Energized by the vision, Sagrys began to discuss the next thousand years and their quest to find the individual with black hair and green eyes.   The men exchanged smiles as they listened to Sagrys speak passionately for the next hour. They all recognized, among themselves, that in her excitement, Sagrys had momentarily overlooked their original pact to find her a way back to the Feywild. She had also forgotten the somber reality that her companions, being mortal, had at most fifty more years to live. Despite this poignant truth, the men chose not to interrupt her. They listened attentively, allowing her to revel in her plans for their future together. As they walked on, Sagrys moved ahead with a joyful bounce in her step, while the others trailed slightly behind, cherishing the happiness that radiated from her.  
The Greater Picture
Despite Sagrys' initial resolve to depart the material plane for the ethereal embrace of the Feywild, it seemed as though echoes of ancient legends were weaving new fates around her. These venerable whispers from the past gently nudged her soul, urging her to forsake her original quest for a destiny far more magnificent and encompassing. Slowly, the allure of a grander purpose unfurled before her, beckoning Sagrys to embrace a path adorned with the potential for greater impact and legacy.

God Eater

The hordes of Assarak Bloodstone were not the only source of despair in the darkened world. When the four continents split, other ancient threats were awakened, including a dragon that legends claimed slept within the mountains. This legend materialized into reality when Bloodstone's magic fractured the mountains, rousing an adult red dragon known as Revemore, who was reputed to be at least two hundred years old. Coincidentally, the Sacred Five were venturing into the lands now roamed by Revemore.   Sagrys, unfamiliar with dragons since they didn't exist in the Feywild, bombarded her comrades with questions. Most of her inquiries were dismissed; her comrades were adamant about avoiding Revemore, explaining that a confrontation would severely deplete their strength, leaving them ill-prepared for their impending battle with Bloodstone, which was less than a year away. Despite this, Sagrys was insistent on learning more, becoming so persistent that the party nearly avoided speaking to her for several days. Solomon even described her persistence as annoying and pestering.   Finally, one night, Isrevel relented and shared what he knew. He explained that many legends depict dragons as some of the oldest beings in the realm, capable of living for thousands of years. The older they are, the more powerful they become. Dragons are intelligent and cunning, having accumulated knowledge since the dawn of their existence, making them among the most intelligent creatures known. Additionally, older dragons are said to be experts in magic and, combined with their formidable size and physical prowess, rank as some of the strongest beings in the realm. However, encounters with dragons are so rare that they border on myth; before Revemore, there had been no dragon sightings for roughly a thousand years. Thus, there is no proven strategy for battling one, and even the information Isrevel could provide was, at best, tenuous.   Armed with this knowledge, Sagrys became infatuated with the idea of encountering Revemore. As they journeyed through his domain, she remained alert, eagerly searching for any indication of the dragon’s presence. The landscape around them was a stark contrast to any they had traversed before: the earth was scorched and still steaming, presumably from the dragon's fiery breath. The area was devoid of dark hordes, buildings, or wildlife, marked only by the occasional charred tree.   That night, the group slept comfortably on the warm, heated ground, which felt as soothing as a heated bath. However, Sagrys stayed awake, keeping watch. Her excitement was so intense that she felt no need for sleep. As she gazed into the distance, a flash of red light caught her eye. Compelled by a mixture of curiosity and thrill, she quietly left her sleeping companions behind and ran towards the source of the light, drawn irresistibly into the night.   As Sagrys approached the source of the light, her wishes were fulfilled: there in a stony pit lay Revemore, a gargantuan red dragon whose mere presence could terrify the bravest of warriors. Yet, Sagrys felt only excitement and a sense of duty. Confronted with the opportunity to battle a legendary creature of this realm, and considering the benefits of its defeat, she saw no reason not to engage.
Descending into the pit, she felt the intense heat radiating from the area, so fierce she imagined it could melt glaciers. Fortunately, as an Eladrin, she was immune to most natural extremes. Her body could withstand the heat of a volcano as easily as the cold of a blizzard, which she considered fortunate given the circumstances. She mused that her comrades' armor might have proved a hindrance against such a foe, thankful for her innate resilience as she prepared to confront the mighty dragon.   As Sagrys approached the dragon, she considered it polite to introduce herself, presuming that such an intelligent creature might wish to know why she had come to confront it. With confidence, she announced herself as Sagrys Willow of the Sacred Five. The dragon watched her intently, its brow furrowing as she drew closer. Suddenly, steam billowed from its mouth, followed by a torrent of fire so intense it melted the stone beneath it.   Sagrys narrowly dodged the initial blast, but a sharp, unfamiliar pain surged through her arm. Her eyes widened and filled with tears—not from fear, but from the strange new sensation of pain. She glanced at her arm and saw her skin blistering and peeling back to reveal the muscle tissue underneath, untouched by the flames but scorched by the sheer heat. In that moment, a chilling realization dawned on her: this dragon had the power to end her life, and the battle ahead had only two possible outcomes—victory or death.   As Sagrys dodged the dragon's relentless flames, pain coursed through her body, her skin peeling from the heat in various places just minutes into the battle. Recalling her earlier conversation with Isrevel, she wryly thought to herself that even his dire warnings had understated the danger. When the dragon momentarily paused to recharge its fiery breath, Sagrys seized the brief opening. She launched a bolt of green magical energy—the same spell she had used years ago against the hordes of darkness—only to watch it collide with a magical shield the dragon conjured in defense.   It was clear that Revemore's natural prowess was formidable, and he was adept in magic as well, capable of defending against her attacks. A tense exchange ensued as Sagrys navigated through the dragon's fiery assaults and retaliated, only to have her spells consistently blocked. Despite the dragon’s seemingly inexhaustible stamina, Sagrys treated the confrontation like a chess match, using the pain that wracked her body as a harsh tutor in the rhythm of battle she intended to disrupt.   Noticing a pattern in the dragon’s defensive magic, which had been activated at least fifteen times, Sagrys deduced that it protected only a single point of impact and that the dragon’s quick reflexes always directed it correctly. Adjusting her tactics, she launched her green bolt again, this time engineering it to behave like electricity upon impact. When the bolt hit, the green currents traveled around the magical barrier, finding their way to Revemore and coursing through his body.   The red dragon released an ear-piercing roar. Sagrys allowed herself a small smile, confident in her arsenal of spells. She knew the battle might drag on for hours, but as long as her body held up, she was convinced of her eventual victory.
The Pinnicle of the Realm
Revemore was a creature of awe-inspiring power, a being whose natural might bordered on the sublime. It possessed the strength to obliterate even the realm's most formidable magical caster, a force of nature that challenged the very limits of possibility. The battle with Revemore was an epoch in Sagrys' life, searing into her memory as the moment she first tasted true pain and grazed the chilling breath of mortality. It was an encounter that would forever mark her, a stark initiation into the realities of life and death on a scale most profound.

Spoils of Battle

  As Revemore's massive body collapsed, a cloud of dust swirled up, stinging Sagrys' eyes—one final assault of pain from the formidable foe she had battled for an hour. Exhausted and victorious, her legs buckled, and she crumpled to the scorched earth, her skin covered in burns and blood. The blisters on her face burned painfully as tears trickled over them.   Lying on the hot ground, the searing heat against her skin was almost unbearable. She was too drained to move, overwhelmed by a raw, relentless pain. Her initial thrill of excitement and accomplishment was now eclipsed by sheer agony. This first true experience with pain was harsh and unyielding, having demanded every ounce of her resolve to withstand it during the battle. As she lay there, Sagrys pondered if this was what victory against a formidable enemy was supposed to feel like—no spoils or glory, just the lasting scars of combat.   Feeling a profound loneliness on the empty battlefield, the idea of death briefly crossed her mind. Her magical reserves depleted, she had no means to heal herself, and her body felt as if it was on the verge of permenant failure. Just as she closed her eyes, accepting her fate, a distant, familiar voice reached her ears. Tears of relief streamed down her face, soon turning into sobs of deep emotional release. Her party had not forgotten her; they arrived just when she needed them most. She was not alone.   Her comrades rushed to her side, their voices thick with concern and tinged with panic as they approached. Tero quickly lifted her from the scorching ground, and she noticed their brows were slick with sweat, a testament to the intense heat. Once they moved away from the stony pit, Leon began tending to her wounds with swift efficiency, his medical skills unparalleled.   It took hours for Sagrys’ body to stop shaking and for her to regain some semblance of control, but her tears only multiplied as she expressed her gratitude to her companions. They all offered her words of comfort. Solomon called her a hero as he gently poured water into her mouth, while Isrevel half-jokingly mentioned the stern lecture he planned to give her once she was fully recovered. Leon remained largely silent, his attention focused on dressing her wounds, and Tero, with a subdued smile, silently held back his own tears, relieved that Sagrys would be alright.  
New Experiences
Pain was a stranger to Sagrys, its sharp embrace unlike anything she had ever known. This novel sensation carved a deep, indelible mark upon her spirit, and though she was resolute in one thing—it was an experience she yearned never to repeat. They say the seasoned are the favored in battle, and indeed, Sagrys had plunged into the flames, untested and fearless. Against one of the mightiest foes imaginable, she emerged not just victorious but transformed, her initiation complete. Now, seasoned by the forge of combat, the sky beckoned limitlessly to her, the realm's most formidable magical caster, her potential rising like a vast, uncharted horizon.

Ashtamir Hollow

  As they continued their journey, Sagrys gradually healed under the vigilant care of her devoted comrades. The defeat of Revemore not only elevated her renown throughout the Constellation but also, during her recovery, unexpectedly strengthened the bonds within their party. Sagrys realized that these four men truly cared for her and were ready to support her at every turn.   Isrevel, with his robust orcish strength, carried Sagrys for three days until she regained enough energy to stand on her own. During this period, their relationship deepened significantly. Sagrys often requested detours to explore seemingly minor details, which led Isrevel to appreciate her keen interest in the nuances of their surroundings. The affection and support she received from her party buoyed her spirits, reigniting her motivation. Determined not to let them down, Sagrys resolved to push through any pain, driven by the singular goal of defeating Assarak Bloodstone, the first Shadow Binder.   During their travels, Sagrys learned about a poignant chapter from Isrevel's past involving his brother who had died during an overly ambitious adventure. Isrevel shared with her that they had once sought the treasure rumored to lie at the bottom of Ashtamir Hollow, a legendary cave known for its dangers. He described how the cave, unexplored for thousands of years, was marked by checkpoints consisting of the bones of fallen adventurers. It was said to contain five increasingly perilous levels and to be guarded by the Bone King, a mythical ruler of bones who possessed many mystical treasures.   Unaware that her continuous inquiries stirred painful memories for Isrevel—due to her lack of familiarity with the concept of losing a loved one—Sagrys shared the tale of the cave with the group. Despite Isrevel's reservations, the party decided to explore Ashtamir Hollow, convinced that any treasures they found could aid in their battle against Bloodstone. Isrevel expressed concerns about the cave's deadly reputation, but Solomon countered that before their group, no adventurers had ever slain a dragon, repelled vast hordes of darkness, founded new civilizations, or restored hope to the despairing.   Reluctantly, Isrevel acquiesced to the party's decision. Though hesitant, he had always placed great trust in the judgment of his companions.   As they drew nearer to their destination, Sagrys stayed close to Isrevel, hoping her presence would offer him comfort much like his had during her recovery. Although she found it challenging to comfort him effectively, she hoped her proximity conveyed her care. Sagrys noticed a shift in Isrevel’s demeanor as they traveled; it wasn’t nervousness, but an air of intense preparation, as if he were steeling himself to confront a formidable foe. This change excited yet also concerned her for his safety.   Isrevel was typically a calm, collected individual, always in control of his emotions and energy. Despite being the largest member of the party, his remarkable stamina often puzzled Sagrys; she attributed this to his rigorous monk training. His dedication to mastering his craft reminded Sagrys of her own commitment to her studies back in the Feywild, deepening her respect and admiration for him.  
The Unknown
Before the cataclysm known as the Splitting, cave exploration and dungeon crawling were rites of passage for adventurers. Yet, the Sacred Five were far from ordinary, and such endeavors had never marked their path. This new challenge ignited a fire in the heart of the eminent magical caster. With a thrill of anticipation, she embraced the uncharted darkness ahead. Trust was their unspoken bond—she relied on her comrades to guard her back, and she, in turn, would shield theirs. Together, they would face the lurking horrors, those merciless denizens of the deep, with a unity forged in the crucible of their shared journeys.

The Great Below

  Entering Ashtamir Hollow was an eerie experience; the cave was engulfed in a deep silence, broken only by the occasional drip of water from the damp rocks. The pervasive darkness initially unsettled the party, but Sagrys quickly alleviated their discomfort with an array of magical spells that bathed the cavern in light, dispelling the oppressive gloom.   Surprisingly, navigating the cave turned out to be far less challenging than anticipated, especially for Isrevel, who had braced for a grueling ordeal. The party efficiently dispatched skeletons and cave fishers that tried to impede their progress. Isrevel attributed their smooth passage to his own increased strength and the exceptional capabilities of his comrades, honed by the severe trials they had previously endured.   For Sagrys, the Hollow was somewhat disappointing. Given Isrevel's history of underestimating challenges, she had expected a formidable test, yet the adversaries they encountered were no match for her party's prowess. Tero and Leon handled the threats with ease, relegating her role to merely illuminating their path. This unexpected ease left her feeling somewhat underutilized, having prepared for a battle that never came.   Eventually, the party reached what appeared to be the final level of the cave, which presented a stark contrast to the earlier sections. Unlike the natural, untouched pathways they had traversed, this level was meticulously constructed with stone blocks, resembling the chambers of a castle.   As they delved deeper, they encountered increasingly formidable adversaries, including armored skeletons and serpents made of bone that could only be defeated by crushing. Still, these enhanced foes proved no match for the seasoned warriors, who dispatched their enemies with ease as they made their way to a room that exuded the air of a throne room, adorned with gold and opulence that hinted at the lair of the Bone King.   Sagrys's heart raced as they entered. Seated upon the throne was the lord of bones himself—a skeleton clad in golden armor, its skull topped with a crown encrusted with various gemstones, looking every bit as menacing as its title suggested. However, as they approached, the initial pulse of excitement faded to disappointment. The Bone King was just that—a skeleton, the inert remains of whoever had once ruled this place, utterly lifeless and devoid of the threat they had anticipated.   Isrevel felt a mix of relief and disappointment, sentiments that echoed throughout the party. They had spent three days navigating the cave, only to discover that the fabled treasure was merely gold—a currency that held little value in these troubled times. As they all sat together in the throne room, Tero burst into laughter, soon joined by the others. Sagrys, not quite grasping the humor, listened as Tero explained that not every adventure ends in triumph. The amusement stemmed from their realization that they were disappointed by the absence of a deadly foe. This reaction underscored just how much they had transformed from the days when they hid from the darkness. Now, they were not just confronting danger; they were seeking it out, a testament to their daring and growth as adventurers.   In a moment of levity, Tero played the comedian, shoving the lord of bones from the throne and declaring himself a worthy substitute to give the party the battle they had hoped for. His antics drew chuckles and sparked a playful debate about who would fare best in a mock battle against the others. Sagrys didn't join in the discussion; instead, she sat back, watching her friends with a smile, warmed by the sight of their laughter and playful banter.   The mood lightened further when Solomon revealed he had brought some alcohol from Tarhurth. The party's spirits brightened instantly, and even Sagrys hurried over to claim her share. As they drank and chatted, Tero rose from the throne, unwittingly activating a pressure plate beneath it. The floor before the throne slid open like dominoes, unveiling a steep, presumably deep passageway. Without much deliberation, the party decided to venture down it, and what they discovered at the bottom washed away the initial disappointment of the Bone King.   They entered a massive cavern that seemed to stretch on for miles, its landscape dotted with glowing fungus and gigantic mushrooms. Solomon gasped, drawing an eager query from Sagrys, who was buzzing with excitement. Solomon speculated that they had stumbled into the legendary Underdark—a mythical, subterranean world vastly different from the surface. He described it as a cavern system so expansive it resembled an endless desert, a place feared by even the most seasoned dungeon crawlers. Here, the air could turn stale and poisonous without warning, the lack of natural light causing the plant life to grow deformed and adapt to the strange environment. This underground land was home to various creatures, some dangerous, others benign, including dark elves, rock gnomes, and illithids. The discovery of the Underdark, a place of legend and lore, promised new adventures and challenges, revitalizing the party's spirits after their initial letdown.  
Skyless Lands
The Underdark, a realm shrouded in perpetual shadow, where sunlight is but a myth and its inhabitants thrive in the darkness. This is a land of the unseen, home to creatures that have never glimpsed the sky and those who loathe its very existence. Now, this mysterious and foreboding expanse has been breached by the realm's most intrepid adventurers, unveiling its secrets to those daring enough to traverse its hidden depths.

Lords of the Underground

  Traversing the Underdark proved far more formidable than their journey through the Hollows. Sagrys was pushed to her limits, casting a range of utility spells to shield the party from the harsh, unforgiving environment that could easily bring about an excruciating death. Yet, despite the growing challenges, there was never a flicker of doubt in her comrades' eyes, nor a thought of turning back. They all understood that the treasures hidden in this skyless realm were worth any risk.   As they journeyed deeper, the party became aware that they were not alone. They were under constant surveillance by the denizens of the Underdark, creatures adept in the art of stealth, who used the cavernous terrain to their advantage, even evading Sagrys' detection magic. Whoever—or whatever—was shadowing them carried a menacing presence, an unseen force displeased with their intrusion into its domain. The party grew increasingly cautious, their hands never far from their weapons, ready to strike at the first sign of contact with the mysterious stalkers lurking just beyond their sight.   In the distance, a faint glint caught Tero’s eye, like the reflection of sunlight on steel. Without hesitation, the sharp whistle of something slicing through the air filled the cavern. Tero reacted instinctively, diving in front of Sagrys with his shield raised. A purple crystal arrow shattered against his defense, its force a clear indication of the enemy’s intent.   Their foe was clever, having bided their time, carefully studying the party and identifying Sagrys as their magic user. The attack was meant to cripple them from the outset, and had it succeeded, the remaining four would have been plunged into the very darkness that favored their adversary. The party scrambled for cover, pinned down like prey, helpless against the unseen snipers lurking in the shadows.   Sagrys, unfazed by the chaos, quickly retaliated by launching a fireball in the direction of the attackers, hoping both to light up the cavern and send a message that they were not to be trifled with. As the fireball erupted into a fiery orange glow, it briefly illuminated their enemies—elves with dark skin and glowing red eyes.   Solomon’s face hardened with recognition. He quickly relayed to the group that they had encountered the feared Drow, a subterranean race of dark-skinned elves, often referred to as dark elves—deadly adversaries who thrived in the shadowy depths of the Underdark.  
Worshipers of the Spider Queen
The Drow, a shadowed subrace of elves, were whispered of in fear and revulsion by those of the overworld. Their cruelty ran as deep as the caverns they called home, and their unshakable belief in their own superiority made them a force to be dreaded. To them, all that lay beneath the surface was theirs by right, an empire carved in darkness. And they would be damned before they allowed the Sacred Five to trespass through their realm with impunity. In the abyssal depths where light dared not venture, the Drow awaited, their hatred seething, ready to defend their dominion with ruthless, merciless resolve.


  The party remained hunkered behind cover for over an hour, any movement drawing a volley of arrows whistling through the air. It felt like a near-hopeless situation. Tero and Leon suggested a bold charge, rushing the enemy while using their shields for protection, but Solomon quickly shot down the idea, warning that other Drow could be lurking at different angles, turning such a rush into a death trap.   Sagrys, deep in thought, realized something critical: the enemy had feared her fire. When she launched the initial fireball, they had scattered, retreating from its glow. She had fired it on pure instinct, and it was the first time she had used fire magic since her battle with Revemore. Ever since that fight, Sagrys had unconsciously avoided the element, the memory of her burns making the thought of fire unsettling. The mere idea of conjuring it again made her palms sweat and her voice falter. The party had explained this feeling to her—it was fear, something Sagrys had never known before, an emotion she hadn’t even recognized until now.   Sagrys was intimately familiar with the scorching flames of Revemore after their brutal encounter—the blistering heat, the suffocating steam, the overwhelming intensity that could melt stone, and the terrifying crackle as the fire cut through the air. That battle had left a deep mark on her, not just physically, but emotionally. Fire had become something she feared, a presence that haunted her thoughts. But now, surrounded by unseen enemies in the oppressive darkness of the Underdark, Sagrys knew she had no choice but to embrace the very force she dreaded.   Her heartbeat quickened as she focused, drawing deep from her well of magic. The familiar heat swelled in her chest, intensifying as she honed her power. With a deep breath, she summoned the flames—not to hurl at her foes, but to wrap herself in their burning embrace, facing her fear head-on.   In an instant, her entire body ignited, flames licking at her skin but leaving her unharmed. Her silhouette blurred in the inferno, transforming her into a figure that seemed forged from the very depths of the earth. The air shimmered with heat, arrows launched by the enemy disintegrating before they could touch her. Beneath her feet, the stone melted into a glowing, molten path.   The Drow, concealed in the shadows, recoiled in terror. The sight of Sagrys, cloaked in flames like a demon, radiating unstoppable power, sent them into chaos. Their once-precise barrage of arrows faltered as they scrambled to retreat, overwhelmed by the terrifying force they had unwittingly provoked. With each step, the ground beneath Sagrys melted, leaving behind smoldering footprints as she advanced, her fear transmuted into sheer strength.   As she passed by her comrades, the heat radiating from her was unmistakable, even from a distance. The intensity of the flames seared the air, and Tero, Solomon, Leon, and Isrevel could only watch in stunned silence as Sagrys became something far beyond what they had ever imagined.   Tero, usually the boldest among them, found himself breathless. He had always known Sagrys to be a powerful caster, but this—this was something entirely different. The crackling flames around her were louder than the arrows that had been aimed at them moments before, now reduced to ash in her wake. He gripped his sword tightly, not out of fear, but in awe. In that moment, he realized the magnitude of Sagrys’ power. She wasn’t just another mage; she was a force greater than anything he had ever encountered, a savior whose potential could change everything.   Leon, ever the calm and focused Paladin, watched as the ground melted beneath Sagrys' feet, each step leaving a glowing trail. His heart pounded. He had treated her wounds before, but now, seeing her harness such raw magic, walking through fire as though it were nothing, he understood that Sagrys was far more than any healer or fighter could ever hope to be. She wasn’t merely meant to survive—she was destined for victory.   Solomon, the tactician of the group, found himself at a loss for words. The Drow, once so deadly and precise, were now scrambling in panic, their arrows crumbling before they reached her. He had always prided himself on being able to predict outcomes, but Sagrys was beyond calculation. She wasn’t just part of their party anymore—she was their beacon, a force capable of shaping the course of history. With her at the helm, he knew they had a real chance to defeat Bloodstone.   Isrevel, who had carried Sagrys during her weakest moments, felt an overwhelming surge of pride. He had always sensed her potential, but seeing her now, enveloped in flames and fearlessly advancing, he realized she was something far beyond extraordinary. As a monk, he had spent his life mastering control, but Sagrys had transcended control. She was the power she wielded. Watching her stride through the molten ground, Isrevel understood one undeniable truth: Sagrys was destined to save the world, and he, along with his comrades, was meant to stand by her side to help her achieve that destiny.   The heat from Sagrys’ flames intensified as she moved closer to the Drow, a force of nature in the darkness. Even from afar, her comrades felt the inferno, not just physically, but as a presence—an overwhelming force. As Sagrys advanced, their enemies fled in terror, and in that moment, her party knew they were no longer just adventurers on a dangerous mission. They were companions to someone capable of changing the fate of the world.   With Sagrys leading the way, there was no doubt in their minds: their journey was not only possible but destined for greatness. Sagrys Willow, the immortal sorceress, would save the world—and they would be at her side when she did.  
Aspect of the Dragon
As if destiny itself had conspired to unveil her true power, the greatest sorceress stood transformed by the battle with the great fire beast. The raw experiences she had endured ignited within her, turning her into a creature of unimaginable might, cloaked in flames that roared like a living inferno. To the opposition, she was no longer human—they saw only a demon, a white wraith of the skyless depths, a spectral force sent to consume them. Yet, amid the awe and terror, there were four who saw through the blazing tempest. The men who had walked beside her for years could still glimpse their friend beneath the inferno—Sagrys. But now, her potential unleashed, she stood as something far more—an avatar of pure, elemental power, her true self burning as bright as the stars themselves.

The Power of Fear

  As Sagrys continued her march, the flames she had summoned began to grow beyond her control. The heat intensified, and the fire, no longer confined to her body, started to spread wildly throughout the Underdark. The once-silent caverns now roared with the crackle of fire, turning the darkness into a chaotic blaze of destruction. The flames consumed everything in their path—melting stone, devouring fungal growths, and forcing the Drow deeper into retreat.   The Drow, who had initially watched Sagrys in terror, soon found their entire domain threatened. The fire raged uncontrollably, lighting up the caverns in an infernal glow. The air filled with acrid smoke, and even the Drow, masters of the shadows, found themselves helpless against the relentless advance of Sagrys' unleashed power. Desperate and realizing that their entire home was at risk of burning away, the Drow decided to seek peace.   A small group of them, cloaked in shadows, cautiously approached Sagrys and her party. Though fearful, they offered her a peace proposal: in exchange for their secret artifact, The Fallen Star, they would ask for no further violence. The artifact, a purple crystal dagger, held immense power. It could transform into any weapon the wielder desired—a sword, mace, hammer, or axe—and was capable of penetrating any magical defense. Furthermore, it could drain the light from an entire area, casting it into complete darkness while granting the wielder flawless dark vision.   The Drow, visibly shaken by Sagrys' power, offered the Fallen Star in exchange for peace and an assurance that the Sacred Five would leave the Underdark and never return. They referred to Sagrys with reverence and fear, calling her the "White Wraith of the Skyless Caverns," a title born from the sight of her fiery form cutting through their dark domain.   Sagrys and her party, though still powerful, understood the gravity of the situation. Appreciative of the peace offering, they agreed to the terms. Sagrys, seeing the chaos her flames had caused, knew she needed to undo the damage. With immense focus, she summoned lakes' worth of water to douse the flames now running rampant through the caverns. The fire hissed and sputtered out under the torrents she conjured, slowly bringing the Underdark back to its eerie, shadowy calm.   Once the flames were extinguished and peace restored, the Drow handed over the Fallen Star as promised. With mutual respect, though lingering fear, they watched as the Sacred Five departed from their skyless domain. True to their word, Sagrys and her companions left the Underdark, vowing never to return, carrying the Fallen Star as a symbol of their power and the truce they had forged with the elusive Drow.   With the flames of the Underdark extinguished and the peace forged with the Drow, the Sacred Five pressed forward, their minds now focused on their ultimate goal: reaching Assarak Bloodstone’s domain. The confrontation they had been preparing for years was now less than a month away. Armed with the powerful artifact, the Fallen Star, and emboldened by their triumphs, the party traveled with a renewed sense of purpose.   The journey was relentless, each day bringing them closer to the heart of Bloodstone’s dark territory. The landscape became more twisted and corrupted as they ventured deeper into the lands shaped by Bloodstone’s foul magic. The sky, once a hopeful canvas, grew darker, the air heavy with malevolent energy. Strange, unnatural creatures began to lurk on the edges of their path, watching but never attacking, as if aware of the formidable power the Sacred Five now wielded.   Though the terrain was increasingly treacherous, the party was mentally prepared. Years of battling through unimaginable odds had forged them into a cohesive unit—seasoned, hardened, and ready for their final challenge. Each member knew the stakes: this was not just about defeating a powerful enemy, but about restoring balance to a world shattered by Bloodstone’s corruption.   Tero’s unwavering leadership and combat prowess, Leon’s skillful healing, Solomon’s tactical genius, Isrevel’s unparalleled physical strength, and Sagrys' ever-growing magical power made them a force few could rival. Sagrys, in particular, felt the weight of what was coming. The experience in the Underdark had forced her to confront her fears, and now, she carried the title of "White Wraith" with a solemn pride. She knew the final battle with Bloodstone would demand everything she had—and more.   As they drew closer, the atmosphere itself seemed to darken with the oppressive presence of Bloodstone. But there was no hesitation, no turning back. The Sacred Five were mentally and physically prepared, united in purpose, ready to face their ultimate test. They had come too far, survived too much, and the time to confront the first Shadow Binder had finally arrived. With every step, the shadows of Bloodstone’s domain loomed larger, and with it, their resolve grew even stronger.  
The Star of Darkness
Now armed with the Fallen Star, Sagrys was no longer confined to the realm of magic alone. Her mastery of arcane forces had been matched by her newfound prowess in martial combat. The once peerless sorceress had become a force of duality—both spellcaster and warrior, her strength amplified in ways unimaginable. In her hands, the Fallen Star gleamed like a light of destiny, its weight a symbol to the battles ahead. Her transformation was complete, and she stood ready for the greatest challenge her party would ever face, where both magic and blade would be necessary to conquer the evil that awaited.

Face to Face

  As they neared Bloodstone’s lair, the landscape grew ever more twisted and grotesque. The earth itself seemed sick, oozing with a blackened rot, and the sky above was a swirling mass of dark clouds, blotting out the sun entirely. In the distance, they saw it—Bloodstone’s dark cathedral, a towering, ominous structure that seemed to pierce the sky itself. Its spires were jagged, like the talons of some ancient beast, and the walls, made of black stone, pulsed with dark energy. This was the heart of the darkness that had engulfed the land, and it was here that they would face their final battle.   As they approached the cathedral, the ground trembled beneath their feet, and a deafening roar echoed through the corrupted landscape. Out of the shadows, an army of abominations rose—horrifying creatures born of Bloodstone’s twisted magic. These abominations were once men and beasts, now grotesquely fused into monstrous forms. Their bodies were misshapen, limbs growing at unnatural angles, eyes burning with a cruel, mindless hunger. Some towered above the party, skinless and reeking of decay, while others scuttled on too many legs, armed with claws and tendrils.   Without hesitation, the Sacred Five readied themselves for battle. Tero took the lead, his sword gleaming in the dim light as he called out commands. Solomon, ever the strategist, quickly assessed their surroundings and coordinated the defense, ensuring no member of the party was exposed. Leon’s hands glowed as he prepared healing magic, ready to support his companions as they waded into the fray. Isrevel, with his orcish strength, charged into the mass of creatures, cleaving through them with precision. And Sagrys—her heart steady with the power she had now fully embraced—summoned waves of magical fire and lightning, her spells devastating the ranks of abominations.   The battle was fierce and relentless. The abominations came at them in waves, a seemingly endless onslaught of monstrous foes. For every creature they felled, another took its place, claws and fangs flashing in the dim light, thick, black blood splattering across the battlefield. Tero’s shield was dented from blocking countless blows, Isrevel’s muscles strained with the weight of the creatures he cut down, and Sagrys unleashed spell after spell, the air around her crackling with energy.   Despite the overwhelming numbers, the party fought with unyielding resolve, each of them knowing that this was their final trial before facing Bloodstone. Their coordination was perfect, every movement instinctual after years of fighting side by side. Abominations crumbled beneath their onslaught, but still, the creatures came. For hours they fought, their strength pushed to the brink as the dark cathedral loomed closer, its spires a constant reminder of the evil that awaited them.   Finally, with a last burst of energy from Sagrys, a surge of magical flames incinerated the final wave of abominations. The battlefield was silent except for the crackle of her fire and the heavy breathing of the exhausted party. Bodies of the twisted creatures lay scattered in the darkened earth, their blood seeping into the ground.   As the Sacred Five stood at the cathedral’s gates, they knew that Bloodstone had been watching all along. The dark energy radiating from the cathedral told them as much. The first Shadow Binder was fully aware of their presence—had been for some time—and now, after testing them with his army of horrors, he was prepared for their arrival.   With the gates looming before them, they stepped inside, the temperature dropping immediately as the oppressive energy of the cathedral closed in around them. The interior was just as nightmarish as the exterior—long, dark halls lined with statues of past rulers, their faces twisted in agony, and stained glass windows that depicted scenes of unimaginable terror. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and the silence was suffocating.   At the far end of the cathedral, sitting upon a throne of bone and shadow, was Assarak Bloodstone. His form was describable as evil cloaked in dark robes that seemed to shift and writhe as if alive. His eyes glowed with a malevolent red light. Bloodstone had been waiting for them, fully prepared for this moment. His voice, cold and taunting, echoed through the cathedral.   "Welcome, heroes. I have watched your journey with great interest. And now, you stand before me, thinking yourselves capable of ending my reign. How amusing."   The air around Bloodstone pulsed with dark magic, the shadows in the room growing deeper, swirling around him like a living entity. This was the being responsible for the splitting of the continents, the fall of kingdoms, and the creation of the twisted abominations they had fought. The Shadow Binder had mastered the art of magic in ways no one else had, and now, he would be their final test.   The Sacred Five, battered and exhausted but undeterred, steeled themselves for the fight of their lives. They had come too far, lost too much, and the weight of the world hung on their shoulders. This was the moment they had prepared for—a battle not just to save themselves but to save all that remained of the world.   Bloodstone stood, his skeletal hand raised, dark energy swirling at his fingertips. "Let us see," he said, his voice a chilling whisper, "if you are truly worthy of the legend they say you are."  
The final battle had begun.
Climax to an Odyssey
The journey’s end loomed on the horizon, the final chapter within reach. An adventure of legendary proportions had reached its zenith, where destiny and fate converged. Sagrys and her companions, now the most powerful adventurers the realm had ever known, stood at the pinnacle of strength and unity. They were poised to face the ultimate adversary—the strongest force the world had ever witnessed. The weight of history pressed down upon them, and in this moment, they knew they were not merely part of a tale—they were the legends themselves, ready to confront a darkness that had never known equal.

The Sacred Five of the New Dawn

  The battle erupted with devastating force, the cathedral itself trembling as Assarak Bloodstone unleashed his dark magic. Shadows surged like a tidal wave, twisting and writhing around the Sacred Five, filling the air with a suffocating sense of dread. Dark energy burst and lashed out, tearing through the cathedral and hurling debris in every direction. Bloodstone's malevolent power threatened to drown them all.   Tero led the charge, shield raised, deflecting the first blast, but the sheer force behind it sent him staggering. Solomon, ever the tactician, tried to direct the group, but Bloodstone's magic twisted reality around them, making it impossible to predict the next attack. Leon’s hands glowed with healing light as he rushed between his comrades, casting wards and tending to their wounds, while Isrevel charged headlong into the fray, cutting through the tendrils of shadow that reached for them.   Sagrys hung back, her mind racing as she unleashed a flurry of spells. Fire, lightning, and arcane bolts flew toward Bloodstone, but each attack was absorbed by his dark aura as if the very shadows were consuming her magic. She could feel the weight of the battle pressing down on her, her energy draining faster than she could replenish it. Bloodstone was relentless, his power suffocating.   One by one, her comrades fell. Tero was the first, knocked back with a blast of dark energy that shattered his shield and sent him crashing into the far wall. Leon, while desperately trying to protect the others, was struck by a pulse of shadow that drained the life from him, leaving him collapsed on the ground. Solomon was wrapped in dark tendrils, his sword clattering to the floor as he struggled to break free. Even Isrevel, the strongest among them, was overwhelmed by the force of Bloodstone’s magic, flung across the room with bone-shattering impact.   Sagrys stood alone, her body trembling from exhaustion, her magic nearly spent. Bloodstone’s cold eyes locked onto her, his form looming over her like a shadow of death. “And so,” he hissed, his voice dripping with malice, “the last of the Heroes stands before me.”   Sagrys felt the fear creeping into her chest, but deep inside, something else stirred. Memories of her battle with Revemore flooded her mind—the heat, the flames, the raw power of fire that had once terrified her. But this time, fear would not control her. Sagrys straightened, her hands balling into fists as she felt the familiar sensation of heat swelling within her.   With a deep breath, she embraced the flames.   In an instant, her body was engulfed in fire, flames roaring to life around her, brighter and hotter than ever before. The cathedral glowed with the inferno she summoned, her silhouette blurring as the fire swirled around her. The heat radiating from her was immense, warping the air and melting the stone beneath her feet. Flames licked at her skin but did not burn her—she was the fire, and the fire was her.   Bloodstone sneered, preparing another dark spell, but Sagrys was already moving. With a speed and power she had never known, she rushed toward him, her body cloaked in an inferno. Darkness disintegrated before they could touch her, and tendrils of shadow recoiled from the intense heat. The stone beneath her feet cracked and melted as she advanced, her every step leaving behind a molten path.   The flames around her grew wilder, their intensity uncontainable. She raised her hand, and in it, the Fallen Star appeared—a purple crystal dagger that, in her fiery grip, morphed into a blazing sword. The weapon pulsed with energy, pulsating in tandem with her fire, as though it were feeding off her immense power.   Bloodstone unleashed his full might, dark energy cascading toward Sagrys in waves, but she cut through them with a single, fluid motion, the flames roaring around her as they devoured the shadows. The fire seemed to amplify her movements, each strike of the Fallen Star tearing through his defenses, slicing through the thick aura of darkness that had once seemed impenetrable.   For the first time, Bloodstone faltered. His eyes widened as Sagrys pressed forward, her flames intensifying with every swing. His once-unbreakable shields broke, his dark magic unraveling before her onslaught. With each slash of the Fallen Star, more of his power crumbled, his form flickering as the flames burned away the darkness that clung to him.   Bloodstone, realizing his doom, tried to conjure one final attack—a massive vortex of shadow, swirling with the full weight of his power. But Sagrys, now fully consumed by the fire that coursed through her veins, didn’t flinch. She raised the Fallen Star high, the blade blazing with a brilliance that dwarfed even the vortex.   In one final, decisive strike, she brought the flaming sword down.   The Fallen Star pierced through Bloodstone’s chest, the flames surging through him like a wildfire. His scream echoed through the cathedral, a sound of pure agony as the dark magic was ripped from his body. The shadows that once clung to him burst into flames, consumed by the inferno that Sagrys had become. The cathedral trembled, the walls shifting and collapsing as the force of Bloodstone’s death reverberated through the structure.   Sagrys stood amidst the collapsing cathedral, her body still wrapped in flames, the Fallen Star buried deep in Bloodstone’s chest. His form convulsed one final time before disintegrating into ash, his reign of terror coming to an end in a burst of light and fire.   As the flames around her began to flicker and fade, Sagrys stumbled, her strength finally spent. The fire receded from her body, leaving her breathless but victorious. The weight of the moment crashed down on her, but before she could collapse, she turned to see her comrades stirring.   Tero, Solomon, Leon, and Isrevel were alive, battered but slowly regaining consciousness. Sagrys, exhausted but triumphant, sank to her knees, the Fallen Star still glowing faintly in her hand. The battle was over, and she had defeated the first Shadow Binder.   In the smoldering ruins of Bloodstone’s cathedral, Sagrys stood as the last one standing—flames still dancing faintly around her, a reminder of the immense power she had wielded to save the world.  
The first Shadow Binder lay defeated, felled by the hand of Sagrys Willow, a member of the Sacred Five—a party of heroes to whom the world would be forever indebted. In that moment, Sagrys rose above all who had come before, her name immortalized in the annals of history. No story could ever truly capture the scale of her triumphs, for she had transcended the realm of legend, becoming something greater—an icon whose legacy would echo through eternity.


Sagrys Willow


Towards Sylivan Idril


Sylivan Idril


Towards Sagrys Willow


Sagrys Willow


Towards Blagoney Wystor


Blagoney Wystor


Towards Sagrys Willow


Sagrys Willow


Towards Cybel Qway


Cybel Qway


Towards Sagrys Willow


Sagrys Willow


Towards Saewynn Goderun


Saewynn Goderun


Towards Sagrys Willow


Year of Birth
89739 DE 95973 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mana Amalgamation
The Feywild
Long, White
Celestials of the Feywild
Appears in...
Character Theme


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