Suspicion Ascendancy

The Fallen Angel

Suspicion Ascendancy was supposedly once a mighty angel, known throughout the celestial realms for her strength and grace. She was admired and respected by all who knew her, and her wings were said to be the most beautiful in all the heavens. But one fateful day, Suspicion Ascendancy's wings were brutally ripped from her body, leaving her vulnerable and stripped of her divine power. Without her wings, she was unable to return to the celestial realms, and she was left to wander the mortal plane as a fallen angel.   Suspicion Ascendancy was eventually captured by the Levial Theocracy and detained deep under the sect of The First Dreamer. There, she was apparently kept in a cage, her wings displayed as a research artefact and her divine power siphoned off to fuel the faith of those who worship The Lucid Doctrine Of The First Deities.   The myth and rumours surrounding the legitimacy of Suspicion Ascendancy existence grew so large that The Six Ministers of the Doctrine personally held a public speech to confirm that the angel was just a propaganda ploy by their enemies in the Tussarian Empire to cause unrest and distrust within the Theocracy. Despite this many outside the Theocracy still believe in the stories of the fallen angel and some religions even include Suspicion Ascendancy as a deity.
Divine Classification


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