The Crew

The Crew is a Wanderer Guild party based solely in The Lands of VeCoastal as all members originate from the continent, only one member is not a native to the Tussarian Empire. The team is one of the largest currently still functioning and they all play a role carefully crafted by their highly intelligent leader, Kristine Camilari. The parties ranks range from Steel to Obsidian Wanderer and none of them are slouches, every member is beyond capable of efficiently carrying out their role.   The only time the Crew are seen outside VeCoastal is during specific high class events such as The Wanderers Cup. Throughout the years they have occasionally attended events such as The Annual Carriage Race and The Week of the First Voyage, but their is no way of telling if the party will make their way across the sea every year.
Adventuring Party
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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