The Great Farms

The Great Farm lands surround the city of Narfolk in every direction, in order to get into the main district of Narfolk one must travel through these vast stretches of crops. Amongst the long fields are small villages where the peasants of the fields reside, the main source of income for commoners in the city is to work the fields and therefore the majority of middle class and below do so.   The influence of Narfolk's great farms amongst the rest of the The Isles of Isaiath is extremely large and because of this the crop fields are heavily protected. Over 70% of Narfolk's military force patrols the fields, it is highly unlikely for anyone to pass through to the city without running into guards. Along with the high number of patrol men, both House Adve and House Titus provide House Vanguard with additional personnel to ensure the Great Farms are under maximum security.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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