The Mirror Dvaar Building / Landmark in The Kingdom Era | World Anvil

The Mirror Dvaar

In ancient scrolls there is a mention of a location, an open cave so tall that those who stepped within said they could see space above them, stars, planets and galaxies. Despite the tantalising description of the cave one thing stood out above all others, that which laid in the centre. Upon following the path to the centre of the cave, a great hooded guardian patiently waited. He did nothing but held an enormous mirror upright, though when gazing into the mirror it is said that a psionic signal was sent stating exactly what it was. A dimensional portal, capable of sending entities to other realms, Hell, The Shadowfell and The Feywild, however no one truly knows what The Shadowfell and Feywild are... They have only ever been mentioned in this supposed ancient scroll.   Adventurers have attempted to access the portal but most do not return as travelling through the dangerous waters of The Reelonain Constellation has a very low success rate. Those who do make it back claim access is impossible, a monstrously large castle sits atop the location known as The Serpent Bay Grand Keep, owned by The Alvearius Authority and one can only assume that the portal room is now incorporated into their domain.
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