The Sanctus Republic


The Sanctus Republic is a nation governed by economic power and wealth, where land ownership determines one's authority. There are no elections or democratic processes; the government is exclusively comprised of the affluent. Consequently, the country operates like a vast business, with the wealthy collaborating to make decisions that maximize their income and secure their positions of power.


The culture in the Sanctus Republic starkly contrasts with its neighboring nations. Those in power believe their wealth can buy anything, resulting in the absence of elements deemed essential elsewhere. A homegrown military is a distant consideration; in times of conflict, the Republic hires mercenary groups like the Ten Foxtails to fight on their behalf.   A significant portion of the Republic's civilians work for the wealthy elite, as most businesses, including taverns, markets, and churches, are connected to the upper echelons of society. The affluent ensure the smooth operation of their enterprises, maintaining the country's efficiency. While magic is not outlawed, it is frowned upon when used to expedite tasks like construction, as it takes away jobs from the civilians.   The citizens exhibit neither strong loyalty nor disloyalty towards their government. They live their lives with little concern for the affairs of the rich, as the system has always functioned smoothly under the guidance of the wealthy.


The Sanctus Republic boasts the only open sea ports to the continent of The Lands of VeCoastal, making it the mandatory gateway for all neutral visitors. The Republic's elite have capitalized on this advantage by imposing port taxes and centralizing a variety of restocking options for ships near the ports. Consequently, a large majority of visitors purchase various items from the country.   Additionally, all maritime trade from the landlocked Eyelon Oligarchy must pass through the Republic's ports, establishing a highly profitable business relationship for the Republic.


The Sanctus Republic, like many countries in VeCoastal, was originally ruled by a royal family, House Flemming. Upon the death of his father, Oakly Flemming, known as the Griffin, assumed control of the house and the country during the tumultuous VeCoastal Wars. As the last surviving significant male member of his house, Oakly's survival was crucial. Refusing to let his country be threatened by neighboring forces, he led a fierce Battle for the Mountainside, ultimately vanquishing the opposition led by the renowned knight Ser Edmer Ronk.   However, Prince Oakly sustained severe injuries, leaving him crippled and unable to lead the nation. In his weakened state, those with political influence and substantial funds orchestrated a public takeover, unseating the legendary House Flemming and establishing the current government. The remaining able members of House Flemming offered little resistance, as they retained a powerful seat within the new political structure.
Geopolitical, Republic
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species


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