Mauv Chyadram

Before you could get the barmaid's attention, a rather large lady snatched her away from you and proceeded to put her in a headlock. The lack of a neck snap was a relief to many nearby - though the much smaller Alleran under her was too busy angrily yelling at her to count her blessings. Judging by the bewildered looks around you, you coudl safelt assume the words coming from her mouth were very... creative profanities, or something equally as unpleasant, but whatever she was saying was almost completely drowned out by the other woman's bellowing laugh. Either she couldn't hear her, or she quite simply chose not to, though strangely enough, her hearty chuckle didn't sound malicious or belittling. No, it was more like the amusement of seeing an old friend again. With her other hand, she picked up her empty stein, and slammed it on the counter.  


  Mauv Chyadram (Mauv Ćadram) is a tank class Alleran who currently resides in Pankh. She is a third sphere champion soldier in the Are who spends most of her time training fourth sphere soldiers when she isn't being sent into battles.


Despite her towering, muscular frame, you are guaranteed to hear Mauv before you see her. Many would describe her as intense, and someone with no understanding of the concept of an indoor voice or sense of space. This aside, she is very much feared and respected for her outstanding fighting ability - she deeply enjoys a good fight, whether friend or foe, and will always fight as if her life is on the line and expects her enemy to do the same. She'll do what she can within her power to be able to witness another person's full strength, whether it's to rile them up, or put them in a situation where they have no choice. She actually has a keen eye when it comes to her opponent's intentions, which has made her an incredible asset to the Are. However this can be offset quite a bit by her lack of self preservation - demonstrated by her knack for tanking excessive blows with her body, and getting herself severely injured as a result.   Mauv does mean well, and actually does have some endearing traits. For example, she has a habit of calling anyone she likes "vona" (a warmer version of von, meaning sister). And I do mean anyone - whether Aylaran or any other species. She is loved by her team of tanks due to her unrelenting loyality and selflessness, as well as her spurts of comical moments in social situations outside of her job. She's also very amenable to displays of affection.   When people don't see her fighting or causing fights, she'll be at one of the many khikhroh around the main military base. Being such a large Alleran, she holds her alcohol extremely well, though caution is advised when going near her afterwards due to the explosivity of her gas.  


Mauv has always live in or around Pankh all her life. When she was growing up, she lived in a small village nearby 6 younger siblings; Kemhu, Hibanvi, Ceca, Saash, Vorva and Nahd. All of them were born from 3 Allerans, and were raised by them and the rest of the village as one massive family unit. All of Mauv's parents initially went into the military as Tanks, however two of them left after 4th sphere to pursue a career in the infrastructure industry after the third passed away. While they worked long hours outside, Mauv would be taking care of the responsibilities at home. Everyone would eventually reconvene at dinner time, and this was usually the only time the family could be seen together.  


  • She has a total of 62 scars on her body from battles, the most notable ones are the Y shaped scar on her chest, the small scar on her face, and the claw-shaped ones on her torso


Mauv Chyadram

Rival/Friend/Workmate (Important)

Towards Allegra Stersson



Allegra Stersson

Rival/Friend/Workmate (Important)

Towards Mauv Chyadram




Allegra knew of Mauv for a while since her mother would do additional training with both of them back when she was in the tank class. they didn't really become friends at this point, though this was primarily because Allegra didn't want to.   After Lideah died and Allegra moved to the fighter class, she saw Mauv as an enemy and actually harboured a lot of anger towards her. She felt hurt by her mother, and it felt as if she gave Mauv a lot of that attention she would have expected after her mum passed away. Despite not airing that grievance out, Mauv had already worked it out which was revealed during a battle they had V's blessing. Mauv subsequently won the fight, but it didn't really change their relationship until Allegra left.   Over 20 years later, Allegra comes back to Allera and has since dropped the animosity she had with Mauv, allowing the two of them to become good friends. Allegra still wants that rematch though, and Mauv is always happy to oblige.

Mauv Ćadram
maʊdi (shortened version of maʊdok. Basically calling her Thicc)
gobɜ (literally 'Wall Jr')
Date of Birth
Bachyud 16
7ft 3