Xelthia Al'Patricia

Lady (Lord / Lady ) Xelthia Tarla Al'Patricia

"We knew of Lord Ignacio’s reputation and decided it was worth taking a leap of faith. We had nothing to lose and we didn’t know what to expect. We assumed he’d ask for something in return for his hospitality, and whatever he asked would have been a welcome change from the confines of the Polymath College if it meant being far away from the constant scrutiny; to no longer be treated like objects for study."
— Xelthia Al'Patricia, interviewed by Doroma Al'Faunza
  Lady Xelthia Al'Patricia is most famously known as one of Ignacio Al'Ganz's Twin Consorts, standing alongside Ezria Ul'Patricia as a public figure often compared to one of the most revered and respected Demons in Demon-kind's history, Patricia.


Xelthia was born to a sunrise and a moderately wealthy family in Quillbrand during an alignment of the Matron's Hand. She was infused with Astral magic the moment her mother went into labor. Like Ezria, who was born minutes earlier to a different mother in the Dominion of Doubt, Xelthia's horns had formed too early due to the miraculous infusion. Her mother passed due to the injuries she sustained during childbirth. Despite the tragic circumstances of her birth, her grieving father honored her mother's dying wishes and dedicated his life to raising Xelthia as his only child. Xelthia's father inherited the family business of creating luxury sea vessels for wealthy nobles. Sadly, the absence of her mother meant that her father took on extra responsibilities, and was frequently absent throughout Xelthia's childhood. Xelthia kept to herself and cherished the small moments she had with her father.

Love of the Sea

Xelthia was fascinated by the open sea at a young age and dreamed of becoming a sailor. She expressed herself through her artistic endeavors, painting ships as they'd sail to and from Quillbrand's harbor. During her adolescent years, she sold immaculate paintings on the streets of Quillbrand to cover the debts her father was gathering to support the family business. Eventually, she expanded her skills to dancing, and when she delved into the performative applications of Magic, specifically through the schools of enchantment, illusion, and transmutation to enhance her routines, she uncovered her effortless ability to weave spells and incantations; Astral Magic ran through her veins.

Tragedy and Loss

She ecstatically told her father, who took on his last debt to help his only daughter apply for the Polymath College, to which she was swiftly accepted. To pay for his last debt, he became the navigator for a daring crew seeking fame and fortune, funded by a wealthy investor. During Xelthia's first month studying at the College, she received a letter informing her that the ship and its crew had sailed into the The Devil's Prism and disappeared, presumed lost beneath the sea. The devastating loss of her only family sent her into a deep grief that lasted years.

The Polymath College

Her later years within the College were marked by rigorous tests and miraculous discoveries regarding her magical prowess. She became the subject of much scrutiny and hypotheses with little regard to her personage, and comparisons to the great Patricia were endless. Thus, she earned the last name of 'Al'Patricia'. The expectations placed upon her shoulders further compounded her melancholy until she discovered Ezria, who found herself in similar circumstances in the College. Like Xelthia, she too possessed the gift of Astral magic, and they found solace in each other's company. A close friendship blossomed into love, and they became inseparable.

A New Life

Soon after Xelthia and Ezria reached adulthood, a famous benefactor introduced himself to the Polymath College. The Lord of Ecstasy of the Dominion of Indulgence, Ignacio Al'Ganz, spoke with the two and heard of their plight. With an exchange of great monetary wealth and favors to the College, he whisked them away to a life of luxury and plenty within the Maroon Palace, granting them the methods and means to explore and develop themselves on their own terms away from the sterile gaze of the College diaspora.   Ignacio became Ezria's and Xelthia's guardian, and they became his wards of which he is fiercely protective of. Eventually, his charisma and protective nature drew their admiration, and eventually love bloomed between the three. Ezria and Xelthia became his renowned paramours, more commonly known today as his 'Twin Consorts'.


Today, Xelthia still resides with Ezria and Ignacio, along with a host of other close friends within the Maroon Palace. She and Ezria are very well protected behind its many walls, wards, and spells. Xelthia tends to be the quietest and most reserved of the two Consorts, preferring to spend her time in the Maroon Palace's luxurious and beautiful gardens, painting Tuli Ul'Verda, the gardens' groundskeeper, as a nude life model among the gardens' immaculate flowers. She is also occasionally seen in Ambrosia's Silkyards, sailing House Al'Ganz's private yacht out into the Father's Ocean with a small entourage of Ignacio's privately owned warships to protect her. Sometimes, she will venture into the city with Ezria on shopping trips with an escort of nearly a dozen Rosewarden guards. The most recognizable of her personal escorts is her and Ezria's good friend, Keema Aul'Tuma.

Personality & Hobbies

Xelthia has been described by her friends as a cheerful ray of sunshine, preferring to see the good in even the most flawed people, and her kind-heartedness is said to be infectious. Some might mistake this as soft-hearted naivete, and though this is true to some degree, Xelthia knows better than to trust just anyone. She is slow to anger and prefers to avoid confrontation whenever possible. However, she has been known to snap under stress and will defend those she loves by any means possible. Stories say she once bent the will of a would-be High Chalice spy sent to assassinate Ezria to such a degree that he bled from every orifice as he marched right back out of the palace to throngs of Rosewarden guards.

Young at Heart

Much like a younger sister, she is prone to bouts of immaturity and mischief, and can become easily excitable at things she deems 'pretty', 'cute', and 'adorable'. This extends especially to animals, and much to Ignacio's chagrin, Xelthia has gathered her own small menagerie of pets, including her most favored animal companion, 'Ember', a large female cinder-mane cat whom she spoils and trains constantly.

A Chatterbox and a Matchmaker

Xelthia will occasionally be found braiding the hair of her personal guards, Keema Aul'Tuma and Akkal Aul'Kainus. While Keema openly admits to enjoying these moments, Akkal never shows strong emotions about the process, though when asked about Xelthia, Akkal once mentioned that her endless chatter tests even his legendary patience. Having learned long ago to let her ramble for hours, over many long years he came to enjoy her attention, even when she cheerfully teases him. Upon discovering Keema's attraction towards Akkal during one such braiding session, Xelthia has since attempted to play matchmaker between the two mountain-folk to varying degrees of success.

Easily Distracted

Much to the frustration of her tutor for the arcane arts, Eda Ul'Naireem, Xelthia is easily bored by subjects that disinterest her and can become easily distracted. Unless studying something she is passionate about, she isn't one to enjoy reading books and does prefer learning through practice rather than theory. As such, she tends to be much less of a bookworm than her lover, Ezria.

Creative Mind

Xelthia has a penchant for the creative and dabbles in many such hobbies, be it singing, dancing, painting, or sculpting. She is renowned for her beautiful singing voice, which has been compared to a siren's song. With her illusory magic, she will often alter her songs during performances at ballroom parties to make one voice a chorus. Her dance routines have even been said to hypnotize and enthrall, using grand displays of arcane flourish to excite and amaze.   Xelthia's paintings are one of the few creative endeavors she prefers not to produce using magic, though she has been known to enchant her landscape paintings to give them lifelike qualities, such as falling leaves and snow, rolling waves, and fluttering birds. It is for this reason that her work is among the most sought-after art across the Dominion of Indulgence and frequently sells for more gold than any common folk would see in their family's lifetime.   Sculpting is another one of her pastimes, favoring nude figures as her subjects of choice, frozen in immaculate marble. The quality of her work has been displayed in some of the most renowned museums across Ragnarok, and she has been commissioned by many powerful houses for statues of famous nobles.  
In recent years, Ezria's and Xelthia's skills in magic have excelled. Some would-be rivals to the Lord of Ecstasy himself see this as a long-term power play by Ignacio. Who would dare challenge the most powerful house of the Dominion when its patriarch is the lover of two of its most powerful sorceresses?

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Consort, Twin Consort, Paramour, Lady, Lady of Ecstasy
Date of Birth
15th Aurus
Year of Birth
432 NC. 120 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in Quillbrand at the same time as Ezria Ul'Patricia, during an alignment of the Matron's Hand.
Golden Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 feet, 6 inches
180 lb.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Trade-tongue, Demonic
  • Lovers/Partners: Ignacio Al'Ganz (Guardian), Ezria Ul'Patricia
  • Closest Friends: Eda Ul'Naireem (Mentor), Akkal Aul'Kainus (Bodyguard), Keema Aul'Tuma (Bodyguard), Tuli Ul'Verda (Mentor), Vathran Al'Kazma
  • Friends: Moira Rubyeye (Personal Jeweler), Ignis Ul'Ashbane (Previous Mentor), Sha'an Majeer (Mentor)
  • Acquaintances: Trixxi, Rizzik Ulskin
"You know my dear Akkal, I should get you some oils for your hair. Now now, you can sigh and grunt later! I know you do not much care for it, and I understand you must look intimidating as my protector, but as my good and dear friend, I need you to look dashing for me, and for you. So tonight, we will get your hair clean, brushed, oiled and braided. I can already imagine how stunning you would look! Even Keema might fall for you!"
— Xelthia, Maroon Palace's private quarters


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