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Session 20: picking up the pieces Report

General Summary

The horror of the Steigs Pie Contest was over. Qira had recovered from her flu and all the party members were gearing up for further adventure. They spent time with Kisset Alwin, owner of the Steigs Apothecary, discussing healing potions and headbands, specifically the black be-gemmed headband of darkness taken from a wight in the Everwood (Session 13: Argus Found! Report). Kisset thought only a very powerful mage, and a decidedly wicked one at that, could recharge such a magic item. Perhaps such a mage could be found in Greyhawk city, Dyvers, Rel Astra.

While bugying healing potions from the grandmotherly Kisset, she must have dropped something in the backroom as there was a loud crash and she swore an oath using Evard (of Black Tentacles fame), the infamous wizard of Thornward. Could she know this magic-user? The party also spent several days in the common room of The Rest and there they were able to catch up on the goss. The Big Feat adventurers had departed some days after the pie contest for points south. There was also a fantasitical story of a women, Vestra, with a magical helm and orc minions whose eyes glowed purple. Vestra’s lair was to the south of Steigs, or some said it was east in Bandalar. Marcus also confirmed that Kisset was in Thornward years ago when Evard was rising to power.   The evil book, the Libre Mortis, still lay buried in its lead sheath, but the attack of the Bladded Horror and the Husks indeed weighed upon the party (Session 19: the Killer instinct Report). They decided to pay Zeke Snowmelt a visit to see what the strange elven seer might advise. On the way they walked with Garret DuBois, former commander of Ironwall Keep, on his way to the Knights of the Watch. Garrent spoke of some history of Bissel and Gran March, the troubles with Ket and Iuz, the monsters of the Crystalmists. Upon parting, Garret mentioned the Knights of the Dispatch and suggest the party consider their options.   Zeke was his typical inscrutable self, but on one point he was clear. It was he who told strangers two days past about the party’s location in Steigs. One of the strangers was tall, hooded and cloaked and spoke not and Zeke never did see him. The other three were two humans, one tall and long-necked, the other short with an eyebrow scar, and a half-orc of no certain description. Zeke seemed to not understand the danger his actions had caused, but perhaps he didn’t care. He did promise to Mi'tsuru'gi that if he contacted Solonor he would tell the master where his apprentence resides.   The next day, the 12th of Readying, the heroes discussed their paths. Should they simply continue on to Thornward, a journey delayed by a month or two, and go their separate ways? The idea of great reward for invetigating the necromancers of the Vale of the Mage was beguiling enough to have them futher delay northward travel. But instead of heading down Thwar way, they made their path to the flan caverns (Session 6: transported! Report) where they previously discovered a portal to Durgeddin’s halls. Perhaps another portal in the dwarf hold would take them to rumoured dwarven enclaves near the Vale. After defeating newly resident goblins, a warg, and cavefisher in the Flan caverns they once more stood in front of the portal and stepped through.

Rewards Granted

1 x cave fisher: 700 xp
5 x goblins: 500 xp
1 x worg: 100 xp
  Interacting w/ NPCs and figuring things out: 1100 xp
  600 XP per PC

Zeke Snowmelt, Olve seer

The March of Bissel Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
29 Dec 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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