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Session 10: the road home Report

General Summary

Our two remaining heroes, Brimble Knackles and Mi'tsuru'gi stood on the cliff facing the three day walk back to Steigs Stand. They headed down the mountain under a rising sun and after a few hours came to some tricky cliffs and rockfalls that required delicate negotiation. Upon a wide ledge they met Herm Twoforms emerging from a cave. The slightly crazed human berated them, first the elf for his lack of respect, then the gnome for his lack of understanding. After a bit of talking, Herm seemed to calm a bit and relayed stories of orcs (more of late), a young black dragon (taking the night sky of late, especially when the moons Luna and Celene are high), and a goddamn disrespectful dwarf named Okkar, who has been scouring the Barriers for some lost dwarfhold or other ridiculous dream.   Despite being offered a mouldy rabbit leg from Herm's satchel, the adventurers continued on their way.   Near the end of the day they happened upon a camp of four humans. Whastle Fletcher was the leader, supported by three men-at-arms. Whastle was on a nature trip, painting scenes and collecting botanical specimens and was absolutley delighted to have company. Although his company was not delighted to have him. Whastle was very keen to know why a gnome and an elf were wandering the Barriers, but all he could get from Mitsu was that mistakes wher made. Whastle had been in Steigs a few days past and, putting gossip together, realised that the adventurers were the party that had left poor Jedda of the Knight's watch with a eviscerated chest and under a pile of rocks. He warned Brim and Mitsu that the Knights of the Watch were looking to question them about the apparent murder of Jedda. A bit more banter revealed that Whastle is the son of a rich Thornward merchant and that his cousin, Stroth Anelace, is a powerful advisor to the Margrave.   Despite being offered quite delectable comestibles from Whastle's hamper, the adventures declined his hospitality and made their way. At this point Whastle was visibly quite perturbed at being rebuffed and he looked much like a burned bridge.   The second day's travel was uneventful, except for the slightly warmer late winter climate as they descended from the Barriers. Brimble's parlays with forest creatures confirmed orcs and a dragon, but no drake in the lower elevations. By midday on their third of travel our heroes came upon the road south of Steigs and turned left, northward, to their home of late. Within an hour, Randis Rockwell and the Watch came upon them in the road. Randis, recognizing Brimble and Mitsu, ordered them to return to Keep Maintenance with the Knights and answer to charges of deriliction and the death of Jedda.   Brimble was happy to comply and offered a taste of the spirited defence he planned to visit upon the commander, Splendid Unicorn Ywain Artos.

Rewards Granted

100 xp per PC for being good sports.

Herm Twoforms, crazy hermit

The March of Bissel Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Report Date
13 Jul 2022
Primary Location
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