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Session 30: Brigands a Poppin'!

General Summary

The chimera charged from its cave-lair. Brynnwythlinmardcaladog , next to the cave entrance, took the initial brunt of the beast's wrath, but then it flew to the centre of the temple platform. The heroes ran to the fight, loosed their arrows and tested their metal (mettle). The three-headed abomination blast its firey breath on Mi'tsuru'gi and Finn , knocking Finn into unconciousness. Then Brimble Knackles drew upon his gnome illusionist power and casting Phantasmal Force, wrapped the chimera in an illusionary giant tentacle, pinning it to the stone floor. Unable to move and only lashing out at those near it, the heroes were able to destroy the monstrosity. Afterward Brimble's healing abilities were enough to bring Finn back from the darkness.   The cavern beyond the Inner Sanctum stank of the beast but an ajoining cave held the creature's treasure, huge piles of coins that the heroes stuffed into all pockets, bags, and packs they had. Scooping the treasure into the pockets of her cloak, Rivine uncovered a leather satchel and inside was a set of papers detailing caravan movements in the northern Sheldomar, manifests, timings, and other important information. Many of the papers had a name known to the heroes, Lorcan Harpkiss, a traveller they had met weeks before in Steigs Stand playig a game of cards with Oakar Ironeyes and Daktarin Stren (RIP).   Loaded with treasure the heroes searched the Inner Sanctum and Brimble quickly found a trap door behind the altar. Pulling it back from the floor revealed stairs leading down into the darkness. The heroes descended.   At the bottom they encountered a small antechamber with a table, chairs and half-empty bottle of wine. A single door led from this room. Brimble's Mage Hand could not open it as the door had swelled from the wet air of the fens. No matter, for Brynn wrenched the door open, and was met by the enemy host.   The brigands were ready as this large chamber was set for ambush. Swordsmen, archers and spearmen immediately attacked and our heroes joined the battle. A battlemaster and mage were at the far end of the hall and hurled spells at the heores. The heroes did the same, trading fireballs, illusions, and other arcane magics while Mitsu fired arrows into the room, with Brynn and Rivine breaching the door. Brimble's magic laid many of the enemy low, encouraging the mage to escape. Brigand reinforcements came through one of the halls doors, while the battlemaster regained his nerve and attacked the heroes.   With the sword play of Rivine, the one-two attack of Brynn and Finn, Mitsu's arrows and Brimbles magic no more brigands soon drew breath. Our heroes retreated to the antechamber, Brimble cast Leomund's Tiny Hut, and the companions pondered the whereabouts of the mage.

Rewards Granted

1 x chimera: 2300 xp
23 x guards: 575 xp
3 x scouts: 300 xp
1 x veteran: 700 xp

Exploration & Interaction:
Finding Lorcan Harpkiss papers: 125 xp
  800 xp per PC

The heroes confronting their foes in The Hall of Brigands

by Patricia Pillay
Report Date
16 Jun 2023
Primary Location


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