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Session 45: On the Road Again

General Summary

It was our heroes' last day in Truelight and they were breakfasting in the common room of the Bell and Bellows; no longer a welcome place after the landlord, Nathan Squidmer, sold-out the party and brought an assassin to their ranks (see Session 44: Friends & Enemies). And on this morning, the Watchers, militant and fundamentalist followers of Pelor came to the "Bell". Cleric Huzool claimed he knew the party carried with them the Libre Mortis. Accusations and recriminations followed wth Rivine finally convincing Huzool they knew naught of  the book. The cleric, exasperated, looked as though he desired to be rid of the whole affair and he and his men left without resolution. Somewhat troubling, it is unclear how the Watchers knew the book was in our heroes possession.   With the tension abated, Mi'tsuru'gi questioned Squidmer further about his treachery. The frightened landlord truly did not know of the assassin, only the name of his contact, Whastle. Mitsu dug deeper and as Squidmer described Whastle, the elf realized that he was actually sketching an image of Steno Harpkis, an adventurer rescued from the Lizard King dungeons (see Session 36: to battle!). With many questions unaswered, the party split up and moved through the city to gather information. Brimble Knackles visited the temple of Pelor to try and pilfer any clerical personal items to aid in his scrying. He was unsuccessful, indeed chased from the temple for attempted theivery, but before this an acolyte befriended the gnome and told him of rumours that fiends had infiltrated some clergy of northern Bissel. Rivine and Brynnwythlinmardcaladog canvassed the market and learned that the sage, Star Townsend, the man they had sought before the assassination attempt, had been missing for three weeks. And the underground connections Mitsu tapped told him Steno Harpkis, aka Lorcan, was a part-time caravan lead along the Ward Way, not averse to the occaisonal grift.   By midday the party left Truelight behind (as per the Watchers' orders) and travelled an hour or so west to their rendevous with Erebos the werebear (Session 44: Friends & Enemies). They left the main road and set up camp near a waterfall described by the lycanthrope. There was no sign of Erebos, however, and after a day and a half the party continued west (not before a nighttime encounter with a Shambling Mound and two Preshistoric Honey Badgers!). The road was uninspiring with more war refugees and others escaping turmoil and heading west. There were occaisonal groups of Watchers as well, but soon the party passed into the Barony of Dount. On the seond night, still 4-5 hours from Thawr, they accepted the hospitality of a roadside farmstead. Farmer Shonrath had warm rabbit stew and soft hay in the barn for the travellers, although Brimble chose to sleep alone in his hut.   Later that night after the party lay in the hayloft, Rivine noticed Shonrath in the yard, meticulously unstacking a strange cairn of rocks. When questioned, Shonrath seemed a different person. Eventually, the farmer uncovered a stone slab and with the party's help the slab was lifted to reveal a chamber and passageways beneath. Excited, Shonrath spoke of his ancestor Bristanam, a great paladin, buried beneath the ground, and he lowered himslef into the earth. Reluctantly, the party followed, but well behind the farmer. They passed through a chamber of ancient armour and weapons, some with the Keoland crest of centuries past, and into an antechamber of sorts, the sole item within, an intricately carved box displaying interlaced trees and vines, animals, dragons, and landscapes. Shonrath opened the box to reveal a bejeweled metal urn and when he touched this a ghostly warrior emerged from the wall, replete with ornate black armor and sword. Rivine acted quickly and hurled her javelin of lighting at the apparition and her aim was most true, striking the ghost directly in the helm and in a flash of lightning it was gone.   Shonrath believed the urn held the remains of the man (now ghost) who betrayed his ancestor and that the true tomb lay in the adjoining chamber. Indeed a wooden coffin there held mouldering remains along with thousands of coins and gems. Still Shonrath looked troubled. He muttered an old clerical spell and found a hidden niche from which strode a rigtheous figure, paladin of Pelor clad in gleaming white armour, grasping a magnificent sword, inlayed with silver and looking newly forged. Shonrath stepped a pace back, his face lifted in awe. The ancient paladin swung his sword in graceful arc, and separated Shonrath's head from his body.

Rewards Granted

2 x Prehistoric Honey Badger: 2200
1 x Shambling Mound: 1800
Learning of Steno/Lorcan Harpkiss: 1000
  Total XP per PC: 1000

A Ghost in Bristanam's Tomb

Report Date
15 Jan 2024


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