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Session 47: Finlay's Sermon. Rivine's Resolve.

General Summary

Rivine had a dream in the night. A voice from her past urged her to face the wicked, the cruel, and vanquish them; to charge forward and bring the fight to evil's door; rise up and prove yourself!   However, investigating the old sewer system the next day led them no closer to confronting evil (save for evils of poor sanitation). The maps and records of Ruby Sunbeam, Guildmistress for the Thawr Sewer and Streetcleaners, showed no connections between the exposed ancient sewers ( see Session 46: Demonic Knight, Otyugh, "The Guy"!) and those of the city, and Brimble Knackles's Arcane Eye revealed naught. Nor did the Temple of Pelor acolytes enlighten the gnome about the map found in the sewers. Finally, the cellar of the Twisted Maze gave up no secrets.   The companions also met Finlay, young, somewhat dashing, totally insufferable Cleric of St. Cuthbert. Finlay was an item of gossip in Thawr. He had attracted a group of young followers who would hang on his every word of Cuthbertine stridency. In the Twisted Maze Inn Finlay gave an improptu (perhaps) sermon entreating all to confront the growing evil of Iuz, to take the battle to Old One's lands, to prove yourselves worthy defenders of right, and law, and good. This firey sermon resonated wtih Rivine and she spoke with cleric. Despite his brashness and self-righteous demeanor, Finlay spoke of real possibilities for defeating the coming cloak of Iuzian evil. He spoke of an artefact that could be used against the Old One and this artefact was rumoured to be secreted in caverns high in the The Barrier Peaks, past a gnome vale. Finlay charged Rivine and her companions to find this artefact and take the fight directly to Iuz!   The companions thought on this, for at the moment they were at a crossroads: travel weeks to the Vale of the Mage in hopes of adventure and riches; travel north chasing after Baron Theoder's son (Session 43: Escape from Shaeje), or something else? On the morrow the party wandered Thawr, buying supplies (hot accounting action!), tasting local delicacies (crumble cake!), and following up on Finlay's sermon. Yes, he spoke the truth; east of the free city of Dountham there lies the keep of Theodocius the Forger, called Durgan's Folly. From the keep one can enter the mountains on their way to Gnome Vale, the domain of Laird Gwaylar, and then to the Tsocanth Caverns, if they be found. And therein lies Zagig's Prison, a tool that may trap the Old One.   With thoughts of these new challenges in their minds, the companions set off south to Dountham, meeting fellow travelers, a caravan or two, and Dount road patrols. As the light began to fade, Brimble's owl spied firelight off the road and the companions quietly approached a smallholding with a destroyed house and two hill giants, and several orcs, lounging and eating after apparently killing the family. Taking the fight to evil, the heroes attacked orc and giantkind. Under cloak of Brimble's invisibility Mi'tsuru'gi fired the first arrows, while Rivine and Brynnwythlinmardcaladog snuck forward. The giants quit their squabbling and, roaring, spun on the party, while several orcs and their orog leader also joined. The battle was short as the monsters inexplicably misssed thier marks, fumbled their attacks, and lost their footing. Perhaps luck abandoned them. Perhaps they were slowed by recent feasting on their kills. Perhaps it was Brimble polymorphing into a Giant Gorilla.   The battle over, it was a bit too far to reach the village of Dalys Twin, so the heroes made camp in the woods off the road.

Rewards Granted

Hill Giants x 2: 3600
Orog x 1: 450
Orc x 5: 500
  Following Thawr leads: 500   Total per PC: 1010

Fallen Enemies

Report Date
28 Jan 2024
Primary Location


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