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Session 57: Where Rat?

General Summary

Several day's travel in the Barrier Peaks can be trying, even in low summer.   As they made their way on the wide and well-traveled trail, the heroes spoke of their plans for the book (see Session 54: Interview with a Fiend, part deux). It was decided to seek the counsel of Laird Gwaylar and the gnomes before venturing to the caverns and attempt the book's destruction.   The mountains were the abode of many creatures as the heroes encountered bears, dragons (of some kind) in flight, and a goblin host moving down from the trails. And a minor issue arose with Rivine succumbing to the curse of lycanthropy under the full face of Luna. The half-elf had been cursed by the wererats of Dountham (see Session 48: Free city of Dountham!) and changed into a wererat while on watch. She ran from camp and was lost for hours as she succumbed to the wererat's hunger. The party found her the next day through the sharp eyes of Brimble Knackles's owl, and his crystal ball. All were relieved, but a little wary of the barbarian now.   A few night's later other fell beasts intruded upon much needed rest. While on guard, Jolee Bindo heard a beguiling flute, strange sounds for a mountain trail. He quickly awoke Rivine and the rest of the party, who all heard the music, now coming from two players, but the party resisted the song's charaming effects. As they moved out into the pocket canyon, four wolves lept from the rocks to attack, joined by the flautists, a pair of human-wolf creatures. A fight of fangs and claws burst upon the nighttime quiet with the wolfweres, dressed in smart clothing, directing their wolf bretheren. In the end, it took a fireball from flying Brimble to destroy the strange creatures, catching Rivine in the blast as well. Rest did come then for all, and healing.   The presumed last day of travel towards Gnome Valley saw Brimble attempt to scry upon Gwaylar, but without success. The afternoon's travel was interrupted by the appearance of a tribe of mountain men who suprised the party. The men owed allegiance to the gnome Laird and cautioned the party for the gnomes had indeed shut their borders and only for the most important of entreaties could any hope to gain entrance. The mountain man leader also spoke of evil minions in the mountains hunting for the lost caverns as well.   By day's end the party had reached the entrance to Gnome Valley, an entrance guarded by some 50 or more gnomes, archers, polearm masters and swordsmen, an impressive sight, despite their stature. Brimble and Rivine spoke with a leader of the guard and pleaded their case to see the Laird, speaking of a plan to enter the caverns and destroy a great evil. A runner was sent and after a while he returned. The audience had been granted. That seemed too easy.

Rewards Granted

2 x Greater Wolfwere: 5800
8 x wolf: 400   Social
Mountain men: 400
Entering the valley: 700
Rivine rescue: 400
  Total xp per PC: 2000 (rounded up)

Battling Wolfweres in the Barrier Peaks

by Patricia Pillay
Report Date
21 Jul 2024
Primary Location


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