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A History of the March of Bissel

A timeline of Bissel History focused on the PCs and their adventures.

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    The Small War
    Military: War

    The Small War between Keoland and Furyondy-Veluna saw Keoland's defeat and ended intensive Keoish influence in the Littlemarch. Some relics of the war still exist, including a series of hastilly built towers (see Session 24: Damsel in distress! Report) from Thornward Province to the Barony of Nightwatch.

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    Evard's Insurrection
    Political event

    Eight necromancers, possibly in league with the wizard Evard, attempt a coup within Thornward, but are thwarted. The necromancers escape and are rumoured to have found refuge in the Vale of the Mage, while Evard's whereabouts are unknown.

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    Ket Invads the Littlemarch of Bissel
    Military: War

    While the forces of Iuz pressed the attack on Furyondy and her allies to the south, Beygraf Zoltan's forces poured through the Bramblewood gap to wage war on Bissel and her people. Taken by suprise, Bissel's famous four border companies and the Knights of the Watch were dispatched and scattered. Many of Bissel's keeps and watchtowers in the west were destroyed and now her lands are a vassal state of Ket.

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    The Thornward Division
    Political event

    After political turmoil at home, Ket withdraws from Bissel and negotiates a peace with the Littlemarch, Veluna, and Gran March. Thorward becomes a divided city, jointly administered by the four polities.

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    Heroes Joined

    Traveling north to Thornward, four adventurers, Brimble Knackles, Falkas, Daktarin Stren, and Mi'tsuru'gi join up in the village of Steigs Stand. Friends would perish (Falkas and Daktarin), and others join (Brynnwythlinmardcaladog , Rivine , Finn). Did the companions know what greatness they would achieve?

    Steigs Stand