Hu in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil


AKA The Neutral Observer1

Perception (Appearance)

Hu exists as a colossal, ever-watchful entity, Hu's form blending seamlessly with the cosmic miasma. Hu eminates an aura of impartiality and omnecience. Hu's eyes seem to reflect the endless expanse of the cosmos.


Hu resides in the space between realms, observing unfolding events in the multiverse without direct interference. Hu represents the neutrality that allows for the ebb and flow of cosmic forces. Hu represents balance and a steady state, yet Hu's presence allows for the emergence of free will and the unpredictability that accompanies it.

Role in Creation

Hu, in Hu's neutrality, neither imposed strict order nor chaos upon the miasma. Instead, observing Tee's ordered creation and Pa's chaotic influence,Hu ensured a delicate balance stabilized between the two.
Hu created the ballet in the night sky between Liorba, Gren'grendy, and Krinard.


Hu is one of the three Eldritch Entities. All eldrich entities primarily manipulate only one segment of the spectrum of Primal Miasma. Hu is known for manipulation of Arcane Miasma.

1. From Commedia Dell'divini vol. VI, Blickle the Elder
"...and when i dreamt we met eyes, well what I thought were eyes, I knew everything Hu knew and Hu knew everything I have ever known, including long forgotten minutae."
— Startex Moonglyder


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