She'Ammut Settlement in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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The First of the Three Cities, She'Ammut is what people think of when they think of Theligose. From the sandstone statues towering over the people below in the market squares, to the beautiful and well-tended civic gardens, the public-facing side of the city is nothing but opulence and beauty.   In the cracks between, however, you will find the less presentable side - Slums, squalor, and petty crime.


The vast majority of the city's population are Lowborn - Those not born into a noble family, and born into the service of a noble house.   She'Ammut houses representatives of most of the noble lines of Theligose, and is the home city for many of them, most notably House Qureshi.   As a large city, She'Ammut is mostly inhabited by humans, but also contains a higher concentration of Infra'Sha than other parts of Theligose due to the area's history with the Hells.


The city is encircled by walls, with gatehouses along its length. Each gatehouse has a portcullis that can be shut to bar entry. These fortifications, however impressive, are the least of the city's defences.   The walls of the College of Binders are inscribed with countless runes of warding and protection - So much so that, in times of need, the building itself can act as a locus for a powerful spell of protection, creating a dome-shaped shield around the city that can withstand significant assault.   The colossal statues of jackal-headed men that line the city streets are not just for decoration. If the city comes under siege, each can be animated, unsheathing the great stone Khopesh on their backs and marching into battle.

Industry & Trade

She'Ammut is home to artisans of all stripes, but most vitally gold and silversmiths. Most jewellery adorning the hands of Lords and Ladies will have originated from the city, especially enchanted Spellbands.


She'Ammut is characterised by towering structures and bustling markets. The city's skyline is dominated by the College of Binders, a colossal obsidian building incorporating three towers that can be seen for miles away from the city.


Housing an impressive array of flowers and lush greenery, the city's glass gardens range from intimate spaces tucked away between residences of the nobility to expansive parks where paths wind between elegant trees, all housed under ceilings of crystal-clear glass.     These glass domes serve to protect the plants within, sheltering them from the chill winds that blow down from the mountains in colder months.  They also seem to offer some respite from the scorching desert sun; the gardens have a temperate climate and are pleasantly warm year-round.  Whether this effect is magical or achieved by mundane means is unclear, although Apprentices from the Order of Binders can often be seen in the various gardens tending to the plants.     Popular among travellers and locals alike, the gardens provide a relaxing space to meet with friends and wander among the plants or share a picnic, an activity that is common during some of the Lunar Festivals.  The beautiful scenery and abundance of secluded, tucked-away spaces also makes them a favourite of young couples.

Natural Resources

Large deposits of gold and silver in the nearby mountains.
Alternative Name(s)
The Silent City, The Black City
Large city
Approximately 15,000
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank


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