
Divine Domains

The Unknown, The Unknowable, and the Never Should be Known, Element Darkness, Lord of The Infinite

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Shadowed antlers and countless knives


The Stillness (15th Frostfall) - The last day before winter which for many people is harsh and cruel. The work of the year is over so families relax and spend time together, as in the more dangerous places, some of them might not live to see spring

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Other than the continued existence of the world, his purposes and goals are as unknowable as what is under his hood   He died in the war against the Deep.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His history is unknown other than the fact that the Skel people have always had legends of the unknown that often took confusing roles in their tales. Sometimes helping other times hurting, but always unsettling. Some say it was just cautionary tales that kept the younger ones from getting too confident too early. After the Soulburst, whether he was fact or fiction beforehand Fyr came into full godhood
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization


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